The new location, Mor Dhona, offers exciting challenges and can be found at coordinates X:21.8 Y:8.1. However, before diving into the action, players must first complete the main scenario quest "Endwalker" and conquer floor 50 of the Palace of the Dead. But that's not all! Another thrilling adventure awaits in Koh Rabntah, where players can unlock the Rage Extinguished quest. Once completed, they can take on floor 30 of Eureka Orthos in order to progress further. And for those who are up for an even greater challenge, clearing floor 100 of Eureka Orthos after completing the quest "Rage Extinguished" will unlock an exciting new chapter in the game. Get ready for Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures! In addition to these exciting updates, players can now reach level 90 as a Disciple of War or Magic. The vibrant city of Radz-at-Han, located at coordinates X:11.9 Y:11.1, offers a new quest called "The Imperfect Gentleman." To embark on this journey, players must first complete this quest. And for those seeking even more thrilling experiences, the quest "The Spectacle of Inspection" awaits. However, the location and requirements for this quest remain a mystery, adding an air of anticipation to the game. Get ready for Generational Bonding and uncover the secrets that lie ahead!Quests

A new side quest has been added.
Eureka Orthos

Delve into Myth
- Disciple of War or Magic level 81
- Mor Dhona (X:21.8 Y:8.1)
- Koh Rabntah
- Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Endwalker" and clear floor 50 of the Palace of the Dead.
Rage Extinguished
- Disciple of War or Magic level 81
- Mor Dhona (X:34.7 Y:19.3)
- Koh Rabntah
- Players must first complete the quest "Delve into Myth" and clear floor 30 of Eureka Orthos.
Orthos Unveiled
- Disciple of War or Magic level 81
- Mor Dhona (X:34.7 Y:19.3)
- Koh Rabntah
- Players must first complete the quest "Rage Extinguished" and clear floor 100 of Eureka Orthos.
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures

The Spectacle of Inspection
- Disciple of War or Magic level 90
- Radz-at-Han (X:11.9 Y:11.1)
- Delion
- Players must first complete the quest "The Imperfect Gentleman."
Generational Bonding
- Disciple of War or Magic level 90
- ???
- ???
- Players must first complete the quest "The Spectacle of Inspection."
Manderville Weapons

- Disciple of War or Magic level 90
- Radz-at-Han (X:12.0 Y:7.1)
- Gerolt
- Players must first complete the quests "Make It a Manderville" and "Generational Bonding."
- Disciple of War or Magic level 90
- ???
- ???
- Players must first complete the quests "Make Another Manderville" and "Well-oiled."
Splendorous Tools

An Original Improvement
- Disciple of the Hand or Land level 90
- Crystarium (X:7.8 Y:11.4)
- Chora-Zoi
- Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Endwalker," unlock Crystarium Deliveries via completion of the quest "The Crystalline Mean," and gain access to the Boutique of Splendors by speaking with Mowen in Eulmore (X:11.4 Y:10.7).
- Disciple of the Hand or Land level 90
- ???
- ???
- Players must first complete the quest "An Original Improvement."
- Disciple of the Hand or Land level 90
- ???
- ???
- Players must first complete the quest "???"

Loporrit tribal quests have been added.

