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Realm Royale – 3 August 2023 Patch Notes | Unleash the Power of the Ancients!

Realm Royale – 3 August 2023 Patch Notes | Unleash the Power of the Ancients!


First off, the developers have addressed some known bugs, such as incorrect ability tooltips and collision issues on Dragon's Peak and Captain's Folly. Additionally, the bridge between Crossing and Dragon's Peak will now be visible on the minimap, providing players with better navigation. But it's not all about bug fixes! The patch also introduces a brand new 40-player map called Time Shattered Isle, which replaces the old map. Don't worry though, the old map will still make appearances in Limited Time Modes. Time Shattered Isle comes with unique features and hidden easter eggs, adding an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay. In addition to the new map, players can now dive into the Competitive queue, where they'll face off against other skilled players without any bots. To ensure intense and competitive matches, the queue has a longer timer, giving players up to 10 minutes to find a match. One of the most exciting additions in this patch is the introduction of Ancient Items. These ultra rare and powerful items can be found in ancient chests that take a mere 10 seconds to open. They can also drop occasionally from Zeppelin Chests and Goblins, adding an extra layer of excitement and strategy to the game. Lastly, the Event System has been added to the Battle Royale mode, specifically tailored to enhance the gameplay experience. With events like "Power of the Ancients" and "Adrenaline Rush," players can expect thrilling moments and unique abilities that will spice up their matches. Overall, this patch brings a mix of bug fixes, new features, and exciting additions to the game. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, there's something for everyone in this update.  

Known Bugs

  • Ability tooltips may not have correct stats. This will be fixed in patch 7. If in doubt
  • Dragon’s Peak and Captain’s Folly have known collision issues
  • The bridge between Crossing and Dragon’s Peak is not on the minimap

New Features

  • New 40-Player Map: Time Shattered Isle
  • This map has replaced the old map
  • The old map will be available intermittently through LTMs only
  • Unique new features and easter eggs through the map
  • New Queue: Competitive
  • This queue has no bots
  • The queue has a longer timer, so it may take up to 10 minutes to “pop” to ensure the lobbies are busy and competitive
  • Ancient Items
  • Ancient items have been added! These ultra rare and powerful items drop 0-2 times per map in ancient chests that take 10 seconds to open. They can also drop very rarely from Zeppelin Chests and Goblins.
  • Event System added to Battle Royale
  • The Event System has been added to the new map
  • The events have been tweaked to be BR specific.
  • Power of the Ancients: Drops two ancient and many zeppelin chests
  • Adrenaline Rush: Move 50% faster with 300% increased jump height
  • Giddy Up Buttercup: 40% faster mount speed
  • Big Bad Bounty: Team with top kills is highlighted for all teams. If they survive the timer, a zeppelin chest will spawn on each player of that team. If they are killed, a chest spawns on their body. Players killed during event will respawn if at least one player on the team survives.
  • Forge Fire Sale: 50% forge discount and faster forge speed
  • Deep Pockets: Killed players drop two shard packs instead of one

Quality of Life 

  • Shard economy adjusted for new map size and loot density. Kills from 50 shards->80 shards, and items from 5/10/20/40 to 3/6/15/30
  • Forge times reduced by 5 seconds
  • Killing players will drop a chicken nugget that can be picked up to heal armor and health
  • Dev Note: This is to help teams that win engagements then get third partied before being able to heal
  • Number of players required to start a custom game lowered from 12 to 6
  • Realm Wars mercy rule changed from 30 to 20
  • Realm Wars spawn protection duration from 7s to 10s and shield from 2000 to 2500

Weapon, Ability, and Item Changes


  • Betty Grenade Launcher
  • Damage from 400/500/650 to 480/600/720
  • Healing from 80/120/160 to 110/160/220
  • Fire Grenade
  • Damage from 30/40/50/60 per tick to 30/45/60/75 per tick


  • Proximity Trap
  • Slow from 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0s to 1.5/1.6/1.8/2.0s


  • Heirloom Rifle
  • Damage from 310/360/410 to 300/350/400
  • Smoke Screen
  • Smoke duration from 4.0s to 3.0s
  • Returned Ability: Ghost Walk
  • Dev Note: In Patch 6 this will only be available in chests. We are working on adding this into the forge and loadout menus for patch 7.


  • Blizzard
  • Movespeed from 40% to 25/30/40/50
  • Increase the travel speed of the blizzard by ~20%


  • Heroic Leap
  • Damage from 150/200/250/300 to 150/200/300/400
  • Enrage
  • Lifesteal from 25/25/25/25 to 20/25/30/35
  • Damage from 5% to 5/5/7/10
  • Shielding Shout
  • Shield from 200/300/400/500 to 300/360/480/600
  • Longsword
  • Now grants 10% move speed while equipped and active
  • Aim Down Sights replaced by a Hook on a 12s cooldown
  • Damage from 820/930/1040 to 580/650/720
  • Refire rate from 0.9 to 0.68
  • Throwing Axe
  • Projectile speed from 415 to 510


  • Hand Cannon
  • Projectile speed from 800 to 1000
  • Postfire delay from 0.7 to 0.64
  • Damage from 480/520/580/640 to 420/480/540/600
  • Zoom FOV from 50 to 60 (to reduce smoke trail blocking camera)
  • Shotgun
  • Postfire delay from 1.0 to 0.9
  • Gatekeeper
  • Zoom FOV from 50 to 60
  • Auto Sniper (changes to make it feel more “DMR”-like)
  • Zoom FOV from 45 to 60 (doesn’t zoom in as far)
  • Hipfire accuracy slightly increased
  • Scope-in time from 0.3 to 0.1 (to match regular ads weapons)
  • Assault Rifle
  • Reload from 2.5 to 2.0
  • Equip time from 0.6 to 0.9
  • Ammo from 25 to 30
  • Burst Rifle
  • Ammo from 21 to 24
  • SMG
  • Damage from 75/80/90/100 to 75/80/95/110
  • Reload from 2.2 to 1.8
  • Equip time from 0.6 to 0.8
  • Lightfoot potion
  • Duration from 3/3/3/3 to 3/3.5/4/5
  • Healing Station
  • Cooldown from 26/24/22/20 to 22/21/19/17
  • Barricade
  • Health from 1600/1600 to 1600/2000
  • Breastplate
  • Health/Armor Regen from 2/5/10 to 2/10/20
  • Helm
  • Cooldown Reduction % from 10/20/30 to 5/10/20

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