- Removed Christmas stuff
- Added fortifications to Grad commander part
- Enabled texture streaming amortization options by default to improve performance. Will significantly reduce stutters on some (older) computers
- Reverted backparry change from previous patch fixing the attacks going through parry in cases where enemies were 90 degrees to the side from the player
- Fixed attacks going through parry on active parry and chambers where enemies were 90 degrees to the side from the player (same as above, but was in place since release)
- Improved stab windup animations to see transition to release easier (does not show up for self)
- Third person Feint animations are now slightly more snappy/responsive
- Global feint lockout increased 25ms, this will make feint punishing easier
- Parry recovery increased 25ms
- Chambering will now disarm like a parry when on low stamina, meaning you can no longer chamber at 1 stamina without being disarmed
- Disabled team hitstop for strikes (Experimental)
- Morph to kick 15ms faster
- Added jump kicks
- Throwables and ranged equipment can now kick
- Throwables can now be used on ladders
- Shield wall now has a longer raising/lowering delay to prevent abuse in duels
- Players can now riposte out of the shield wall at any time, even without blocking
- Shield wall stab riposte animation now comes from the same side, making it a bit harder to read
- Shield wall shields now have 1 less stamina negation, but 25ms more parry window (50ms more total compared to regular parry)
- Shield model now acts as blocking collider during ripostes, buffing their ability to 1vX
- Shield wall turncap more lax
- Shield wall movement speed increased to 66% (from 50%)
- Couch no longer disarms
- Removed previous CombatTest changes, CombatTest now has experimental movement on it. Added SKM variant.
Weapons & Equipment
- Executioner sword turncaps nerfed. Now more strict
- Zweihander main mode stab windup slowed down 25ms
- Bastard Sword 1H strike release reduced 25ms
- Greatsword main mode stab release reduced 25ms
- Bardiche main mode now 15cm longer
- Maul stamina drain on strike increased by 1
- Estoc main mode stab combo 50ms faster
- Poleaxe all windups 25ms faster
- Shortspear stab windup 25ms faster
- Shortspear miss recoveries reduced to 400ms
- Shortspear throw now 250ms faster
- Increased blunt slowdown on hit slightly (Tier 1 12.5 -> 15%, Tier 2 25% -> 30%)
- Increased Recurve Bow damage against Tier 2 and Tier 3 chest (4HTK instead of 5HTK)
- Improved Bow 1p firing animations, making it more snappy/satisfying to shoot
- Adjusted longbow sway slightly
- Buffed Crossbow and Longbow projectile speed very slightly
- Throwing knifes now throw faster
- Throwing knife can now be equipped slightly faster
- Throwing Axe can now be thrown twice in a row faster
- Throwing Axe proj speed slightly faster
- Tier 2 Chest now has the same speed as Tier 1 Chest, making it a straight upgrade
- Slowed down shield throws and reduced their damage
- Deliverable despawn time from 20s to 30s
- Throwable two handed rock now throws faster
- Throwable shields now get thrown with LMB if nothing is in the right hand.
- Fixed pavise planting not working on LMB anymore
- Toolbox structures now build faster across the board
- Fixed a bug where invasion actually counted 'tickets' for deaths and could cause loss if a team died more than 1000 times
- Fixed the case where ladders would be climbed while holding because someone got onto it
- Tightened collision on footsoldier wagon and king wagon
- Fixed wonky skinning on splinted arms
- Improved fall damage camera shake
- Console key can now be bound in options
- Feitoria gate can’t interrupt open but can interrupt closing
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