Quest Sync
The Loporrit tribal main quests and daily quests will employ an automatic level adjustment system known as quest sync, which will match the difficulty to the player's current class level. Any experience received upon the completion of these quests will be adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, certain quests will not allow players to proceed with a class that is different than when they accepted them.
Tribal Main Quests
Must Be Dreaming(way)
- Disciple of the Hand level 80
- Old Sharlayan (X:11.7 Y:10.9)
- Dreamingway
- Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Endwalker" and the quest "Dream a Little Dream."
* The quest "Dream a Little Dream" will become available after progressing through the quest chain beginning with "Name That Way."
- Disciple of the Hand level 80
- ???
- ???
- Players must first complete the tribal quest "Must Be Dreaming(way)."
- Disciple of the Hand level 80
- ???
- ???
- Players must first complete the tribal quest "???"
- Disciple of the Hand level 80
- ???
- ???
- Players must first complete the tribal quest "???"
- Disciple of the Hand level 80
- ???
- ???
- Players must first complete the tribal quest "???"
- Disciple of the Hand level 80
- ???
- ???
- Players must first complete the tribal quest "???"
Tribal Daily Quests
To unlock Loporrit daily quests, players must first complete the tribal quest "Must Be Dreaming(way)." All necessary materials will be provided to crafters with every quest. The required recipes can be found under the Special Recipes tab of the Crafting Log. * Players will, however, be required to provide their own catalysts.
Tribal Currency
Players can earn Loporrit carats by completing Loporrit daily quests. The number of Loporrit carats currently held is displayed in the Currency window.
Tribal Vendors
The vendor for the Loporrits will be unlocked upon completing the tribal quest "Must Be Dreaming(way)."
- Mare Lamentorum (X:17.4 Y:15.8)


Furnishings from the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest have been added.
Learn more about the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest 2019.

New furnishings have been added.

New orchestrion rolls have been added.
The Manderville Gold Saucer

New Triple Triad cards have been added.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to Wondrous Tails:

New hairstyles have been added.

New emotes have been added.

A new deep dungeon, Eureka Orthos, has been added.

Eureka Orthos is an ever-changing dungeon whose architecture is never quite the same each time players enter the facility. All players will begin at level 81, and only by fighting the enemies within will they be able to gain the strength and experience needed to explore its depths. Players who choose to leave and return later can continue playing from where they last saved. We challenge all who enter to make it to the last floor! * Eureka Orthos uses separate save data from Palace of the Dead and Heaven-on-High. Pomanders and aetherpool gear strength will not carry over from Palace of the Dead or Heaven-on-High, and vice versa. View information on Palace of the Dead. View information on Heaven-on-High.
Level Requirement | Disciple of War or Magic level 81 | |
Item Level Requirement | - | |
Party Size | Up to four players | |
Time Limit | 60 minutes |
Delve into Myth
- Disciple of War or Magic level 81
- Mor Dhona (X:21.8 Y:8.1)
- Koh Rabntah
- Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Endwalker" and clear floor 50 of the Palace of the Dead.
Entering Eureka Orthos
Players can enter Eureka Orthos by speaking with Khatun in Mor Dhona (X:34.8 Y:19.2). When entering as a party, only the party leader can start the instance. It can also be entered with a cross-world party. * All party members must be in the same Mor Dhona instance to enter Eureka Orthos. Players who have cleared floor 30 of Eureka Orthos and the sidequest "Rage Extinguished" will be given the option to start from floor 1 or floor 21 when creating a new save file. When starting from floor 21, players will be set to level 90 and their inventories will be cleared of protomanders and demiclones.
Character Growth
Players will start at level 81 regardless of their current class or job level. By defeating enemies that appear in the dungeon, players will be able to gain EXP and level their characters up to 90. Your Eureka Orthos level is not directly related to your level outside of the dungeon.
Orthos Aetherpool Gear
Players will be restricted to the use of an Orthos aetherpool arm and Orthos aetherpool armor when inside Eureka Orthos. In addition to gaining levels, players must enhance these items as they progress through the dungeon. Note that Orthos aetherpool armor will take the appearance of your current gear upon entering the instance. * Normal gear has no effect on your character's attributes inside Eureka Orthos. * Aetherpool gear strength will not carry over from Palace of the Dead or Heaven-on-High.
Floor 31 and Beyond
While floors up to 30 are related to the story of Eureka Orthos, all floors after were created strictly as a challenge for players. For this reason, you cannot enter floors beyond 30 with a matched party. Furthermore, in addition to completing the sidequest "Rage Extinguished," players must meet the following requirements to challenge these floors:
- Start from floor 1 or floor 21 with a fixed party and clear up to floor 30.
- Party KO count must be zero.
Save data with one or more party KOs cannot be used on floor 31 or higher. * Please be advised that the party KO count will also increase in the event your party abandons the duty or logs out while inside the instance.
Players will, on occasion, obtain protomanders from treasure chests within Eureka Orthos. These items have various uses ranging from displaying the entire map of your current floor, to providing party members with beneficial effects. Up to three of each protomander can be held at any time. These items can be found in a shared inventory to be used by all party members.

