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Mobile Legends – Magic Chess V.93.1 Patch Notes

Mobile Legends – Magic Chess V.93.1 Patch Notes
1. Connie, the Star Catcher, will be available on October 30th (Server Time). Diamond 499. Battle Point 24,000. Launch week 30% OFF. Connie's Skin [Tender Fluff] will be available on October 30th (Server Time). Diamond 269. Launch week 30% OFF. 2. Magic Chess Pass will be updated on October 30th. Purchase to get New Starlight Skin [Scavenger Eggie] and new Chessboard [Jungle Ruins].


(Newly Added)Gains a random amount of gold at the end of each round.


(↓)Magic Damage Increase of 3/6 Mages: 45%/130% → 40%/125%

[Western Desert]

(↓)Dodge increase of 2/4/6 Western Desert: 5%/10%/20% → 4%/8%/16%


(↓)Critical Chance of 3/6 Marksmen: 20%/40% → 20%/35%


(↓)Damage Increase: 40% → 30%


(↑)HP restoration of 3/6 Wrestlers: 150/300 →150/420


(↑):True Damage of 3/6 Assassins: 50/150 → 50/165


(Newly Added):Eruditio/Wrestler. Costs 1 gold. Skill: Chou casts a roundhouse kick to knock back the enemy hero, and then chases and attacks it.


(Newly Added):Elf/Elementalist. Costs 4 golds. Skill: Estes becomes the Saint King of Moonlight and restores HP for nearby allied units.


(Newly Added):Eruditio/Guardian. Costs 2 golds. Skill: Diggie provides a shield that offers control immunity for himself and nearby allied units.


(Newly Added):Western Desert/Elementalist. Costs 3 golds. Skill: Lunox enhances her chaos energy and releases Chaos Assault continuously to deal damage.


Temporarily removed.


(↓)Base HP reduced by 300


(↑)HP Restoration: 300/500/800 → 400/650/1000


(↑)Skill Damage per Second: 100/200/400 → 125/250/500
Fate Box: Optimized its model and animation.

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