Get ready to celebrate One Special Day in RuneScape with the limited-time One Special Day Bundle! Special Effect, a charity dedicated to making gaming accessible for people with physical disabilities, is hosting this event, and we're proud to contribute. The bundle includes the exclusive Felix outfit and retexture, as well as Aura Refreshes, Life Refreshes, Slayer VIP Tokens, and a Box of Clue Scrolls. Ironman accounts will receive the Felix outfit and retexture only. Grab this bundle for just 250 RuneCoins from the Marketplace and support a great cause while getting some useful items!
In other news, the issue of gold purchased through Real-World Trading (RWT) has been a persistent problem in online games. Our Anti-Cheating Team has been working tirelessly to combat RWT sellers, but now we're taking it a step further. We're cracking down on buyers as well. Players engaging in RWT will receive a warning, and any further activity may result in account bans and wealth removal. Additionally, we're addressing the toxic behavior at the Duel Arena, which accounts for a significant portion of RWT bans. We'll be implementing a staking cap in November and phasing out the Duel Arena in the long term, replacing it with a new experience tied to the Elder God Wars storyline in early 2022. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting update!
Don't forget: now's your chance to celebrate One Special Day with RuneScape!
Special Effect are a charity dedicated to helping people with physical disabilities enjoy the video games we love, and this year we're proud to contribute to their One Special Day event with the time-limited One Special Day Bundle.
The bundle contains:
- Felix outfit: One Special Costume
- Felix retexture: Snowy Shorthair
- 5 Aura Refreshes
- 5 Life Refreshes
- 5 Slayer VIP Tokens
- Box of Clue Scrolls (untradeable)
Note: Ironman accounts will only receive the Felix outfit and retexture.
You can purchase the One Special Day Bundle from the spotlight in the Marketplace for just 250 RuneCoins. Any money raised will go straight to Special Effect, so you can grab some useful items and support a great cause while you're at it.
Gold purchased through RWT is a problem in any online game featuring a tradeable currency. For the last 20 years, our Anti-Cheating Team has done much to tackle RWT sellers both in and out of the game. However, it's not just the sellers that have an impact on game integrity. Buyers fuel demand - and higher demand means more sellers, more bots to remove and more nefarious activity.
Thanks to a growing team and improved tools, we're now in a position where as well as tackling sellers, we can also begin to clamp down on buyers. In the next few hours we'll be sending out messages to players we've identified as engaging in RWT.
For anyone who has been involved, we want to be clear –
this is your one and only warning.
Should any further RWT activity be detected, accounts face possible bans and wealth removal.
The Duel Arena has been a flashpoint for this toxic behaviour. In fact, 38% of all RWT bans – accounting for thousands of bans per month – stem from there. We’ve heard your feedback and want to make definitive changes that keep the game fun for everyone.
We’re looking in the long-term to phase the Duel Arena out of RuneScape entirely. But before that, we'll be introducing some short-term measures to tide us over until our development teams can deliver a major update that fully replaces the Duel Arena next year.
The first step will be the implementation of a staking cap this November. This will limit stake values to no more than 50m GP per duel.
Our long-term solution, scheduled for early 2022, will replace the Duel Arena with a brand new experience that'll be part of the ongoing Elder God Wars storyline. We'll share more information on this when we can.
To the vast majority of you who are playing the game as intended, put simply - thank you for being you. We won't stop looking for more ways to maintain the integrity of the game you love.
Before you can take on Ful’s ultimate champion, you’ll need to battle your way through waves of familiar beasties. Among them are upgraded, TzekHaar versions of TzTok-Jad and Har-aken, who’ll you know from your previous exploits in the Fight Caves and the Fight Kilns.

After you’ve fought your way through the minion waves, you’ll finally get to take on Zuk himself.
You don’t
have to take on The TzekHaar Front in one go. There are set checkpoints throughout the encounter that will let you continue from where you left off should you meet a sudden, fiery end.
However, if you're able to reach the end without checkpoints, you'll get better loot after the battle, including the valuable Igneous Stone, which you'll need for the new capes.
There’s another reason you might want to avoid using those checkpoints – unlocking Hard Mode.
By default, you’ll play through The TzekHaar Front on Normal Mode. Should you complete that flawlessly – without using checkpoints and completing all of Zuk’s challenges – you’ll unlock Hard Mode, a more difficult version of the Front with some unique loot.
You’ll notice the following changes in Hard Mode:
- Enemies have increased HP.
- There’s just one checkpoint, right before fighting Zuk.
- Increased loot, including the chance to receive a piece of Zuk’s sword at the end of the encounter.
- And more!
Now, should you flawlessly defeat Hard Mode as well, you’ll get the greatest reward of all – the ability to combine your three Igneous Capes (yes,
obviously there’s capes) into one, totally epic variant.
Onto the best bit – the rewards!
Unlike the Fight Caves and the Fight Kiln, all the minions on The TzekHaar Front will drop loot, Elite Dungeon-style, into a chest that you’ll be able to access when the fight is over.
Alongside the usual loot table, there are some exclusive rewards available:

Ain’t he adorable? Now you can take home your very own immortal warrior, who we presume was left in the Kiln a little bit too long. Complete 200 Hard Mode kills, and you’ll get a fancy new skin for him, too.
The mages among you will appreciate this all-new two-handed magic basic ability. Point and click a tile – or an unfortunate NPC – to create a 5x5 damage-dealing area on that location. The AoE will last for 9.6 seconds and hit 8 times for 5-25% damage… each. Oof, what a burn!
Like the other Elder God Books, activating a fully compiled Scripture of Ful will get you a fiery buff. In this case, you’ll do 20% more damage and
take 10% more damage for 15 seconds after activating the Scripture. Hey, you play with fire, you’re bound to get burned.
You’ll be able to charge your Scripture with Manuscripts of Ful, which are also dropped on The TzekHaar Front.
This powerful stone is only given to the bravest of warriors. To earn one for yourself, you’ll need to prove yourself by defeating Zuk without using a single checkpoint.
You can use the Igneous Stone to upgrade your existing Kiln Cape to the new, supremely powerful Igneous variants. Let’s take a look at those, next.

