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Planetbase – 1.3.7 Patch Notes | Exciting New Features!

Planetbase – 1.3.7 Patch Notes | Exciting New Features!
Hello Everyone, This is a small maintenance update that adds a couple of new features and fixes.
Workshop Uploader
We've ported this from Dawn of Man. This is an in-game tool that allows you to upload workshop items, instead of having to use the old batch file. This simplifies the process, as it features a graphical interface instead of having to modify a text file, and automatically tags your item as TranslationChallenge or Campaign, which makes it immediately visible using the filters in the workshop. There is a small guide on how to use it here although it should be quite self explanatory.
Other Fixes
  • You can now pin the game to the taskbar and launch it from there, and it will work properly. Before this would have disabled steam features.
  • Better handling of some cases when games can't saved, instead of crashing the game will show a toast with an error message.
  • Fixed a couple of rare crashes.
We want to thank everyone that downloaded and played our little game! This was the project that allowed us to start our studio and continue making games, we hope you all enjoyed it!

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