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Tap Titans – 6.1.1 Patch Notes | Exciting New Features Revealed!

Tap Titans – 6.1.1 Patch Notes | Exciting New Features Revealed!


AUGUST 11, 2023
Hey everyone, lemmingllama here. Version 6.1.1 will be releasing this upcoming Tuesday the 15th. Additionally, we’ll be announcing all the changes for the next Master Tier season of raiding, with the changes going live on Friday the 18th and the new Master Tier season starting Sunday the 20th. Read all about it below! Afterwards, we’ll be discussing some changes to the upcoming Season 2 for Transcendence.



Fixed a bug where setting Xander as your active pet could cause Silent March to fail Fixed visual bug where users would display incorrect damage values on the Clan Raid leaderboards Fixed visual bug where Pet Level help would display to users who have not yet unlocked pets Fixed visual bug where the Event Path could extend past the Event panel on Android devices Fixed an issue where Blade Stream wouldn’t be available until stage 6000 Fixed minor localization issues Fixed minor visual issues



Raid Card Balance Changes
  • Acid Drench: +1% Affliction Damage
  • Chain of Vengeance: +1% Burst Damage
  • Decaying Strike:  Maximum Damage reached at 30% Titan HP rather than 25% Titan HP
  • Decaying Strike: Base Damage increased to ensure that maximum damage will be the same as before
  • Fusion Bomb: +2% Affliction Damage
  • Grim Shadow: +2% Affliction Damage
  • Inspiring Force: +1% Body Damage
Card Level Cap increased to level 80 Master Tier HP Scaling Reduced from MT-70 and above Reworked Fast Completion bonuses for Master Tier raids
Cycles Number of Raid Bypassed
1 15
2 12
3 7
4 5
5 3
6 2
7+ 1
Season 5 Card Boosts
  • Flak Shot: +20 levels
  • Purifying Blast: +10 levels
  • Whip of Lightning: +10 levels


Transcendence seasons have been something that we’ve received a lot of feedback from the community about, and we’ve been hard at work on improvements for the next Transcendence season based on that feedback. Our goals are to help smooth out progression to ensure that players are constantly able to progress throughout the Transcendence season, improve the discovery and leveling of monuments, and otherwise help streamline the Transcendence experience. We have had a lot of success and are making quick progress towards completing these changes, and thus will be shortening the duration of Season 1. Transcendence Season 2 should be starting now in early October, rather than the previously set time of November, and the in-game timer has been changed to help reflect this. We’ll be able to start posting more details about these upcoming changes in future DevUpdates as we finalize the changes. Until then, we hope to hear more feedback about Transcendence to help make it as enjoyable an experience as possible!

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