This time, you can pick up a total of three different capes, each of which is best-in-slot for their particular combat style. Hey, it’s a tough challenge, and it deserves epic rewards!
The Igneous Kal-Ket is the cape of choice for melee masters, and gives +57 armour, +43 Strength bonus, and +2 Prayer bonus. It also boosts Overpower, so that it costs 60% of the usual adrenaline and hits twice.
The Igneous Kal-Xil, on the other hand, is best suited to Ranged combat. It boasts +57 armour, +43 Ranged bonus, and +2 Prayer bonus and empowers Deadshot, reducing its adrenaline cost to 60% and causing it to deal 42-210% of initial damage plus 70% ability damage every 1.2 seconds over the next 8.4 seconds. Basically, it absolutely
destroys things.
Lastly, the Igneous Kal-Mej is the mage’s best friend. It gives +57 armour, +43 Magic bonus, and +2 Prayer bonus. It also buffs Omnipower, reducing its cost to 60% and causing it to hit four times, with each hit dealing 80-180% of ability damage. Kaboom!
You know what’s better than three awesome capes? ONE awesome cape!

If you have the skill to complete a flawless Hard Mode run, you’ll be able to combine all three of the above capes into one unbeatable hybrid. It boasts +57 armour, +43 Magic, Strength, and Ranged bonus, and +2 Prayer bonus. Oh, and obviously it bestows the same buffs and boosts as the other three capes – without the hassle of re-equipping them every time you switch combat styles.
That’s a pretty nice sword Zuk’s got there, isn’t it? Would be an awful shame if some adventurer or other was able to repeatedly beat Hard Mode, pick up all three parts of it, and make their own… wouldn’t it?

The three parts you’ll need are the Obsidian Blade, the Magma Core, and the Ancient Hilt, all of which can be obtained after defeating TzKal-Zuk in Hard Mode.
The sword itself is a tier 95 two-handed melee weapon which requires 95 Strength to wield. It also comes with its own signature special attack, the Igneous Cleave. It deals 62-190% initial ability damage, plus 6 hits of 30-105% ability damage (increasing by 5% for each hit) over the next 14.4 seconds. Yowch!

Just to add injury to insult, should your target be hit by a burn or bleed ability while Igneous Cleave is going, that effect will be extended by an extra hit, up to a maximum of five hits.
Oh, and just so you’re aware – Ek-ZekKil counts as an obsidian weapon for the purposes of the Berserker Necklace.
This final front will also let you pick up the final upgrade for the Pontifex Ring. Once fully upgraded, you’ll be able to overpower it, getting you access to all the buffs it provides without having it equipped.
If you have the top tier Pontifex Ring, you’ll start to find Quiver Fragments in tier 3 Elder Troves. With 100 Fragments, you’ll be able to create the legendary Pernix’s Quiver, a Ranged accessory which goes in the quiver/ammo slot and comes with a slew of useful Ranged buffs.
Firstly, the Quiver grants access to two ammo slots, and automatically swaps your ammo to suit the type of Ranged weapon you’re using.
It also gives your ranged attacks +4% max damage when fighting targets below 25% health.
As a note, Pernix’s Quiver is tradable when first crafted, but untradeable once bound to you.
World Mental Health Day may have already passed, but we've chosen to extend the availability of The Well-being Bundle!
The Bundle can be purchased from the Marketplace Bonds Tab
until the October 31st for just 1 Bond, and will net you a boatload of useful buffs and boosts.
Here's the best part:
100% of the bundle's revenues will go directly to our partner charities: Blueprint For All, Rise Above the Disorder and CPSL Mind. You can learn all about them on the Jagex Charitable Giving Page, but rest assured, they're all fantastic causes.
After purchasing the bundle, you'll receive a Stone of Meditation with two charges. You might remember this item from Mental Health Awareness Week earlier this year - activating the Stone will give you a 4% XP buff, and surrounding players a 2% XP buff, for one hour. You can gain two charges each day just by logging in, and you can store up to five charges at one time.
From November 15th, 2021, the Stone of Meditation will be converted into 2,500 Oddments on log-in.
The bundle is also jam-packed with helpful items. Here's the full list:
- 1 Stone of Meditation (with two charges)
- 15 Pulse Cores
- 15 Cinder Cores
- 5 Medium Protean Packs
- 10 Protean Powerups
- 10 Combat Dummies
- 3 Large Skill Dummy Crates
- 1 Deathtouched Dart

It’s a very special spooky season this year, as we introduce the latest Treasure Hunter bonanza - Grim Harvest! This is your chance to grab some very special items only available over the Halloween period, so mark your calendars now.
By playing Treasure Hunter between
October 28th to November 1st you can earn seasonal Oddments (H’oddments) to exchange for items from previous Halloween Treasure Hunter promotions, including one set of rewards we’ve not seen for five years – yes, the Walk Like A Zombie collection is back! Furthermore the eerie Zombie Walk override token also returns, available through Treasure Hunter for a limited time!
Please note: Grim Harvest is not available for Ironman players.
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