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World of Warcraft – Dragonflight Pre-Expansion 15 November 2022

World of Warcraft –  Dragonflight Pre-Expansion 15 November 2022


Introducing the Dracthyr Evoker, a formidable addition to the World of Warcraft universe. Players can now embody this unique race and class combination, switching between a humanoid form and a fearsome draconic appearance. With their exceptional mobility and the ability to specialize in ranged damage or healing, the dracthyr Evoker is a force to be reckoned with. Prepare to awaken in the Forbidden Reach, where you will undergo rigorous training to join the ranks of dragonkind and defend the isles. Embark on a thrilling adventure in the Forbidden Reach, a new zone teeming with ancient power and secrets waiting to be unraveled. As a dracthyr Evoker, you will encounter both new and familiar faces, some of whom may become your allies or enemies. Brace yourself for the Tempest Unleashed pre-expansion event, where you must fend off attacks from the Primalists through challenging quests and world events. Don't miss the opportunity to collect Primeval Essence and exchange it for exclusive event items, including powerful armor, a whimsical Bag of Furious Winds toy, and a loyal Primal Stormling battle pet. Additionally, you can earn the prestigious Against the Elements Feat of Strength and the invaluable Unstable Elemental Confluence heirloom trinket. Prepare to delve into the depths of Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr, an ancient titan facility shrouded in mystery. Queen Alexstrasza has entrusted her mortal allies with a crucial mission - to recover the memories of the heroic Keeper Tyr, locked away within Uldaman. These memories hold the key to restoring the power of the Aspects and securing the future of dragonkind. Brace yourself for perilous encounters and unforgettable challenges as you embark on this epic dungeon. In addition, several achievements have been updated to include the new race/class combinations introduced in the Phase 1 update. Get ready to conquer new milestones and showcase your prowess as a dracthyr Evoker. The world of Azeroth awaits your arrival, so gear up and prepare for an unforgettable adventure!


Players will menace their foes (or empower their allies) as the new dracthyr Evoker, World of Warcraft’s first-ever race and class combination. Able to switch between a humanoid visage and a fearsome draconic form, the dracthyr are highly mobile, and their unique Evoker class can specialize in ranged damage-dealing or in aiding their allies as a healer by harnessing the mystical gifts of dragonkind. They’ll awake from their slumber in the Forbidden Reach, where they’ll take up their training to join the forces of dragonkind in the defense of the isles.


Journey through the Forbidden Reach as a dracthyr Evoker and dive into the mysteries of the past as enemies and potential allies, new and old, are drawn to this place of ancient power.


Ward off attacks from the Primalists with new quests and world events, setting the stage for Dragonflight’s launch. Collect Primeval Essence from primal storms and spend it to earn the event-exclusive items: a full set of item level 252 armor for your class and spec, the Bag of Furious Winds toy, and the Primal Stormling battle pet. During this event you can also obtain the Against the Elements Feat of Strength, and the Unstable Elemental Confluence heirloom trinket.


Uldaman is an ancient titan facility where, long ago, allies of the heroic Keeper Tyr hid the Discs of Norgannon. After returning to the Dragon Isles, Queen Alexstrasza learned of another disc locked away within Uldaman... one that holds the memories of Tyr himself. Believing this knowledge is needed to restore the power of the Aspects, Alexstrasza has asked her mortal allies to brave the perils of Uldaman and recover Tyr's memories to secure the future of dragonkind.


  • Updated several achievements to correctly include the new race/class combinations added in the Phase 1 update.


  • Multiple class talents have had their icons adjusted to prevent duplicate icons in the talent trees.
  • Fixed an issue with that was causing several talents' tooltips to not show their correct cooldown if it was possible to get multiple charges of the ability via talents.

