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Tropico 6 – The First Update

Tropico 6 – The First Update
After the nationwide launch celebrations, El Presidente has ordered his most loyal coders to work their binary magic to provide you with small update. The focus of this update is to fix a few crashes and to get rid of some audio issues. Additionally, the hardware auto detection will be smarter now and Temporal Anti-Aliasing has been improved. We are also working on a bigger update to address some of the currently-known gameplay issues, but that one is not quite ready to be released yet. The Tropican Ministry of Expectations Management would like you to be patient and humbly asks that you enjoy the game while update assembly is in process. Viva Tropico! Viva El Presidente! Features and Improvements
  • Enabled Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) upsampling, improving the overall quality and reducing ghosting artifacts.
  • Improved hardware auto-detection to recommend fitting settings.
  • Updated Korean localization.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed visual issues during combat encounters: Female soldiers could appear in 2D or T-pose.
  • Fixed some audio issues:
    • Added a prevention for repeating radio broadcasts during combat encounters or Guerilla attacks.
    • Fixed the endless clicking sound that could appear when queueing up raids.
  • Fixed several crashes.

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