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Mobile Legends – 1.4.30 Patch Notes | Alucard New Skin – Lightborn

Mobile Legends – 1.4.30 Patch Notes | Alucard New Skin – Lightborn

New Hero and Revamped Heroes

1. [Wanwan] - [Agile Tiger] will be available on November 26 (Server Time). Diamond 599, BP 32000, Launch Week 30% Diamonds OFF. Free access to hero becomes unavailable when she is out in the Official Server. [Wanwan] New Skin [Darting Star] will be available at 00:00, on November 26 (Server Time). Diamond 269, Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. [Wanwan] and her new Skin - [Darting Star] will be in a bundle and available at 00:00, on November 26 (Server Time). Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. 2. [Tigreal] New Skin - [Lightborn - Defender]. Diamond 1089. Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. Available from 00:00, November 22nd (Server Time). [Tigreal] and his new Skin - [Lightborn - Defender] will be in a bundle. Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. Available from 00:00, November 22nd (Server Time). 3. [Alucard] New Skin - [Lightborn - Striker]. Diamond 1089. Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. Available from 00:00, November 22nd (Server Time). [Alucard] and his new Skin - [Lightborn - Defender] will be in a bundle. Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. Available from 00:00, November 22nd (Server Time). 4. Free Heroes: Server Time 2019/11/15 05:01:00 to 2019/11/22 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the home screen to check.) 8 Free Heroes: Alice; Alpha; Moskov; Estes; Hylos; Uranus; Martis; Faramis 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Johnson, Kimmy; Selena; Aldous; Kadita; Granger Server Time 2019/11/22 05:01:00 to 2019/11/29 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the home screen to check.) 8 Free Heroes: Lolita; Diggie; Hayabusa; Hilda; Bruno; Harith; Hanzo; Guinevere 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Yi Sun-shin; Karrie; Chou; Martis; Bane; Lunox

Hero Adjustments

We've optimized the skill animation of these following heroes: Ruby and Yi Sun-shin. [Carmilla] Physical Defense increased by 7 at all levels. HP Growth of each level increased by 30 at all levels. The skill name changed from "Crimson Flower" to "Sanguine Bats", Basic Damage adjusted from 75-200 to 100-200. Magic Bonus increased from 55% to 75%. Bloodbath: Adjusted the boosted Movement Speed to 60% (would decay rapidly in 3.5s). Optimized the skill description. Curse of Blood: Magic Bonus increased from 120% to 160%. Adjusted the reduced Movement Speed to 60% (would decay rapidly in 5s). Optimized the skill description. Vampire Pact: Physical & Magic Defense stole each time adjusted from 3-6 to 5-10. [Silvanna] Cometic Spear: Increased the width of the area of effect. Imperial Justice: Removed the charging stage, and now she could leap toward the target area and expell some enemies from the Circle of Light. [Belerick] Flower of Life: Belerick would have a certain chance to attack the enemy when a certain points of damage is inflicted upon him. Greatly increased the skill damage. Wrath of Thorns: Belerick releases vines in a designated direction, dealing Magic Damage to enemies on the paths and taunting them. To minions, extra damage will be dealt. Nature's Strike: Now Belerick will not lose HP when casts this skill.