Some protomanders offer different effects from the pomanders found in the Palace of the Dead and Heaven-on-High.

Players will, on occasion, obtain tomestones from treasure coffers in Eureka Orthos, which can be used to generate demiclones. These items can be used by all party members once acquired. Up to three tomestones can be held at once and are kept in a shared inventory. Tomestones cannot be taken outside of Eureka Orthos. When in a matched party, they cannot be used after the completion of a set of floors.

Demiclones will follow and fight alongside the player who generated them. Each demiclone has unique strengths, so choose carefully to turn the tides in your favor.

Floor Effects
Players may trigger the following floor effects:
- Status Effects Some floors may inflict detrimental or beneficial statuses on players.
- Prohibited Magic or Special Actions Some floors may prohibit certain actions.
- Floor Effect: Gloom Some floors may have strengthened enemies.
Dread Beasts
Players may gain the strength of dread beasts that lurk within Eureka Orthos by defeating them.

The Accursed Hoard
While exploring Eureka Orthos, players will, on occasion, discover hidden treasure known as the Accursed Hoard. While a protomander of intuition is in effect, an icon on the navigation map will indicate the presence of a piece of the Accursed Hoard.

Upon saving progress and exiting Eureka Orthos, players can take this treasure to Valeroine in Mor Dhona (X:34.9 Y:19.1) to have it appraised and discover what lies within.

The following rewards will be given based on the player's level and progress.
- If your job or class is level 90 upon entering: Allagan tomestones and gil will be rewarded based on progress.
Floor | Reward | |
Floor 10 | 10 Allagan tomestones of poetics 20 Allagan tomestones of astronomy 5 Allagan tomestones of causality 1,000 gil | |
Floor 20 | 20 Allagan tomestones of poetics 40 Allagan tomestones of astronomy 10 Allagan tomestones of causality 1,500 gil | |
Floor 30 and beyond | 30 Allagan tomestones of poetics 60 Allagan tomestones of astronomy 15 Allagan tomestones of causality 2,000 gil |
- If your job or class is between levels 81 and 90 upon entering: Experience points, gil, and Allagan tomestones of poetics will be rewarded based on progress. * The Armoury bonus will be applied to these rewards.
Floor | Reward | |
Floor 10 | 10 Allagan tomestones of poetics Experience 1,000 gil | |
Floor 20 | 20 Allagan tomestones of poetics Experience 1,500 gil | |
Floor 30 and beyond | 30 Allagan tomestones of poetics Experience 2,000 gil |
- If you have reached floor 30: An Orthos aetherpool fragment will be awarded. This item can be traded to the synthesis node in Mor Dhona (X:34.9 Y:19.0).
Obtaining and Strengthening Orthos Aetherpool Weapons
If you have strengthened your Orthos aetherpool arm and Orthos aetherpool armor to +10, in addition to clearing floor 30 of Eureka Orthos and completing the sidequest "Rage Extinguished," you can receive an Orthos aetherpool grip, which can be exchanged for a weapon of your choosing by speaking with the synthesis node in Mor Dhona (X:34.9 Y:19.0). Please note that by receiving an Orthos aetherpool grip, the strength of your Orthos aetherpool arm and armor used in Eureka Orthos will be reduced by 10.
Exchanging for Orthos Aetherpool Weapons
Speak with the synthesis node in Mor Dhona (X:34.9 Y:19.0) to exchange Orthos aetherpool grips for Orthos aetherpool weapons.

