This leveling guide is to help you level from 110 to 120 as quickly as possible, for people who want to level quickly on their first character. You are going to see the items that you need and you can click on items to see all the details on wowhead. Many of the items listed on this guide may seem a bit extreme, and may not be recommended for alts because of their sheer value(heirlooms or etc.).This guide also considers you have no previous leveling experience on the Battle for Azeroth beta. Long story short, this leveling guide is for casual players.
First and foremost, the experience required to level from 20 to 120 has been reduced considerably in 8.1. While the Battle for Azeroth range is being reduced by only a very small amount, the experience required for previous expansions is going down by 10-40% for each level, which will dramatically increase the speed of leveling through older content.
This is a condensed version of the full table.
Classic: -5% to -40% per level
Burning Crusade/Wrath of the Lich King: -26% to -40% per level
Cataclysm/Mists of Pandaria: -25% per level
Warlords of Draenor: -25% per level
Legion: -25% per level
Battle for Azeroth: -0.03% to -0.05% per level
Class Leveling Guides
Interested in the best specs, talents, and legendaries for leveling? Check out the wowhead class leveling guides:Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter |
Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest |
Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior |
Recommended Zone Order
This list is based by personal preference and experience from leveling on Beta. Those are highly subjective and if a zone appeals better to you, by all means, follow whatever order suits you best!-
The most efficient zone order for Alliance is Drustvar > Tiragarde Sound > Stormsong Valley.
The most efficient zone order for Horde is Vol'dun > Zuldazar > Nazmir.
BFA Leveling Tips
General leveling tips to aid you on leveling faster, or make your 120 life that much easier.-
Don't vendor green or better gear! Even if you're not an enchanter, you're able to scrap BFA gear for reagents and, more importantly,
Expulsom. Expulsom is the Battle for Azeroth version of the
Blood of Sargeras, used in many 120 crafts. For more information on how to activate the scrapper and use it, check our Scrapper Guide!
Quest to the end of every zone! The final storyline quest for each zone offers a piece of 280 Azerite gear that will aid on your leveling and give your gear a nice item level bump, regardless of what level you're at when you complete the quest. Non-Azerite pieces of gear will only reach that item level around level 119.
Skip dungeons! With the experience changes to dungeons that came with Patch 8.0, it isn't that worth spamming them anymore. If you want, you can do dungeons while you have a quest for them (which happens at the very end of each zone), but those only grant a few extra experience and gold.
Enable War Mode! War Mode is a new PvP setting introduced on the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch, that flags you for PvP. In exchange, you will receive 10% (or more, if your faction is outnumbered) more experience from monster kills and quests. Unless you start the War Campaign, you won't leave your faction's continent, so you are not very likely to find yourself in PvP situations, at least on the first couple of days. For more information about War Mode, check our War Mode Overview!
... But disable War Mode for the War Campaign! It is recommended to save the War Campaign steps until you're level 119, so you can do all 3 footholds in a single run. War Mode means you will be flagged to PvP right on the heart of the enemy territory, which usually means you might waste some time on PvP situations. You can turn War Mode off at any rest area, but only turn it back on in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. For more information on the War Campaign steps, check our Alliance and Horde War Campaign Guides!
Do Legion and Faction Assaults! Even after level 110, Legion Assaults still give you a considerable chunk of experience for very little work. Completing Faction Assaults grants you
Taste of Victory for 1 hour, another source of extra experience. You can check when Legion Assaults will be available on our Legion Tracker (US / EU), or check when Faction Assaults are available at the "Today in WoW" section of Wowhead's front page.
Useful Items and Consumables
Things that you can carry with you while leveling in Battle for Azeroth. Some of those can be extreme to farm efficiently, but the benefit is certainly there.Heirlooms
With Patch 8.1.5, most heirloom items can now be upgraded to scale to level 120.-
Battle-Hardened Heirloom Scabbard - Upgrade a heirloom weapon to scale to Level 120. Costs 7,500 or can be purchased for some holiday currencies such as
Timewarped Badge. Because it is unlikely you have upgraded heirloom weapons to 110 due to Artifact Weapons in Legion, you will have to make sure to purchase the 110 upgrade as well.
Battle-Hardened Heirloom Armor Casing - Upgrade a heirloom armor, trinket, shield or off-hand to scale to Level 120. Costs 5,000 or purchased for some holiday currencies. Unfortunately, while Heirloom Helm, Shoulders, and Chest give the increased experience, they are significantly weaker in player strength than the Azerite Armor available for those slots.
