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League of Legends – 8.19 Patch Notes

8.19 Highlights

Mid-Patch Updates

9/26/2018 Balance Update


Adjusting Fiora’s passive numbers to account for an 8.18 bug that made her buff less impactful than intended.

VITAL HEALING 35-110 ⇒ 40-115



W base damage increased. E armor penetration increased.

 W – Crippling Strike

RATIO 40/45/50/55/60% total attack damage  50/55/60/65/70% total attack damage

 E – Apprehend

PASSIVE ARMOR PENETRATION 10/15/20/25/30%  15/20/25/30/35%


Healing from passive procs increased.

 Passive – Duelist’s Dance

VITAL HEALING 25-110  35-110

 Q – Lunge

BUGFIX Lunge will once again correctly prioritize champions and vital procs over killable minions.


Passive damage buffed. W slow increased.

 Passive – Unseen Threat


 W – Void Spike



W and E cooldown decreased in Spider Form.

 W – Skittering Frenzy

COOLDOWN 12 seconds  10 seconds

 E – Rappel

COOLDOWN 26/24/22/20/18 seconds  22/21/20/19/18 seconds

Jarvan IV

Passive cooldown decreased.

 Passive – Martial Cadence

NEW Martial Cadence now has a visual effect indicating its per target cooldown
PER TARGET COOLDOWN 10/8/6 at levels 1/7/13  6 at all levels
BUGFIX Tiamat passive will now consistently work when hitting a target with Martial Cadence

Nunu & Willump

AP scaling on Q’s heal increased. E AP ratio increased.

 Q – Consume

HEALING RATIO 0.5 ability power  0.70 ability power
BUGFIX Tooltip now accurately reflects how much healing Nunu and Willump get from champions

 E – Snowball Barrage

MAX 9 SNOWBALL HIT ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.45 ability power  0.54 ability power
WILLUMP’S TURN (ROOT DAMAGE) 0.5 ability power  0.8 ability power

 W – Biggest Snowball Ever!

NEW Willumps transition to walking after he finishes rolling his snowball will now feel smoother.


Passive movement speed to damage conversion increased.

 Passive – Tailwind

BONUS MOVESPEED CONVERSION TO DAMAGE 15/25/35% at levels 1/7/13 25/35% at levels 1/10


Q mana cost and early cooldown decreased.

 Q – Death Sentence

MANA COST 80  60
COOLDOWN 20/18/16/14/12  16/15/14/13/12


Early ult damage increased.

 R – Death From Below

BASE DAMAGE (BREAKS EVEN AT LEVEL 11) 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 / 450 / 475 / 500 / 525 / 550 / 575 / 590 / 605  250 / 290 / 330 / 370 / 410 / 450 / 475 / 500 / 525 / 550 / 575 / 590 / 605

Tahm Kench

Base HP down; HP per level up.

Base Stats

HEALTH610  540

 W – Devour

BUGFIX Allies Tahm Kench has devoured will no longer sometimes be targetable when first swallowed.


Base movement speed increased. R range increased.

Base Stats


 R – Living Artillery

RANGE 1200 / 1500 / 1800  1300 / 1550 / 1800


Liandry’s Torment

Passive max HP burn increased. AP decreased.



DOT AGAINST NON IMPAIRED TARGETS 1% Max HP per second  1.5% Max HP per second
DOT AGAINST IMPAIRED TARGETS 2% Max HP per second  2.5% Max HP per second

Champion VFX & SFX Updates

Jarvan IV

VISUALS Basic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base Jarvan IV and all skins using base VFX
AUDIO Non-VO audio has been updated for base Jarvan IV and all skins using base SFX
BUGFIX Jarvan IV now properly plays his dunk animation when casting R – Cataclysm

Lee Sin

VISUALS Basic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base Lee Sin and all skins using base VFX
AUDIO Non-VO audio has been updated for base Lee Sin and all skins using base SFX
KNOCKOUT Knockout Lee Sin’s W – Safeguard shield VFX have been updated
POOL PARTY Pool Party Lee Sin’s Q2 – Resonating Strike marker has been updated
GOD FIST God Fist Lee Sin’s E – Tempest VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox


VISUALS Basic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base Veigar and all skins using base VFX
AUDION on-VO audio has been updated for base Veigar and all skins using base SFX
BAD SANTA Bad Santa Veigar has also received VFX updates
LEPRECHAUN Leprechaun Veigar has also received VFX updates


VISUALS Basic attack and ability visual effects have been cleaned up for base Vi and all skins using base VFX. This update also optimizes Vi to run more smoothly on slower computers.

SSG Ezreal

VISUALS Though technically unrelated to the above, SSG Ezreal’s ability VFX have received a clarity pass

Movement Speed Slow VFX

The default visual effect for movement speed slow effects has been updated!

Objective Steal Announcements

Baron Nashor, Rift Herald, and Dragon steals are now celebrated (or “celebrated”, depending on which side of the steal you were on) via chat call-outs and announcement banners!

Profile Page

In preparation for the 2019 ranked changes and the return of Clash, the profile page design has been revamped. A couple of the profile icons will remain empty for a while, but that should change soon.

Normal Draft matchmaking

Also in preparation for Ranked 2019, we’re now previewing positional matchmaking in Normal Draft only. This means you’ll be matched based on the position you were assigned instead of just having one rating in the background. This should make matchmaking better across the board, and tangibly better when playing secondary and autofilled games. We’re also testing position detection, which determines what position you actually played on the end of game screen. Let us know if it does you wrong.


  • Dark Harvest’s dropped Soul Essence particle is now brighter and clearer for colorblind players.


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