When challenging certain floors or when the entire party is KO'd, players will receive a score based on a number of factors such as highest floor reached and number of enemies slain. Separate scores for both solo and party play will be assigned after being defeated or clearing certain floors. High scores can be confirmed by speaking with Khatun in Mor Dhona (X:34.8 Y:19.2). Scores from expeditions beyond floor 30 may also appear on the rankings page on the Lodestone. The rankings page will be updated daily, so we encourage you to brave the ever-changing corridors of the dungeon, and prove yourself the realm's greatest pathfinder!

New items have been added.
View the new items.

New recipes have been added.
View the new recipes.

Splendorous tools have been added.
By crafting or gathering specified items, players can obtain class-specific tools for Disciples of the Hand and Land which can be enhanced in future updates.
An Original Improvement
- Disciple of the Hand or Land level 90
- The Crystarium (X:7.8 Y:11.4)
- Chora-Zoi
- Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Endwalker," unlock Crystarium Deliveries via completion of the quest "The Crystalline Mean," and gain access to the Boutique of Splendors by speaking with Mowen in Eulmore (X:11.4 Y:10.7).
Obtaining Splendorous Tools
Upon completing the quest "An Original Improvement," players will receive a splendorous coffer. Using this item transforms it into a tool corresponding to the user's current class. Subsequent splendorous coffers can be obtained from Quinnana in the Crystarium (X:10.4 Y:7.7).
Enhancing Splendorous Tools
Each splendorous tool requires a certain number of items to be delivered to Chora-Zoi in the Crystarium (X:10.5 Y:7.7) before it can be enhanced. The requisite items can be acquired by delivering collectables to Quinnana, also in the Crystarium (X:10.4 Y:7.7). Please note that the requisite items will vary depending on the tool. Collectables can be acquired in the following ways for each Disciple of the Hand and Land:
Disciples of the Hand
After completing the quest "An Original Improvement," new recipes for crafting collectables will be added to the Crafting Log. * Splendorous tools must be equipped when crafting with these new recipes.
Disciples of the Land
After completing the quest "An Original Improvement," collectables can be gathered from specified gathering points. * Splendorous tools must be equipped when gathering at the specified gathering points.
After completing the quest "An Original Improvement," collectables may be acquired by using Select Bait Balls at specified fishing locations. * Splendorous tools must be equipped when fishing at the specified fishing locations. * Select Bait Balls can be obtained from Quinnana in the Crystarium (X:10.4 Y:7.7).

New miner and botanist gathering points have been added.

New items have been added to gathering points.

New fishing holes have been added.

New mounts have been added.

New chocobo barding has been added.

New minions have been added.

New fashion accessories have been added.

New achievements and titles have been added.

Eureka Orthos has been added to the Deep Dungeon category of the Party Finder.
Players must first unlock Eureka Orthos to select this option.

In order to prevent server congestion immediately after the release of Patch 6.35, we will be implementing multiple field instances for Mor Dhona, Thavnair, and Mare Lamentorum.
* We will monitor server activity and remove this feature when congestion is determined to no longer be an issue. * Specific instances can be selected when entering from a neighboring area or teleporting via aetheryte.

The camera controls when accessing the character preview screen can now be adjusted separately from the standard camera controls.
* In accordance with this update, reversed axis settings applied to the standard camera controls will no longer affect the character preview screen.

The following options have been added to the Character Configuration menu:
Control Settings
General Tab
Camera Controls
Rotation in Character Preview
Movement in Character Preview
Rotation in Character Preview
Movement in Character Preview

The following text commands have been added:
Command | Description | |
/earwiggle | USAGE: /earwiggle [subcommand] →Wiggle suddenly enormous ears. >>Subcommands: motion Perform motion only. Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified. |

New music and sound effects have been added.

