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Tropico 6 – 4 April 2023 Patch Notes | Say Goodbye to Traffic Jams!

Tropico 6 – 4 April 2023 Patch Notes | Say Goodbye to Traffic Jams!

Changelog Update 20

New Features 🔥

A new landmark has been added to the Modern Times era: The Eternal Flame. While providing fun for visiting Tropicans and tourists, it can also influence visiting citizens politically, grant permanent personal experience or help in foreign aid finances.

Changes 🌴

  • If a bus driver is completely stuck in traffic and cannot reach the destination stop in a reasonable amount of time, the bus stop will be closed after 20 days so that waiting passengers can take other routes to their destination.
  • Building driveways will now update their road access correctly if a road building (like a Checkpoint) in front of them has been demolished.
  • Selecting a celebrity no longer disables the tabs for happiness and thoughts of normal tourists.
  • Fixed an issue where teamsters would only transport small amounts of manure.
  • The manure stockpile for the Agriculture Tower is now visualized.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Offshore Wind Turbine from being repaired after it was damaged.
  • Fixed an issue where Tropicans could walk directly through some buildings on some maps.
  • Fixed an issue where the status-icon when moving the Aircraft Carrier or Cruise Ship, was not adjusted properly to the new location.
  • Fixed an issue where continuing a heist after it was cancelled caused problems with the individual tasks that needed to be completed in the heist.
  • Fixed an issue where prisoners did not disappear from the list of detention if they were killed on the way to the prison.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was unable to progress, if the Cristo Rendentor landmark was obtained through a heist during the ‘Battle Royal’ map.
  • [Festival DLC] Fixed an issue where the mission ‘A party for the ages!’ couldn’t be completed when choosing to heist the Great Wall landmark.
  • [Lobbyistico DLC] Fixed an issue, where demolishing an El Presidente Club after a conservative has been invited within the ‘Once And Forever’ mission would corrupt the save file.
  • [New Frontiers DLC] Fixed an issue in the ‘Too Smart for Her Own Good’ mission where the construction of the required buildings next to the Research Lab was sometimes not counted towards mission progress correctly.
  • [New Frontiers DLC] Fixed the cheese produced in the ‘Harvest Cheese’ option, available upon completion of a successful moon mission, not being delivered to warehouses.
  • [New Frontiers DLC] In mission ‘Stack ’em high’ a hint was added, indicating that the capsule hotel needs to have rich tourists to complete the mission.
  • [New Frontiers DLC] In mission 3 it is now clearly stated that tourists are needed to complete the space mission task.
  • [New Frontiers DLC] Adjusted the ending sequence of mission 4 so that the Spaceport Complex is now displayed correctly in the ending cutscene.
  • [New Frontiers DLC] Fixed the Radio Broadcast of El Prez repeating itself when visiting the Spaceport Complex.
  • [New Frontiers DLC] Removed the ‘hidden’ modifications that the Mars-workmode in the Spaceport Complex gave.
  • [Multiplayer] Fixed an issue where Tropocoin value was displayed with the value zero.
  • [Localization] Implemented several text and menu fixes.
  • [Localization] The character ‘Patch’ now has the appropriate voice modifier to sound like a robot in French and Spanish.

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