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TERA – Unmasked Update All Details !

TERA – Unmasked Update All Details !
Unmasked, the latest update for TERA on Xbox One and PlayStation®4, has arrived! Unmasked features the Red Refuge—a new, story-driven dungeon that ties up the tale of the orphan girl Hennika, and her new allies, the Red Raiders—as well as new Guardian Legion missions, UI improvements, Guild-vs.-Guild declarations, an improved Gridiron battleground, Leaderboards, a new "Time-Limited Feats" system, and a new gear slot: Masks!

New Dungeon: Red Refuge

Follow the trail of the notorious Red Raiders into their secret camp near the Temple of Dagon in Val Palrada, confront the orphan Hennika, and battle her champion—the mighty Argog! The Red Refuge is a 5-person dungeon for level 65 players, with a minimum Item Level requirement of 439 (for party matching). It features three bosses: Kalavese (a Clawrider), Thormentum (a Teralith), and finally Argog. There’s also a Hard version of Red Refuge, which requires Item Level 448 to enter through party matching.

Superior Guardian Legion Mission

The mission “Avenging Talons” is now available from the Superior Guardian Legion Mission map. To participate, wait for the system message (announced once per hour), then open the menu, go to your quest log, select the mission you want to play, and teleport to it!

Flying Guardian Legion Missions

Guardian Legion missions now include two level 65 flying missions: “The Rhapsody of Wind and Fire” and “Search and Destroy.” Because these missions are carried out entirely in the air, you need a flying mount in order to participate.

Time-Limited Feats

The Feats UI now includes new Time-Limited Feats. These feats are not part of the normal seasonal feats—and so don’t count toward your seasonal score—and are only available for roughly two months.

New Gear Slot Item—Masks

You can now acquire and equip masks in TERA Console! There are a total of four new masks:
  • Survival Mask for protection: acquired through Red Refuge (Hard)
  • Rider’s Mask for mount improvements: purchased with Warmonger Tokens
  • Light Mask for flying enhancement: obtained by participating in Guardian Legion missions, or purchased with Pilot’s Tokens
  • Powerful Mask for boosts to Attack Power: obtained by participating in Guardian Legion missions, or purchased with Legendary Tokens
Each of these masks starts at Level I and can be upgraded to Level V, requiring gold (and, of course, the existing mask) to upgrade. If you successfully upgrade the mask to Level V, you will benefit from the mask’s special ability.


Guild-vs.-Guild combat lets you pit your guild against other guilds in PvP combat—but only if you so choose. The Guild UI gives guild masters the choice of participating in GvG battles or not. If they choose “[Reject],” the guild cannot participate in GvG or declare a guild war. (They can always change this option, if desired.)

Gridiron Revamped

After reaching level 65 and clearing the quests “Fresh Arms—and Legs” and “Road to Triumph,” you will receive the quest “To the Gridiron.” We’ve revamped and optimized Gridiron—an ever-present 10v10 battleground. When you enter, your gear will automatically be set to equalized gear, and you won’t be able to use potions and other consumables to buff yourself up (although some built-in buffs for kill streaks and crystals apply).

Dungeon Leaderboards

The new Dungeon Leaderboards will display the top 20 dungeon clear time rankings for each class, for each dungeon.

Battleground Leaderboard

The new Battleground Leaderboards display each player’s overall rank in battlegrounds, as an indication of their overall skill in PvP. This rank is calculated in 28-day seasons, and each new season begins as the last one ends. Players must participate in a battleground at least once per season to be ranked, and the higher their average battleground rating, the higher they’ll rank.

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