    • Blood
      • Heart Strike damage increased by 15%.
      • Death Strike damage increased by 8%.
      • Marrowrend damage increased by 20%.
      • Blood Boil damage increased by 15%.
      • Blood Plague damage increased by 10%.
      • Perseverance of the Ebon Blade's Versatility increased to 4% (was 3%).
      • Consumption damage increased by 20%.
      • Blooddrinker damage increased by 12%.
      • Rapid Decomposition now causes Blood Plague and Death and Decay to deal damage 18% faster (was 15%).
      • Voracious now increases the healing of Death Strike by 15% (was 20%) and the Leech granted is now 10% (was 15%).
      • Coagulopathy now increases Blood Plague damage by 30% per stack (was 25%).
      • Bonestorm damage increased by 15%.
      • Improved Death Strike now increases Death Strike healing by 5% (was 10%).
      • Shattering Bone damage increased 10%.
      • Fixed an issue that was causing Death's Caress to incorrectly grant 6 stacks of Boneshield when cast.
    • Sigil of Flame damage increased by 10%.
    • Havoc
      • Demonic Wards now reduces Magic damage taken by 10% (was 15%).
      • Accelerating Blade damage bonus per target hit reduced to 20% (was 25%).
    • Vengeance
      • Shear damage increased by 10%.
      • Soul Cleave damage increased by 5%.
      • Fel Devastation damage increased by 10%.
      • Fiery Brand's initial damage increased by 50% and damage over time increased by 500%.
      • Frailty duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
      • Spirit Bomb damage increased by 5%.
      • Vulnerability's Frailty damage bonus reduced to 2/4% (was 4/8%).
      • The Hunt damage is no longer reduced by 10% for the Vengeance specialization.
      • Fodder to the Flame damage no longer reduced by 10% for the Vengeance specialization.
      • Soul Carver damage increased by 10%.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Soulmonger's absorb value to gain double benefit from Versatility.
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Spirit Bomb healing to be increased by healing taken modifiers (like Guardian Spirit).
    • Moonkin Form now correctly increases Spell Damage by 10% for Feral, Guardian, and Restoration Druids.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Adaptive Swarm from jumping to new targets if the current target despawned.
    • Balance
      • Starfall damage reduced by 30%.
      • Starfire damage reduced by 15%.
      • Wrath now generates 8 Astral Power (was 6 Astral Power).
      • Fixed an issue where Moonfire and Sunfire would not benefit from Lunar or Solar Eclipse.
      • Syzygy has been renamed to Orbital Strike.
      • Fixed an issue where Vulnerable Flesh blocked Twin Moons on the Balance talent tree.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Touch of the Cosmos from being triggered when Celestial Alignment or Incarnation was active.
    • Feral
      • Brutal Slash now replaces Swipe in Bear Form as well. Brutal Slash does not cost energy or generate combo points while in Bear Form.
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Tear to benefit from Hasted periodic events when the Rip and Tear talent was selected.
    • Guardian
      • Increased the value of the clearcast Regrowth from Dream of Cenarius by 200%.
      • Maul's rage cost reduced by 100% on a Tooth and Claw proc.
      • Rage of the Sleeper now grants 15% damage done and 25% Leech for its duration.
      • Scintillating Moonlight increased to 5/10% damage reduction (was 2/4%).
      • Pulverize damage increased by 40%.
      • Reinforced Fur's additional armor increased to 8% (was 4%).
      • All Guardian damage spells (excluding Moonfire) increased by 50%.
      • Guardian melee attack damage increased to 60% (was 10%).
      • After the Wildfire range increased to 12 yards (was 8 yards) and its healing by 400%.
      • The Guardian Druid tree has undergone changes to its node connections and talent positions.
        • Scintillating Moonlight, Twin Moonfire, and Galactic Guardian are now after the 20 point gate.
        • Survival of the Fittest, After the Wildfire/Guardian of Elune choice node, and Soul of the Forest are now after the 8 point gate.
        • Dream of Cenarius has been split out of it's choice node with Ursoc's Fury.
      • Maul damage increased by 40%.
      • Mangle damage increased by 15%.
      • Twin Moonfire damage bonus to Moonfire reduced to 10% (was 20%).
      • Guardian of Elune's Mangle now increases the duration of your next Ironfur by 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
      • After the Wildfire healing increased by 50%.
      • Ursoc's Endurance duration increased to 2 seconds (was 1 second).