Experience Increases
Draught of Ten Lands/
Draught of Ten Lands Increases all stats by 20 and increases experience gained by 10% for 1 hour. Really cheap, if you're willing to part with some Warfront Service Medals.
Insightful Rubellite: New Jewelcrafting gems that increase experience gains. You can purchase these off the Auction House for fairly cheap. If you're having a hard time finding sockets in your gear, Jewelcrafting Rings starting at level 111 have a guaranteed socket!
Speed Increases
Those are all items that can help you with moving from different places.-
Goblin Glider Kit - Allows you to glide and cross over long distances. A staple of leveling in non-fly zones, and incredibly cheap to boot. Especially useful in Zuldazar.
Reins of the Azure Water Strider/
Reins of the Crimson Water Strider - Especially useful in Kul Tiras, those mounts can walk over water.
Aquatic Mounts - Those mounts only work underwater, and are much faster than your usual swim speed. Also useful for underwater questing, somewhat prominent in Kul Tiras.
Skystep Potion - Sprint that is faster than ground mount speed.
Draenic Swiftness Potion - Swimming speed increase that is higher than the water mounts. Useful for quickly dashing from one water area to another, or if you want to move faster while in combat.
General Consumables
All-around useful consumables.-
Potion of Prolonged Power - Incredibly cheap to make even at Rank 1, those last for a minute and bump your primary stat. Can be bound to all your spells for maximum usage.
Lightforged Augment Rune/ Defiled Augment Rune - Simple, 1h primary damage boost. Even better if you have access to the Lightforged version.
Drums of Fury/
Drums of the Mountain - For classes without Heroism/Bloodlust, great way to make quick work of harder quests. Has the same side-effects of having a forced 10-minute cooldown.
Crispy Bacon - If you aren't dying, this is a great way of increasing your food buff timer without having to eat them again. Can be used to increase food buff timers to a maximum of 6 hours.
Food Buffs
You can only eat one of those at a time, so choose wisely!-
Stat Foods - Good way to boost secondary stats, not as effective on higher levels.
Sugar-Crusted Fish Feast - Fills up your health in 10 seconds, and provides a Versatility food buff after just 1-second eating.
Miscellaneous Items
Miscellaneous items that do help on the leveling process.-
Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth/ Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak - Mounts with vendors on them, allowing you to repair or empty your bags without having to return to a city area for a vendor.
Battle Standard of Coordination - Together with the weaker Standard of Unity and Banner of Cooperation, those increase experience gained from kills when standing up to 100 yards away from the banner. Great when leveling on higher density areas, even better when you have friends that can cycle those.
Swapblaster - Useful when leveling with friends, to help them get into places they can't reach.
Argent Squire/ Argent Gruntling with Argent Pony Bridle: Mailbox or bank on the fly on a 3 hour cooldown. Useful to send reagents over to alts or to help empty bag space.
Katy's Stampwhistle - Same as above, now in Toy form.
Cloak of Coordination/ Cloak of Coordination: Quick teleport back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar, useful to quickly turn War Mode on. For a more effective usage, make sure you set your Hearthstone to Boralus, Dazar'alor, or your current questing area before using this.
Honorbound Scouting Map, 7th Legion Scouting Map: These items unlock after completing Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder Part 1, and can be used to learn all important flight paths in Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Having those learned beforehand saves on travel time from area to area.
Useful Legendaries
Each spec has a list of legendaries that help the most during leveling. Those two can be obtained by any class or specialization and can be heavily used during the portion of the FA leveling where legendaries can be used. Their effects stop working at level 116, but can be maintained as stat sticks until you obtain higher item level items.-
Sephuz's Secret: - Passively provides 10% movement speed, with that bonus increased to 70% when landing a CC or an interrupt. During the leveling process, it should be easy to maintain this item active at almost all times. The extra haste is a mini Heroism/Bloodlust and is also incredibly useful. Also has a socket for
Insightful Rubellite!
Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish: Deals somewhat strong AOE damage for the lower portion of Battle for Azeroth leveling. Useful for all classes and specializations.
Useful Addons
Those addons are all about helping reduce leveling time by getting rid of mundane tasks. These are not recommended if you want to enjoy the lore.-
AutoVendor - Quickly sells gray items and BOP items your class cannot use. Can also be tailored to auto repair when you approach a repair vendor, and to sell items below a certain level.
Azeroth Auto Pilot - Skips cinematics, provides leveling routes, and much more. Updated for Battle for Azeroth, might not be entirely accurate on your first go.
FasterLoot - Increases looting speed so you instantly open, loot, and close loot boxes. Useful since many items are not sent to your mailbox if you leave them to rot on a mob.
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