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Lineage 2: Revolutions – Quest Scroll Reset Issue

Lineage 2: Revolutions – Quest Scroll Reset Issue
There was a bug that you can not reset the daily quest and it seems developers solved the issue. Scrolls can be reset by using red diamonds. However at the moment, the incorrect amount of red diamonds were being displayed when attempting to reset quest scrolls. We apologize for any confusion that may have been caused due to this issue. We are currently investigating this issue and plan to compensate back the deducted red diamonds. Please refer below for more details.


- The incorrect amount of red diamonds were being displayed when resetting the quest scroll count. * The issue is under investigation. * The actual amount of red diamonds that are needed is shown below. - 1st reset: 50 Red Diamonds - 2nd reset: 100 Red Diamonds - 3rd reset: 150 Red Diamonds


To players who spent red diamonds until the time of this issue’s fix, we will compensate by giving back the additional red diamonds that were deducted in resetting the quest scroll count. * After this issue is fixed, we will distribute the compensation in a lump amount. We will give a detailed notice before the distribution.

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