      • Fixed an issue with Tooth and Claw costing an incorrect number of points.
      • Fixed an issue causing incorrect absorb values from Ursoc's Fury when in combat with low level enemies.
      • Fixed an issue where Scintillating Moonlight was not correctly reducing damage taken from targets afflicted with Moonfire.
      • Fixed an issue preventing Berserk and Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc from being dragged from the talent tree to Action Bars.
    • Restoration
      • Nurturing Dormancy now extends Rejuvenation effects by 2 seconds, up to 6 seconds (was 1 second, up to 3 seconds).
      • Nurturing Dormancy can no longer extend Rejuvenation effects past 30 seconds.
      • Regrowth healing increased by 6%.
    • Fixed an issue where Fortitude of the Bear's healing effect could critically strike.
    • Hunter pet's basic attack ability tooltips are now correctly adjusted by the Beast Master, Ferocity, and Training Expert talents.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Rejuvenating Wind to heal for an incorrect amount.
    • Beast Mastery
      • Fixed an issue where Wailing Arrow would not properly interrupt the casting of an enemy who was channeling a spell.
    • Marksmanship
      • Rapid Fire damage increased by 20%.
      • Aimed Shot damage increased by 10%.
      • Kill Shot damage increased by 10%.
      • Fixed an issue where Wailing Arrow would not properly interrupt the casting of a creature who was channeling a spell.
      • The chance to gain bonus Wind Arrows from the Legacy of the Windrunners talent should more consistently match the listed talent values.
      • Fixed an issue where Trueshot granted from Windrunner's Guidance didn't properly activate the Focus cost reduction from the Eagletalon's True Focus talent.
      • Fixed an issue where only the first periodic event of Volley could activate the Salvo talent.
      • Fixed an issue where Volley stopped dealing damage if the Hunter died before its duration was over.
    • Survival
      • Deadly Duo has been redesigned – While Spearhead is active, Mongoose Bite increases the damage of your next Kill Command by 40% and the reset chance of your next Kill Command by 25%, stacking up to 3 times. Kill Command cooldown resets extend the duration of Spearhead by 1.5 seconds.
      • Fixed an issue with Wildfire Bomb and the Wildfire Infusion variants not always properly transferring threat from damage dealt while Misdirection is active.
      • Fixed an issue that was causing Coordinated Assault to sometimes not activate the Hunter Pet portion of the attack if the pet was out of range.
      • Fixed an issue with Misdirection's cooldown not getting reduced when Wildfire Bomb dealt damage.
  • MAGE
    • Arcane
      • Arcane Blast damage increased by 8%.
      • Arcane Missiles damage increased by 5%.
      • Arcane Explosion damage increased by 12%.
      • Arcane Orb damage increased by 10%.
      • Arcane Barrage damage increased by 8%.
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Arcane Echo's damage events to trigger Radiant Spark Vulnerability.
  • MONK
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing Save Them All from functioning in certain situations.
    • Summon White Tiger no longer stops dealing damage when its crowd-controlled.
    • Brewmaster
      • Anvil and Stave's tooltip now specifies its proc cooldown.
    • Mistweaver
      • Awakened Faeline now causes Tiger Palm to strike twice (was causes Tiger Palm to strike 2 targets).
      • Teachings of the Monastery now has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Rising Sun Kick (was 12%).
      • Essence Font healing reduced by 5%.
      • Renewing Mist healing reduced by 5%.
      • Enveloping Mist healing reduced by 5%.
      • Thunder Focus Tea's Enveloping Mist healing reduced by 5%.
      • Rising Mist healing reduced by 5%.
      • Yu'lon's Whisper healing reduced by 5%.
      • Refreshing Jade Wind healing reduced by 5%.
      • Enveloping Breath healing reduced by 10%.
      • Vivify healing reduced by 5%.
      • Revival healing increased by 15%.
      • Restoral healing increased by 15%.
      • Uplifted Spirits now heals for 15% of Revival or Restoral's healing (was 10%).
      • Unison now additionally functions with Jade Serpent Statue’s Soothing Mist.
      • Fixed an issue that cause Misty Peaks Enveloping Mists to not be extended properly by Rising Mist.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Refreshing Jade Wind's tooltip to display an incorrect healing amount.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Enveloping Breath to trigger from Misty Peaks procs.