Battlefield Adjustments

We've adjusted the attributes of the Creeps and the jungling rewards, so that the Jungling Heroes could have better game experience, and other heroes could have more choices during laning stage. Now the best strategy of choosing Creep buff varies with the Hero Selection.
1. Added: Little Crab When the match lasts 45s, Little Crabs will be refreshed in the position where the side lane Crabs are located. After killing, players can get a BUFF that gain a little more Gold. The refresh time of the Little Crab is 15s. After 90 seconds of the game, Little Crab will become the original Crab, and the attributes and Bonus are consistent with the current.
2. Added: Observation Turtle When the match lasts 35s, Observation Turtle will be refreshed in the bush near the river in each half of the middle area. After killing, there will get Gold and EXP Bonus, and get the same Regen Buff as other Creeps. The refresh time of Observation Turtle is 120s.
3. Core Guard
A. Basic HP decreased. Basic ATK and Magic Defense increased. The initial refresh time decreased from 33s to 30s.
B. Adjusted the Buff: Slow enemies down and deal extra True Damage when dealing damage to enemies. The effect cools down for a period of time.
C. When Tank/Assassin/Fighter Heroes get this Buff, they will inflict stronger Slowing Effect to enemies but deals less extra damage. When Mage/Marksman/Support Heroes get this Buff, they will deal more damage but inflict weaker Slowing Effect.
4. Statued Shocker
A. Basic HP and HP Growth decreased. Basic ATK and Physical Defense increased. The initial refresh time decreased from 33s to 30s.
B. Adjusted the Buff: Reduced the Cooldown, Mana/Energy Cost of all skills. After killing the unit, restores HP based on the unit type.
5. Statued Chaser
The initial refresh time decreased from 33s to 30s.
6. Gargoyle
Increased Basic HP and HP Growth. Decreased Basic ATK and ATK Growth.
7. Crimson Lizard
Lowered the Basic Attributes. When its HP is lower than 50%, it will increase the defense.
8. Crammer
Lowered the Basic Attributes. After death, a small Crammer will be for med for a period of time.
9. Adjusted the shape of the bush near the river in each half of the middle lane. Slightly decreased the length of the bush where Statued Chaser respawned.
10. Turtle
Now if the players who carried the Turtle Buff have less than 30% HP, they will get a shield that can absorb massive damage (scales with the hero level) in a short period of time. When the shield is generated, the Turtle Buff will disappear immediately.
[Equipment Items]
We've also adjusted some Jungling Equipment Items.
A. The unique Passive of Tier 1 Jungling Equipment - Greed: EXP from killing Creeps decreased from 20% to 15%.
B. The unique Passive of Tier 2/3 Jungling Equipment - Greed: EXP from killing Creeps decreased from 30% to 25%.
C. The damage dealt by Tier 3 Jungling Equipment at level 3 increased from 30% to 40%.
CHESS-TD 2.0: Dragon Arrival Dear player, we feel your enthusiasm about CHESS-TD. In this update, we've optimized the gameplay and system. Hope you will like the changes.
1. Synergy:
A. Changed the name from the Synergy of Mortal to the Synergy of the Eruditio. Heroes included: X.Borg, Layla, and Diggie.
B. Changed the name from the Synergy of Oracle to the Synergy of the Northern Vale. Heroes included: Franco and Aurora.
C. Changed the name from the Synergy of Western Desert to the Synergy of Dragons Altar. Adjusted the effect of this Synergy: Blessing. Each time heroes cast skills, ATK will be increased by percentage. Stacks up to 10.
D. Slightly decreased the damage of the Synergy of 6 Mages from 2.5x of ATK to 2.2x of ATK.
E. Slightly decreased the damage of the Synergy of 4 Tanks from 0.05 of Max HP Bonus to 0.04 of Max HP Bonus.
F. Slightly increased the damage of the Synergy of 4 Elves from 100% to 120%.
G. Slightly increased the damage of the Synergy of 6 Fighters from 65% to 70%.
2. Heroes:
A. Added New Heroes:
X.Borg from the Eruditio. A 1-cost Fighter.
Diggie from the Eruditio. A 2-cost Support.
Elf hero Belerick. A 3-cost Tank.
Chang'e from Dragons Altar. A 3-cost Mage.
Zilong from Dragons Altar. A 2-cost Fighter/Assassin.
Cyan Finch from Dragons Altar. A 4-cost Assassin.
Agile Tiger from Dragons Altar. A 3-cost Marksman.
Franco from Northern Vale. A 2-cost Tank.
Aurora from Northern Vale. A 3-cost Mage.
B. Hero Adjustment: Hayabusa: Reduced the cost from 4 to 3.
C. Removed the following heroes: Ruby, Gusion, Selena, Kaja, Kadita, Roger, and Minotaur .
3. System:
A. Added exclusive Interface.
B. Added new features including Division System and Post-game Screen.
C. Added new content in the Gallery of CHESS-TD. Attack Synergy and Hero details and tips.
D. Added new custom page for players to choose the Commanders.
E. Optimized the display of Interest and sale info.
F. Optimized the operation to upgrade heroes in the battlefield; Now tap the "Upgrade" button to increase the Hero Capacity and corresponding Gold will be deducted directly.
G. Optimzied the display of the 3-star heroes' HP bar in the battlefield.
H. Optimized the tutotrial.
I. Added Leaderboard of CHESS-TD Mode.
Imperial Sanctuary: Optimized the Turrets and Base in this map. Optimized the special effect of the map and the display of the Creeps.

New Events & Features

1. Added a way to cancel the cast, which can be selected through the Settings. 2. Arcade Mode will be displayed in a different way. Stay tuned.

System Adjustments

1. You can claim all rewards by one tap in Daily Task now. 2. Added Watch History in Live Stream. Go to Live Stream - Following ad check. 3. Adjusted the real-time performance of Trending Poitns in Live Stream.

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