In order to improve user experience when using Immerse Spatial Audio, the processing of certain ambient sounds with this feature has been adjusted.
- The following issues have been addressed.
- An issue in the Omega Protocol (Ultimate) wherein Omega used auto-attack when players were under the effect of Magic Vulnerability Up inflicted by Hello, World.
- An issue in the island sanctuary wherein reviewing the workshop's agenda caused the game client to forcibly close under certain conditions.
- An issue in upper La Noscea wherein certain gathering points could not be accessed when using a gamepad.
- An issue when using Estate Teleportation via the friends list wherein setting aetheryte ticket usage to "Always Use" or "Always Use for Costs Above Gil Allowance" in the Teleport Settings window still incurred a gil fee without using tickets.
- Other minor text issues have also been addressed.
- The following issues have been addressed.
Other various issues have also been addressed.
- An issue in the deep dungeon Eureka Orthos wherein executing Summon Phoenix while under the effect of Amnesia results in the Demi-Phoenix not appearing and players not receiving the effect of Everlasting Flight. * Demi-Phoenix will appear after executing any other action.
- An issue in the deep dungeon Eureka Orthos wherein the location of certain treasure coffers is incorrect. * Misplaced treasure coffers can be targeted and opened.
- An issue wherein the graphics of the feet gear Valentione Rose Heels does not display correct when equipped by male Lalafells.
- An issue wherein the third tier of splendorous tools for Disciples of the Land introduced in Patch 6.35 are missing the attribute "GP +9." * As a provisional measure, a hotfix will be released as soon as possible to ensure these tools grant the effect of this attribute. Please note, however, the "GP +9" attribute will not be displayed in the item description until a subsequent update to completely resolve the issue.
Item | Category | |
Manderville Sword Replica Gladiator's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Katzbalger Gladiator's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Katzbalger Gladiator's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Sword Gladiator's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Axe Replica Marauder's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Axe Marauder's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Axe Marauder's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Axe Marauder's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Zweihander Replica Dark Knight's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Zweihander Dark Knight's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Gunblade Replica Gunbreaker's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Manatrigger Gunbreaker's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Manatrigger Gunbreaker's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Gunblade Gunbreaker's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Replica Manderville Knuckles Pugilist's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Handleblades Pugilist's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Handleblades Pugilist's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Knuckles Pugilist's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Spear Replica Lancer's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Partisan Lancer's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Partisan Lancer's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Spear Lancer's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Samurai Blade Replica Samurai's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Samurai Blade Samurai's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Samurai Blade Samurai's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Samurai Blade Samurai's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Scythe Replica Reaper's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Sickle Reaper's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Sickle Reaper's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Scythe Reaper's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Replica Manderville Knives Rogue's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Cleavers Rogue's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Cleavers Rogue's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Knives Rogue's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Harp Bow Replica Archer's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Bow Archer's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Bow Archer's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Harp Bow Archer's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Revolver Replica Machinist's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Arquebus Machinist's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Arquebus Machinist's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Revolver Machinist's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Replica Manderville Chakrams Dancer's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Chakrams Dancer's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Chakrams Dancer's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Chakrams Dancer's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Rod Replica Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Staff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Staff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Index Replica Arcanist's Grimoire | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Index Arcanist's Grimoire | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Rapier Replica Red Mage's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Smallsword Red Mage's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Smallsword Red Mage's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Rapier Red Mage's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Cane Replica Two-handed Conjurer's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Wand Two-handed Conjurer's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Wand Two-handed Conjurer's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Codex Replica Scholar's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Codex Scholar's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Codex Scholar's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Codex Scholar's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Torquetum Replica