      • Enveloping Mists from Misty Peaks now correctly trigger the Tear of Morning Enveloping Mist heal at 33% effectiveness.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Chi-Ji's buff to be consumed by Misty Peaks procs.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Gust of Mist to incorrectly trigger from Misty Peaks procs while channeling Soothing Mist.
    • Windwalker
      • Serenity now properly increases the damage of Strike of the Windlord and Thunderfist.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented lower level characters to receive the benefits of Empowered Tiger Lightning.
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Divine Resonance to initiate PvP combat.
    • Recompense now correctly caps its damage at 30% of the Paladin's maximum health and its healing at 100% of the Paladin's maximum health.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Divine Toll to be cast when targeting friendly or enemy targets that were out of line of sight.
    • Holy
      • Light of the Martyr now costs 9% of base mana (was 7%).
      • Barrier of Faith now costs 16% of base mana (was 9.5%).
      • Tyr's Deliverance now costs 12% of base mana (was 0%).
      • Crusader Strike now costs 10% of base mana (was 11%).
      • Holy Light now costs 16% of base mana (was 15%).
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Empyrean Legacy to remain on the Paladin after casting Word of Glory.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Bestow Faith's cooldown to not be reduced by Blessing of Dusk.
    • Protection
      • Fixed an issue causing Crusader's Judgment cooldown reduction to not function properly.
      • Fixed an issue causing Hammer of the Righteous' tooltip to fail to display its number of charges before being talented into.
      • Fixed an issue where Avenging Wrath's damage increase was not affecting Eye of Tyr or Tyr's Enforcer.
      • Fixed an issue where Judgment had incorrect charges while Crusader's Judgment was selected.
      • Fixed an issue causing Mastery: Divine Bulwark to trigger incorrectly.
    • Retribution
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Art of War from granting its full chance to reset Blade of Justice's cooldown.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Executioner's Wrath from dealing damage to nearby targets.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Radiant Decree from consuming and benefitting from Greater Judgment and Final Reckoning's Reckoning debuff.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Divine Storm cast by Empyrean Legacy to incorrectly consume and benefit from Empyrean Power.
      • Fixed an issue that was causing Judgment bounces from Boundless Judgment to incorrectly bounce to targets that were crowd-controlled.
    • Halo and Divine Star no longer count full health targets towards their target cap.
    • Holy Priests can now use Glyph of the Sha and Glyph of the Lightspawn.
    • Fixed an issue causing Glyph of the Sha, Glyph of the Lightspawn, and Glyph of the Voidling to incorrectly affect the cooldown of Mindbender.
    • Mindbender's appearance now changes with Glyph of the Sha, Glyph of the Lightspawn, and Glyph of the Voidling.
    • Power Infusion can now only be cast on players.
    • Discipline
      • Sins of the Many is now a passive learned at level 12.
        • Increases damage by 30% (was 12%).
        • Damage increase diminishes above 5 Atonement applications (was 1).
      • Sins of the Many has been replaced with Blaze of Light in the talent tree.
      • Blaze of Light increases the damage of your Smite and Penance by 8%/15% and Penance increases or decreases your target's movement speed by 25%/50% for 2 seconds.
      • Blaze of Light is no longer a PvP Talent.
      • Evangelism once again has a 1.5 minute cooldown (was 3 minutes).
      • Spell damage heals all targets affected by Atonement for 40% of damage done (was 50%).
      • Power Word: Radiance now applies Atonement for 60% of its normal duration (was 50%).
      • Schism increases spell damage to the target by 15% (was 25%).
      • Malicious Intent increases the duration of Schism by 6 seconds (was 3 seconds).
      • Harsh Discipline has been redesigned – Every 10 / 5 casts of Smite, your next Penance is free and fires an additional 3 bolts. (Was: When Atonement has healed a total of 200 / 100 times, your next Penance is free and fires 3 additional bolts).
      • Light's Wrath now has 5% damage variance.
    • Holy
      • All damaging abilities reduced by 10%.
      • Divine Favor: Chastise's damage bonus decreased to 30% (was 50%).
      • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented Cosmic Ripple triggering from Holy Word: Serenity if Miracle Worker was talented into.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Revitalizing Prayers from extending the duration of existing Renews.
