Commanders! Let's start this month with a massive bang: a new special is joining your World of Tanks activities, and this one is all about dealing damage! Let's welcome Wreckfest, an event made for your favourite heavy-hitters and fast-firing tanks. From 7 May at 07:00 CEST to 11 May at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2), jump into battle with the most devastating of your vehicles and receive great rewards to wreak havoc around you.
Crucial Contribution
Wrecker #1
Rewards3 Personal Reserves: +50% XP for 1 hour
3 Personal Reserves: +200% Free XP for 1 hour
Earn 3 tokens from the "Crucial Contribution" mission above
- Once per account
Wrecker #2
Rewards3 Large Repair Kits
3 Large First Aid Kits
3 Automatic Fire Extinguishers
Earn 6 tokens from the "Crucial Contribution" mission above
- Once per account
Wrecker #3
Rewards8 Barracks Slots
3 Personal Reserves: +100% XP for 1 hour
3 Personal Reserves: +200% Crew XP for 1 hour
- 10,000
Earn 9 tokens from the "Crucial Contribution" mission above
- Once per account
- Play a battle with the tank on which you want to see the XP credited
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