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MORDHAU – #12 Patch Notes | Combat tweaks

MORDHAU – #12 Patch Notes | Combat tweaks
  • Fixed invasion spawn values being different from Frontline: Player spawn 5->15, Ballista 30->180, Cata 30->180, Horse 30->120
  • Added destroyable trees to taiga that act as bridges and environment traps
  • Adjusted spawns on camp to favor first objective for attackers a bit
  • Added another burnable house to the camp on taiga to make defending a bit easier
  • Updated plugin (Linux server crash fix)
  • Fix for mod downloads being skipped
  • Potential fix for auth ticket error
  • Fix for failing community server reward drops
  • Miss combos no longer have lunge
  • Ripostes can now chamber, their chamber window is the entirety of the windup (chamber restrictions/sides still apply)
  • Riposte clashes will now overpower regular strikes
  • Flesh wound now sets stamina to 0 when it triggers
  • Flesh wound point cost reduced to 2
  • Blocking horse rider couch/joust no longer ragdolls
  • Adjusted regular strike release curve - now looks better and more readable
  • Riposte strikes now have their own release curve, which is linear - this fixes the stutter in the early release transition periods and makes them more readable
Visuals & Misc
  • Fixed a spawn protection box that poked through the ceiling on INV_Grad
  • TeamFlinch is now a server variable (same place as teamdamage is set, TeamDamageFlinch = 1 to enable) which will cause team hits to flinch teammates. Disabled by default.
  • Riposte stabs no longer angle (always straight), they also no longer let you choose the side of the stab, the side chosen is inherent in the parry side, which forces stabs to use the more readable (flip-around) animation, fixing cases of "jpeg stabs"
  • Strike->stab morphs will now force the stab to use the same angle as the strike, making the action more natural looking and less snappy
  • Attack turn compensation is now enabled in all directions (previously depended on angle, e.g. horizontals had no up-down compensation, and overheads had no left-right compensation). - this will make certain cases more readable and no longer instant hit

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