Astrologian's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Planisphere Astrologian's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Planisphere Astrologian's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Torquetum Astrologian's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Replica Manderville Milpreves Sage's Arm | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Wings Sage's Arm | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Wings Sage's Arm | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Milpreves Sage's Arm | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Manderville Kite Shield Replica Shield | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Orthos Shield Shield | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Shield Shield | Item Level: 625 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Amazing Manderville Kite Shield Shield | Item Level: 630 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Saw Carpenter's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Saw Carpenter's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Saw Carpenter's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Raising Hammer Armorer's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Raising Hammer Armorer's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Raising Hammer Armorer's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Mallet Goldsmith's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Mallet Goldsmith's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Mallet Goldsmith's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Knife Leatherworker's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Knife Leatherworker's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Round Knife Leatherworker's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Needle Weaver's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Needle Weaver's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Needle Weaver's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Alembic Alchemist's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Alembic Alchemist's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Alembic Alchemist's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Frypan Culinarian's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Frypan Culinarian's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Frypan Culinarian's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Pickaxe Miner's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Pickaxe Miner's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Pickaxe Miner's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Hatchet Botanist's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Hatchet Botanist's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Hatchet Botanist's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Splendorous Fishing Rod Fisher's Primary Tool | Item Level: 570 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Augmented Splendorous Fishing Rod Fisher's Primary Tool | Item Level: 590 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Crystalline Fishing Rod Fisher's Primary Tool | Item Level: 620 / Equipment Level: 90 | |
Enaretos Earrings Earrings | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1 | |
Enaretos Necklace Necklace | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1 | |
Enaretos Bracelet Bracelets | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1 | |
Enaretos Ring Ring | Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1 | |
Orthos Potion Medicine | Grants the effect of Rehabilitation (HP regeneration) to self. Duration: 30s ※Only available for use in Eureka Orthos. | |
Select Pixieberry Ingredient | A dainty and delectable pixieberry, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. | |
Platinum Seahorse Seafood | Gleaming like a precious, silvery trinket, this elusive variety of seahorse drifts largely unseen─and unappreciated─beneath the surface of the Source. [Suitable for printing on small canvases.] | |
Mirror Image Seafood | Legend has it that after being reflected in the waters of Handmirror Lake, the pattern of a princess's dress lives on in the form of this colorful fish. [Suitable for printing on small canvases.] | |
Clavekeeper Seafood | This territorial species of moray patrols an area stretching from Seagazer Shoals to the coast of the Clave. [Suitable for printing on medium canvases.] | |
Spangled Pirarucu Seafood | Seemingly clad in a skin of metallic discs, this glimmering wavekin has been called the living treasure of Lake Tusi Mek'ta. [Suitable for printing on large canvases.] | |
Connoisseur's Prismstone Stone | A mineral excavated with the discerning standards of an avid collector in mind. All the colors of the rainbow dance within this mesmerizing rock. | |
Select Manganese Ingot Metal | An ingot of manganese, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. | |
Select Titanium Plate Metal | A thin, tiny plate of titanium, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. | |
Select Ironwood Lumber Lumber | A length of processed ironwood lumber, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. | |
Select Scarlet Moko Cloth Cloth | A bolt of fabric woven from scarlet moko grass, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. | |
Select Smilodon Leather Leather | A large piece of cured smilodon skin, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. | |
Select Crystal Glass Reagent | A pane of exceptionally transparent glass, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. | |
Select Hoptrap Leaf Reagent | The thin, twitching leaf of a hoptrap, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. | |
Connoisseur's Wattle Petribark Reagent | A material harvested with the discerning standards of an avid collector in mind. This semi-fossilized bark is guaranteed to survive being forgotten for several decades in the back of a reagent drawer. | |
Splendorous Earth Shard Reagent | A particularly splendorous manifestation of aetheric earth energy. | |
Connoisseur's Levin Mint Reagent | A material harvested with the discerning standards of an avid collector in mind. Even the aroma from this mint is enough to set one's tongue to tingling. | |
Adaptive Lightning Crystal Reagent | A particularly malleable manifestation of aetheric lightning energy. | |
Splendorous Water Shard Reagent | A particularly splendorous manifestation of aetheric water energy. | |
Connoisseur's Red Malachite Reagent | A mineral excavated with the discerning standards of an avid collector in mind. Once ground, this gemstone should provide a striking crimson pigment for use in dyes. | |