      • Prayer of Mending's tooltip now correctly states it has up to 4 jumps.
    • Shadow
      • Flash Heal now costs 25% of base mana (was 18%) and its healing is increased by 36% to match other hybrid specializations.
      • The Insanity Bar should now always display whether in Shadowform, Voidform, or when not in any form.
      • Fixed an issue causing the cooldown of Void Eruption to not reset when an encounter ends.
      • Insanity should always display now as Shadow whether in Shadowform, Voidform, or not in any form.
      • Mind Sear now requires Shadowform for it to be cast.
      • Fixed an issue that was causing Insidious Ire to last longer than intended.
    • Assassination
      • Garrote damage increased by 8%.
      • Fan of Knives damage increased by 20%.
      • Flying Daggers now increases Fan of Knives radius to 12 yards (was 15 yards).
      • Fixed a tooltip issue with Blindside, it now displays the correct health threshold of 35% (was incorrectly listed as 30%).
      • Zoldyck Recipe damage bonus increased to 15/30/45% (was 10/20/30%) and health threshold increased to 35% (was 30%).
      • Shrouded Suffocation's Garrote damage bonus increased to 20% (was 15%).
      • Kingsbane damage increased by 5%.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Kingsbane from benefitting from the critical damage bonus provided by Lethality.
    • Outlaw
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Skull and Crossbones (Roll the Bones buff) from providing its intended bonus Sinister Strike chance.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Dreadblade's combo point generation effect from being triggered by Echoing Reprimand.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Lethality critical damage bonus from interacting correctly with Blade Flurry.
      • Fixed an issue that was causing Precise Cuts to increase Blade Flurry's damage by slightly less than intended.
    • Subtlety
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Black Powder from benefitting from the range increase provided by Acrobatic Strikes.
    • Elemental
      • Lightning Bolt damage decreased by 10%.
      • Lava Burst damage increased by 22%.
      • Flame Shock damage increased by 25%.
      • Lava Beam damage increased by 20%.
      • Fixed an issue preventing Lava Beam from interacting with Power of the Maelstrom.
      • Magma Chamber increases the damage of your next Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, or Earthquake by 1.5%/3.0% (was 0.8%/1.5%).
      • Rolling Magma reduces the cooldown of Primordial Wave by 0.5/1.0 seconds (was 0.3/0.5 seconds).
      • Lava Surges from Primordial Surge increase the damage of your next Lava Burst by 25% (was 20%).
      • Lightning Rod can now trigger from Lava Beam in addition to Chain Lightning.
      • Lightning Rod is now displayed on enemy nameplates.
      • Fixed an issue causing Earth Shock Overload to deal more damage than intended.
      • Fixed an issue causing Earthquake Overload to incorrectly consume Magma Chamber.
      • Lightning Rod can now trigger from Lava Beam in addition to Chain Lightning.
      • Fixed an issue causing Surge of Power to be incorrectly consumed when casting Earth Shock immediately after a Lightning Bolt.
    • Enhancement
      • Increased all damage dealt by 10%.
      • Reduced the chance to activate the Deeply Rooted Elements talent to 7% (was 8%).
      • Fixed an issue where Chain Heal’s healing was improperly reduced as an Enhancement Shaman.
      • Fixed an issue where Crash Lightning could sometimes show up as a level-up reward at level 38.
      • Fixed an issue where Stormblast damage was not properly modified by the Elemental Weapons talent or any modifiers that increased Nature damage taken on the target.
      • Fixed an issue where the Windfury proc rate during the Doom Winds effect was higher than intended.
      • Fixed an issue where the Static Accumulation effects did not match the duration of Ascendance when using the Deeply Rooted Elements talent.
      • Fixed an issue with the Stormflurry talent that could cause a single press of Windstrike to cause more than one Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning when talented into Thorim’s Invocation.
      • Fixed an issue where Stormflurry was able to benefit from and consume the effects of the Stormbringer talent.
      • Gathering Storms has been renamed to Converging Storms.
    • Restoration
      • Healing Tide Totem healing increased by 25%.
      • Flame Shock damage increased by 20%.
      • Lava Burst damage increased by 20%.
