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Imperator Rome – Pompey Update

Imperator Rome – Pompey Update
Imperator: Rome has expanded its grip on the ancient world through a major new update! The “Pompey” update adds important changes to gameplay, adding greater depth and historical fidelity to Imperator. Imperator: Rome takes you back to the dangerous days a decade after the death of Alexander the Great. The conqueror’s empire is divided while, to the west, Rome and Carthage are poised for a mighty struggle to settle the fate of the Mediterranean. The “Pompey” update adds greater differentiation between the nations and cultures of the classical world, as well as major changes to the war at sea and kingdom management. [embed][/embed]

Pompey Patch Notes

  • Dual Rulers: The historic second consuls of Rome and suffetes of Carthage are now represented in these republics, and a monarch’s spouse contributes to the rule of the kingdom.
  • Heritage: Nations now have traditional profiles that reflect their historic strengths, adding more differentiation between nations.
  • Naval Combat: More types of ships and new tactical options for combat, similar to those available on land.
  • Naval Range: Ships can travel a limited distance from a friendly port before suffering attrition. This attrition can be reduced by inventions.
  • Pirates: Pirates now operate from a pirate haven in a specific province. Clearing out this base will reduce pirate activity for a while. Also, pirates may now be hired as mercenaries.
  • Release Subjects: Reduce unrest by ceding limited independence to provinces that do not like your rule.
  • Province Improvements: Cities can build special projects that come with major permanent bonuses, crafting a major metropolis for your realm.
  • Stability Rework: Stability is now a 100 point scale (base of 50) with corresponding bonuses and penalties along the range.
  • New Government Interactions: Give a specific family greater power, call a War Council in times of emergency
  • Navigable Rivers: Fleets can now sail the great rivers of the region (Nile, Tigris and Euphrates) opening up new military strategies.
  • New Commander Traits: Admirals and generals earn new traits while leading forces.
  • Move Capital: Relocate your national center of power or provincial capitals.
  • New Events: New event chains, including flavor events for Rome, Italy and Carthage. New events related to military commanders and slavery.
Known Issues
  • Mac has a crash that can occur when viewing the Mercenary interface.
  • Players can't get achievements outside of Steam. Investigation ongoing.
  • The DLC tab has been removed from the launcher except for the MS Store version.
EDIT: PSA 1.1 Pompey will not work with older save games, so there is a 1.0.3 - Old Version rollback branch on Steam and GOG for players who wish to continue their current games.

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