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Fifa Mobile 20 – Division Rivals Leaderboards Update

Based on your feedback, we are happy to announce that we have made changes on the Division Rivals that will better reward players based on their wins and losses while also guaranteeing more rewards for our users than ever before! Division Rivals Leaderboards Instead of Weekly Points, Division Rivals leaderboards will now be based on the number of Fans for VS Attack and on Cups for Head to Head. Win more matches to work your way up your divisional leaderboard to earn better rewards. Fans & Cups Resets With these changes, Fan & Cup resets remain unchanged. In FIFA Champion & FIFA Masters, you will still reset to the beginning of those divisions. All other divisions from Amateur to Legendary will not be impacted by any form of resetting. Top 250 Leaderboards This global leaderboard in Head to Head and VS Attack will now reward top players with logos to acknowledge their accomplishment in achieving their placement as the top 250 in the world. Weekly Milestones In the Division Rivals leaderboards, there is a source of frustration for players when they continuously move up and down the ladder without any guarantee that their efforts would be properly rewarded. To address this and guarantee a specific amount of rewards in Division Rivals, we are introducing Weekly Milestones.
  • Win games to gain Weekly Points which are used to determine your Milestone progress. Once a Milestone is completed it becomes claimable and the next Milestone is unlocked.
  • Each new Division category will unlock new Milestones. Keep climbing divisions to gain access to new rewards.
  • Also, the higher the Division, the more Weekly Points you get so you have an easier time advancing through the early milestones.
  • VS Attack and Head to Head have their own milestones progression so you can play whichever game mode you want.
  • Milestones reset weekly at the same time as the Division Rivals leaderboards, so make sure you claim them all before they expire.

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