      • Downpour healing increased by 30%.
      • Fixed an issue causing Wellspring to snapshot its healing on cast when allies are at full health.
      • Fixed an issue causing Resurgence to increase all Restoration Shaman damage by 22%.
      • Increased the damage of Restoration Shaman spells by 22%.
      • The Earthliving Weapon imbue is no longer removed upon death.
    • Demonology
      • Fixed an issue where Wild Imps would not grant The Expendables while not in combat.
    • Destruction
      • Fixed an issue where Mayhem would be applied to out of combat targets.
    • Shattering Throw now correctly removes immunities.
    • Sidearm damage increased by 25%.
    • Arms
      • Execute damage reduced by 7%..
      • Mortal Strike damage increased by 5%.
      • Improved Execute now refunds 10% Rage (was 20%).
      • Skullsplitter now generates 15 Rage (was 20) and cooldown reduced to 21 seconds to better align with Rend (was 30 seconds).
      • Seasoned Soldier now causes your auto attack critical strikes to generate 10% more Rage (was 20%).
      • Improved Overpower increases the damage of Overpower by 15% (was 10%).
      • Martial Prowess increases the damage of Mortal Strike by 25% per stack (was 20%).
      • Juggernaut now stacks up to 15 times (was 12).
      • Fervor of Battle now triggers only if Whirlwind hits 2 or more targets.
      • Bloodsurge's chance to trigger is now 7% (was 10%).
      • Rend's Bleed Effect correctly triggers from Sweeping Strikes.
      • Tactician grants a 1.3% chance per Rage spent to reset Overpower (was 1.4%).
      • Deft Experience grants a 0.5% increase to Tactician per rank (was 0.45%).
      • War Machine now grants 5 Rage per enemy killed (was 10).
      • Bladestorm now generates 20 Rage.
      • Executioner's Precision now causes Execute to increase the damage of your next Mortal Strike by 30% (was 25%).
      • Hurricane now causes you to go into an unstoppable Bladestorm. The Hurricane icon has also been updated.
      • Whirlwind no longer shows an incorrect range on the tooltip.
      • Fixed an issue where Fatal Mark could be parried.
    • Fury
      • Improved Whirlwind increases the damage of cleaving single target attacks by 50% (was 45%).
      • Meat Cleaver causes Whirlwind to deal 25% increased damage (was 20%).
      • Titanic Rage now causes Odyn's Fury to Enrage you, deal 10% increased damage and grants you 2-4 stacks of Whirlwind. Titanic Rage also reduces the cooldown of Odyn's Fury by 10 seconds.
      • Odyn's Fury bleed effect now shows up on enemy debuff bars.
      • Onslaught now triggers Enrage before damage is dealt.
      • Onslaught now generates 30 Rage (was 20). Now correctly modifies the tooltip to mention enrage if you have Tenderize talented.
      • Tenderize now also causes Onslaught to grant you 3 stacks of Slaughtering Strikes.
      • Titanic Rage now triggers Enrage before damage is dealt.
      • Reckless Abandon now makes Recklessness grant 50 Rage and Rampage greatly empowers your next 2 Bloodthirsts and Raging Blows.
      • Ashen Juggernaut now lasts 15 seconds (was 12 seconds).
      • Hack and Slash chance to trigger increased to 25% (was 20%).
      • Dancing Blades now also increases auto attack damage.
      • Bloodcraze now applies 1 stack when you Bloodthirst, it is no longer is applied from chained attacks.
      • Fixed an issue that caused an error when using Annihilator in combination with Reckless Abandon.
      • Berserker's Torment activated Avatar and Recklessness now last 6 seconds.
      • Enraged Regeneration now appears on the personal resource bar.
      • Enraged Regeneration's tooltip now specifies that it can be used during incapacitate effects.
      • Multiple instances of Dancing Blades now partially overlap.
    • Protection
      • Thunder Clap damage reduced by 10%.
      • Revenge damage reduced by 5%.
      • Bloodsurge's chance to trigger reduced to 7% (was 10%).
      • The stun caused by Shield Charge now appears on enemy nameplates.
      • Shield Charge is now on the global cooldown when not charging to a target.
      • Bloodsurge chance to trigger is now 10% (was 15%).
      • New Talent: Defender's Aegis – Shield Wall gains 1 additional charge, and its cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
      • Unbreakable Will talent has been removed.
      • Battering Ram now also increases auto-attack damage by 20%.
      • Fueled by Violence should again trigger correctly.
      • Whirlwind no longer shows an incorrect range on the tooltip.
      • Fixed an issue causing Execute to sometimes incur a cooldown if you had Improved Execute talented on a different specialization.


