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Imperator Rome – 1.3 Patch Notes | LIVY UPDATE

Imperator Rome – 1.3 Patch Notes | LIVY UPDATE

New Features

- New Mission System. The player can at any time pick one out of up to 3 missions. Each mission is a tree that is composed by a number of tasks. Tasks can be timed or instant and some branches of the tree can be exclusive to one another. - Added Dynamic and Procedural Missions for conquest for all countries in the game. - Added Dynamic Mission for developing a Governorship for all countries in the game. - Added mission to reform out of tribalism for Tribes. - Great Families: Each country will now have a limited set of Major families that expect to hold a certain influence in the state. By making sure their members have the amount of jobs they expect the families will support your rule, but failing to do so will make them rebel. - Minor Characters: Characters that are not part of Great Families will appear during the campaign and will wield influence and power, but will not be able to call on their kin to get them jobs and positions. - A Great Family’s Prestige rating will now determine their share of a national pool of Power Base, meaning Families that have held many important jobs will be more dangerous over time. - Families can now adopt minor characters, the player can adopt characters to their ruling families in monarchies. Adoption reduces the prestige of the family that adopts and will present the choice of whether to change the last name of the newly adopted person or not. - Map Mode Manager: You can now select yourself which map modes that should be shown in the bar above the Minimap by dragging and dropping. - Armies now Consume and Carry Food: All units can now carry food with them on campaigns and will consume that food if they are in a situation where they would normally take attrition, instead of losing men. Armies in friendly territory will stock up on Food from the Provincial stores. - Reworked Reinforcement rules: Armies will now only reinforce if they are not currently taking attrition. Consequently sieges can now be lost by the attacker if they run out of food but armies can also operate far deeper into enemy territory without taking attrition, as long as they bring enough food. - Added Supply Train unit with greater food carrying capacity for long campaigns and sieges. - Updated Map in Greece, Anatolia, Ireland and the Baltic region. Adding new territories, impassables and countries, as well as more navigable rivers. - Statesmanship now governs how well your characters perform in administrative government jobs. Statesmanship is built up by a character over time and acts as a multiplier on their skill, meaning inexperienced characters will not perform to their full potential. - Line System: Lines will now mark ongoing migration and trade routes on the map, more clearly illustrating these features when you are looking at their respective interfaces. - Subject Interactions: Subjects can now be asked to abandon an ungrateful overlord, and can themselves seek out a new overlord if they are displeased with their current one. - Added Minor Event Category: Minor events will not open automatically on your screen but will instead be placed in queue before they take effect. Minor events will primarily be those that are of low impact and connected with characters.

Livy Update Changes

  • Character Experience System: The more characters are asked to do, the better they become. Cultivate young talent as they climb the ranks, with new events for experienced statesmen.
  • Family System Reworked: Fewer families to track, but great families are more important. Watch their fortunes rise and fall as they accumulate prestige.
  • Procedurally Generated Missions: New mission system produces contextual goals and rewards that reflect your current situation.
  • Improved Map: Greater detail for some map locations including Sicily, the British Isles, parts of Greece and the Baltic region.
  • Map Mode Manager: New map mode manager lets you customize the manager menu so it emphasizes maps you rely on.
  • Inferno Graphics: The drama of war is now illustrated on map, as cities burn while under attack.
  • And much more: The Livy add-on will include other changes that will be announced in coming weeks.

Free Punic Wars Content Pack

  • Roman Mission Pack: Ten unique mission trees for the star of Imperator: Rome to guide your conquest of Italy and neighboring regions.
  • Carthaginian Mission Pack: Ten unique mission trees for the children of Tyre to help you plan your mercantile and military dominance of Africa, Spain and the rest of the west.
  • Numidian Unit Model: New army model for the Numidians, North Africans often hired as mercenaries by larger powers.
  • Carthaginian Ship Model: A unique ship design for Carthaginian navies.
  • New Music: Three additional music tracks to soothe your conquering soul."

Punic Wars Content Pack

When the rulers of Messana invited Roman protection for their Sicilian city, they could not have expected that they were igniting a fierce rivalry that would set the Western Mediterranean aflame for over a century. Carthage had traditionally seen Sicily as its sphere of influence and it could accept no equal on the island. Rome and Carthage would go to war in 265 BC, in the first of three wars that would finally end with the sack of Carthage in 146 BC. [embed][/embed] This free content pack for Imperator: Rome includes new events and units models to illustrate the greatest wars of the classical age - the superpower showdown between the nascent Roman Republic, and the established Carthaginian Empire. The Punic Wars content pack includes:
  • Roman Mission Pack: Ten unique mission trees for the star of Imperator: Rome to guide your conquest of Italy and neighboring regions.
  • Carthaginian Mission Pack: Ten unique mission trees for the children of Tyre to help you plan your mercantile and military dominance of Africa, Spain and the rest of the west.
  • Numidian Unit Model: New army model for the Numidians, North Africans often hired as mercenaries by larger powers.
  • Carthaginian Ship Model: A unique ship design for Carthaginian navies.
  • New Music: Three additional music tracks to soothe your conquering soul.

Imperator: Rome 1.3 - the Livy Update

The most recent update to Imperator: Rome is named for Titus Livius, the Roman historian whose work was the foundation of schoolboy learning well into the modern age. His wrote stories about heroic Romans like Horatius, Camillus and Decius laying the foundation of a great city, providing role models for centuries. The Free 1.3 Livy Update to Imperator: Rome is also concerned with characters and how they create lasting legacies, drawing you into the drama of history being written before your eyes.
  • Character Experience System: The more characters are asked to do, the better they become. Cultivate young talent as they climb the ranks, with new events for experienced statesmen.
  • Family System Reworked: Fewer families to track, but great families are more important. Watch their fortunes rise and fall as they accumulate prestige.
  • Procedurally Generated Missions: New mission system produces contextual goals and rewards that reflect your current situation.
  • Improved Map: Greater detail for some map locations including Sicily, the British Isles, parts of Greece and the Baltic region.
  • Map Mode Manager: New map mode manager lets you customize the manager menu so it emphasizes maps you rely on.
  • Inferno Graphics: The drama of war is now illustrated on map, as cities burn while under attack.
  • And much more: The Livy add-on will include other changes that will be announced in coming weeks.

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