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Tap Titans 2 – 4 February 2022 Patch Notes | Powerful New Fairies!

Tap Titans 2 – 4 February 2022 Patch Notes | Powerful New Fairies!


FEBRUARY 4, 2022
Hey everyone, lemmingllama here. I hope you’ve been enjoying the 5.13 update and the reset tokens to help experiment with your skill tree. With the 5.14 update, we’ll be looking to refocus on reworking and improving core systems of the main game and raiding. Today we’ll talk about some reworks to the fairy system and how fairies spawn, as well as some new types of fairies you’ve never seen before.
To start with, we have gotten a lot of feedback from the community that Diamond fairies may not be appearing as often as they’d like. We are changing fairy spawn priority to ensure that players at higher max stages will receive their most desired fairies more often than before. Blacksmith.png In addition to the fairy spawn changes, we will also be adding new video fairy types into the game! Starting off, we have the Blacksmith fairy, a special fairy for newer players to help gear up and gather strong equipment to progress through the game. When you see a Blacksmith fairy, you will be offered a new piece of Rare equipment that is a guaranteed upgrade to your equipment. Blacksmith fairies will have a daily limit to how many can appear, and will show up when you are near or above your max stage to help you gain extra pushing power. To note, the Blacksmith fairy is intended for newer players and Blacksmith fairies will not be found for players with a high max stage. BoostedGold.pngDamage.png We are adding two other new video fairy types: the Gold Spree fairy and the Damage Spree fairy. The Gold Spree fairy will replace the current Cost Reduction fairy, and will offer an All Gold bonus for five minutes. Similarly, the Damage Spree fairy will offer an All Damage bonus for five minutes. Both of these fairies will have a cooldown of five minutes when activated, so you won’t be able to activate multiples of the fairies at the same time. AllSpells.pngDiamonds.pngGoldDrop.pngMana.png Lastly, we’ll be changing the remaining video fairies images so they have all new art. Let us know what you think!

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