  • The Deepening Bond effect earned through Renown is now 1% movement speed in the Shadowlands with each rank (was 2% Stamina each rank).


  • New Toy: Seed of Renewed Souls – Embrace the spirits of the weald, transforming into your Soulshape. 5 minute cooldown. Available from Lady Muunn in Heart of the Forest.


  • Dampening (Arena healing reduction) now starts at 10% in Arenas and Solo Shuffle, but continues to increase at current starting time and rate.
  • Dampening now starts at 3 minutes in 3v3 Arenas (was 5 minutes).
  • Dampening’s current healing reduction is now also displayed as stacks on the Dampening debuff aura.
    • Deserter penalty rating increased to 150 (was 100).
    • Protection Paladins will remain classified as “healers” and will only be placed in matches where the other healer is also a Protection Paladin.
    • The remaining tank specializations will be classified as a damage dealer, with a maximum of one tank damage dealer permitted in the match.
      • Developers' note: Alongside these updates, we will be looking closely at and actively tuning tank abilities in PvP, specifically around how they fit in Solo Shuffle.
    • Fixed an issue causing Precognition to fail to trigger when being struck by some melee and ranged interrupts.
      • Havoc
        • Fist of the Illidari has been removed as it now exists in the Talent Tree.
    • DRUID
      • Regrowth’s initial heal is no longer reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
    • HUNTER
      • Kill Command no longer deals 15% reduced damage in PvP combat.
      • Marksmanship
        • Aimed Shot no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
        • Rapid Fire no longer deals 10% increased damage in PvP combat.
    • MAGE
      • Arcane
        • Arcane Missiles no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
      • Fire
        • Meteor is now 100% effective in PvP Combat (was 80%).
        • Fireball no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
        • Pyroblast no longer deals 15% reduced damage in PvP combat.
      • Frost
        • Frigid Winds now has 100% value in PvP combat (was 50%).
        • Fixed an issue with Frost Bomb not interacting properly with Subzero, Ice Floes or Frigid Winds.
        • Fixed an issue with Snowdrift not interacting properly with Ice Floes or Frigid Winds.
        • Ice Lance no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
        • Comet Storm no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP combat.
    • MONK
      • Mistweaver
        • Enveloping Mist no longer heals for an additional 10% in PvP combat.
        • Vivify no longer heals for an additional 10% in PvP combat.
      • Holy
        • Aura of Reckoning now increases the damage of Judgment by 100% (was 200%).
        • Fixed an issue that allowed Vengeance aura to be triggered by allies that were not in your auras.
      • Retribution
        • Radiant Decree is now 100% effective in PvP combat (was 68%).
        • Divine Storm no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP combat.
    • PRIEST
      • Power Word: Shield absorb value no longer increased by 10% in PvP combat.
      • Holy
        • Renew's heal is no longer increased by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Shadow
        • Vampiric Touch no longer deals 10% increased damage in PvP combat.
    • ROGUE
      • Outlaw
        • Between the Eyes no longer deals 9% reduced damage in PvP combat.
      • Subtlety
        • Eviscerate no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP combat.
    • SHAMAN
      • Restoration
        • Ancestral Gift has been removed as it shares the same functionality as Spiritwalker's Aegis.
        • Riptide’s heal is no longer reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Dark Pact is no longer increased by 20% in PvP combat.
      • Corruption no longer increased by 45% in PvP combat.
      • Affliction
        • Agony no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
        • Corruption no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
        • Siphon Life no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
        • Shadow Bolt no longer deals 10% increased damage in PvP combat.
        • Unstable Affliction no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
        • Fixed an issue where Channel Demonfire could not be cast if Immolate's duration had been extended.
      • Arms
        • Overpower no longer deals 9% reduced damage in PvP combat.
        • Execute no longer deals 13% reduced damage in PvP combat.


