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Mobile Legends – 1.5.38 Patch Notes


Hero Adjustments

[Clint] (↑) Clint's performance didn't meet our expectations, because it took too long for him to exert his strength and his probability of death was relatively higher than those of similar Marksmen. Therefore, we've made adjustments to his survivability and combat ability in the early and mid game. Skill 1(↑): Base Damage: 200-400 → 250-450 Mana Cost: 80-105 → 60-85 Skill 2(↑): Cooldown: 12-9.5s → 10-8s Cooldown Reduction for hitting enemies: 50% → 40% [Benedetta] (~) We observed that Benedetta's performance varied a lot from player to player and that her power was unexpectedly strong in the early and mid game. Thus, we've made optimization to her. Skill 1(~): Cast Time reduced. Base Damage of Shadow: 300-500 → 200-400 Base Damage of Slashes, 180-300 → 100-220 Skill 2(↑): Benedetta will gain Sword Intent once she blocks damage successfully. Passive(↓) Damage of Enhanced Basic Attack: 100 + Total Physical Attack*220% → 50+ Total Physical Attack* 200% Damage to Creeps and Minions: 30% → 40% [Barats] (↓) After the previous patch, obviously, Barats can sustain highly stacked Passive much longer. However, his overall abilities were somewhat beyond our expectations. So, we've weakened some of his Attributes. Attribute(↓): Base HP: 2709 → 2559 HP Growth: 249 → 229 Ultimate(↓): Cooldown: 42-30s → 50-40s [Lunox] (↓) Recently, Lunox's performance has exceeded our expectations in Ranked Mode and tournaments, with high damage output even as a Roamer. We've made adjustments to further connect her damage output with farming and enable her to jungle more efficiently. Skill 1 (Chaos) (↓): Base Damage: 240-340 → 200-300 Magic Power Bonus: 120% → 130% Damage Bonus: 2%-4.5% → 1.5%-3.5% of the enemy's HP, which now also takes effect when hitting creeps. Ultimate (Chaos) (↓): Cooldown: 18-14s → 25-15s [Jawhead] Jawhead has high burst damage and a strong ability to take damage in the early game. Hence, we've adjusted the ratio of his Shield to weaken his ability to take damage. Skill 2(↓): Base Shield: 600-1000 → 350-800 Total Physical Attack Bonus: 100% → 140% [Alice] (↓) Alice appeared to become overpowering as players master the mechanics of this hero, so we've made some adjustments to the base values of her Ultimate Ultimate(↓) Base Damage: 140-180 → 120-160 HP Regen: 70-80 → 60-80 Mana Cost: 50-100 → 50-90 [Ling] (↓) Skill 1(↓): Energy Cost: 35-25 → 35 [Estes] (↑) Skill 1(↑): New Effect: Movement Speed increases by 15% when linking with an ally. Fixed the issue of the Skill Indicator of enhanced Skill 1. [Hilda] (↓) Passive(↓): Shield gained when entering the bush: 20% → 15% of Max HP [Harith] (↓) Skill 2(↓): Base Shield: 150-350 → 150-300 Total Magic Power Bonus: 150% → 120% [Selena] (↓) Skill 1 (Abyssal) : Base Damage of the next Basic Attack's Extra Damage: 300-400 - 200-350 Total Magic Power Bonus: 110% → 130% [Pharsa] (↓) Ultimate(): Cooldown: 28-22s → 36-28s

Weekly Free Heroes and New Skins

1. Benedetta's Skin "Street Blow" will be available as the January Starlight Skin on January 1st. 2. Valir's Epic Skin "Demonlord" will be available in Epic Showcase on January 5th. 3. Magic Chess New Little Commander and Skin on December 15th Commander Bersi will be available on December 15th (Server Time). Diamond 499. Battle Point 24,000. Launch week 30% OFF. Bersi's Skin "Nether Bersi" will be available on December 15th (Server Time). Diamond 269. Launch week 30% OFF. Commander Bersi and skin "Nether Bersi" will be in a bundle and available on December 15th (Server Time). Launch week 30% OFF. 4. Fragment Shop Adjustments on December 16th (Server Time) a. Rare Skin Fragment Shop Will be available: 1. "The Insentient" - Aldous 2. "Rock and Roll" - Clint 3. "Black Pearl" - Karina 4. "Dragon Hunter" - Freya 5. "Bunny Babe" - Layla 6. "Dark Draconic" - Argus Will be unavailable: 1. "Iceland Golem" - Grock 2. "Kaminari" - Kaja 3. "Bio Frontier" - Kimmy 4. "Deep Sea Rescuer" - Cyclops 5. "Viscount" - Alucard 6. "Pale Flame" - Valir b. Hero Fragment Shop Will be available: Chou, Fanny, Guinevere, Benedetta, Valir, Vale Will be unavailable: Rafaela, Franco, Yi Sun-shin, X.Borg, Claude, Esmeralda 5. Server Time 12/11/2020 05:01:00 to 12/18/2020 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the main page to check.) 8 Free Heroes: Vexana; Jawhead; Zhask; Irithel; Claude; Martis; Minsitthar; Cecilion 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Yu Zhong; Gatotkaca; Kagura; Estes; Kadita; Bane

Battlefield Adjustments

1. We've optimized the item icons of "Divine Glaive", "Arcane Boots", and "Rose Gold Meteor", according to player feedback. More item icons will be optimized in the future. 2. We have always received player feedback on the insufficient defense of Turrets. Many said that they were easily killed even within the range of Allied Turrets. Based on a large amount of data and suggestions, we decided to offer better defense to heroes by the energy shield. This can both protect heroes without advantages in the early game and give room for enemies to do turret dives. We will pay close attention to the effect of these adjustments and consider possible updates accordingly. Outer Turret New Effect: When the energy shield is active, damage taken by nearby allied heroes decreases by 10%. 3. Minions Initial Movement Speed of Middle Lane Minions decreased by 6%. 4. Fiend Spawn Time: 30s → 25s Physical and Magic Defense Growth per minute: → 2 5. Serpent (Big) Spawn Time: 30s → 25s Physical Defense Growth per minute: → 2 6. We have adjusted the spawn time of Turtle, so as to give more advantages to Junglers and heroes in the Exp Lane and Middle Lane when taking on the Turtle. In addition, the max number of Turtles was increased. As a result, we've enhanced the defense of Turtles, in order to limit the neutral resources gained by the team with an advantage and their ability to kill the Turtle. Turtle Spawn Time: 180s → 120s Maximum Turtles in each game: 4 Physical and Magic Defense: 37 – 80 7. Optimized the display of HP Bar sections, for easier damage calculations. Each section of the HP Bars represents 1,000 HP for heroes and creeps and 2,000 for Turtle and Lord. 8. Optimized the Battle Spell effects of Javhead "Samurai Mech".

System Adjustments

1. Ranked Mode a. Added a new matchmaking mode in the early stage of the season, which depends on the highest rank a player has ever achieved. b. This can be used together with the current matchmaking mode. The host of a lobby can decide to use it or not. c. This mode is available only when all players in the lobby had once reached Mythic and are currently at Epic or above. d. This mode will be gradually available after the update. 2. Classic Mode Optimized the matchmaking algorithm to increase the accuracy of matchmaking in Classic Mode. 3. Changed the tag on Epic Showcase-exclusive Skins to "COLLECTOR".

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