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Fifa Mobile 20 – Korean Celebration Event is now LIVE !

Fifa Mobile 20 – Korean Celebration Event is now LIVE !

Event Type: The Goal Event Duration: October 15th to October 22nd Event Energy Type: Celebration Energy (Refreshes 1 energy every 1 hour) Event Player Auction Status: Auctionable on release Greetings Footballers Around The World! Korean Celebration launches this week in FIFA Mobile! In this event, you will play through various matches and skill games as you chase players with Korean ties. The basic flow of the event is as follows:

  1. Use Celebration Energy to play Matches and Skill Games.
  2. Earn Goal Points upon completing these Matches and Skill Games.
  3. Use Goal Points to open the Goal Pack
  4. Claim the Goal Pack 4 times for a Bonus Reward

You can pick between Normal and Hard skill games and matches. The rewards for each type of game are listed below: koreamatches.jpg The match details are as follows: koreamatches.jpg Rewards: Upon earning Goal Points, you open a Goal Pack. The Goal Pack has 20 rewards, which can only be claimed once each. The rewards are: korearewards.jpg The list of players for this event are: koreaplayers.jpg

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