  • Removed the ability for players who have not started Threads of Fate to access the system.
    • Developers' note: The goal with Threads of Fate was to help alleviate the linear path of Shadowlands for alts as it was the only way for players to level from 50 to 60. Now that Shadowlands has been moved into Chromie time and Chromie Time’s level cap has been increased to 60, players have a multitude of methods to reach level 60. Players currently in Threads of fate can continue through it, but the option will not be available for any new characters. We do not have plans to do similar removals with Dragonflight’s Adventure Mode in future expansions. Threads of Fate is a choice to use in Shadowlands and irreversibly changes a player’s character once it is chosen. It previously created two different experiences of Shadowlands, which would double to four with both of the level up and Threads of Fate being accessible within Chromie time. Adventure Mode in Dragonflight  is an overlay to the level up experience and is always on once it is earned regardless of decisions the player makes. 


  • Silver dragon portrait border added back for rare elite mobs.
  • The Dungeon Journal now indicates if a loot drop is very rare.
  • Profession Trainers added back to the minimap filters.
  • Group management frame has been fixed to appear for all group types.
  • Names added back to the Trading pane.
  • The backpack can no longer be assigned to a sorting category. This is a temporary change to resolve a bug, and we expect to bring it back in the future.
  • AddOn API: Button highlight textures can be cleared.
    • Use [known:] to check for a talent’s learned status. Works with names and spell IDs. Works with #showtooltip. Use [noknown:] to reverse the logic.
    • Example:
      • #showtooltip /cast [known:Execution Sentence] Execution Sentence; [known:384052] Wake of Ashes; Templar's Verdict #showtooltip [known:265187] Summon Demonic Tyrant; [known:Guillotine] Guillotine
    • History nodes are more obviously marked.
    • Mousing over an active talent highlights where it is on your action bar.
    • PvP talents now show an error if a prerequisite talent is not active.
    • Arrowheads and lines are smaller to reduce visual clutter.
    • Several script and slash commands have been added for accessibility and general use:
      • Activate loadout by name:
        • /run ClassTalentHelper.SwitchToLoadoutByName(loadoutName)
        • /loadoutname loadoutname
        • /lon loadoutname
      • Activate loadout by dropdown list order, starting with 1:
        • /run ClassTalentHelper.SwitchToLoadoutByIndex(1)
        • /loadoutindex 2
        • /loi 3
      • Activate specialization by name:
        • /run ClassTalentHelper.SwitchToSpecializationByName(specName)
        • /specname specname
        • /spn specname
      • Activate specialization by order within the Specializations tab, starting with 1:
        • /run ClassTalentHelper.SwitchToSpecializationByIndex(1)
        • /specindex 2
        • /spi 3

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