Adaptive Fire Crystal Reagent | A particularly malleable manifestation of aetheric fire energy. | |
Connoisseur's Chair Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. Despite its simple design, this chair still exudes a sense of being terribly expensive. | |
Connoisseur's Marimba Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. Each note sounds with a delightfully deep and resonant timbre. | |
Connoisseur's Wall Lantern Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector...and as bright as this lantern is, quite possibly blind it as well. | |
Connoisseur's Coffee Brewer Miscellany | A device crafted to satisfy the discerning tongue of an avid gourmet. Draws forth every last onze of flavorful goodness from the bean. | |
Connoisseur's Ornate Door Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. The wind will find no gaps to whistle through with this perfectly fitted portal. | |
Connoisseur's Bench Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector, as well as the most particular of posteriors. | |
Connoisseur's Vanity Mirror Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. Its flawless surface faithfully reflects the truth, fair or foul. | |
Connoisseur's Astroscope Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. Sure to find a loving home amidst the sudden swell of Vrandtic stargazing enthusiasts. | |
Connoisseur's Rug Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. No toes will ever feel a chill through this thick, luxurious rug. | |
Connoisseur's Leather Sofa Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. So dreamily soft and comfortable, it should come with a warning. | |
Connoisseur's Swag Valance Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. This wall hanging immediately brings a touch of class to any chamber. | |
Connoisseur's Red Carpet Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. To walk down this elegant stretch of scarlet is to feel the glow of success─whether it was earned or not. | |
Connoisseur's Cosmetics Box Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. Destined to become a beloved heirloom fought over by covetous descendants. | |
Connoisseur's Elixir Bottle Miscellany | A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. Rather more costly than the typical specimen in a jam jar collection. | |
Connoisseur's Pixieberry Tea Miscellany | A beverage concocted to satisfy the discerning tongue of an avid gourmet. Simultaneously sweet and tart, this tea almost takes the place of dessert. Almost. | |
Connoisseur's Pixieberry Tart Miscellany | A dessert concocted to satisfy the discerning tongue of an avid gourmet. One nibble is enough to fall under the spell of this tart's fae enchantment. | |
Splendorous Carpenter's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Carpenter's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Blacksmith's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Blacksmith's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Armorer's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Armorer's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Goldsmith's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Goldsmith's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Leatherworker's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Leatherworker's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Weaver's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Weaver's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Alchemist's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Alchemist's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Culinarian's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Culinarian's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Botanist's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Botanist's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Miner's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Miner's Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Fishing Rod Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Fishing Rod Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Fishing Reel Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance a base splendorous tool. | |
Adaptive Fishing Reel Component Miscellany | A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool. | |
Splendorous Coffer Miscellany | A tool chest containing a splendorous tool. Required level: 90. IL: 570. Primary tool type determined by current class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids. | |
Musicking Station Component Materials Miscellany | Raw materials that will soon become components─not materials─as per Managingway's extremely specific request (for components). ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Machining Supply Materials Miscellany | Materials fit to create supplies fit for a befittingly named Inventingway. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Restaurant-grade Supply Materials Miscellany | Raw materials for certain supplies included in Dickon's list. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Painting Supply Materials Miscellany | A convenient package of components necessary to create tools for enthusiastic amateur artists. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Radio Equipment Materials Miscellany | Components apparently vital to the creation of inscrutable equipment. You don't know─you just work here. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Audio Materials Miscellany | An assortment of pieces compatible with Loporrit-made sound systems. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Wind Instrument Component Materials Miscellany | An assortment of materials necessary for creating a wind instrument component. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Coin Manufacturing Component Materials Miscellany | Materials for a component used in the manufacture of Loporrit carats, Coiningway's monetary invention. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Memorabilia Materials Miscellany | An assortment of supplies useful for the production of self-gratifying paraphernalia. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Lighting Materials Miscellany | An assortment of supplies compatible with Loporrit-made lighting arrays. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Carrotlight Materials Miscellany | An assortment of materials compatible with carrotlights. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component Materials Miscellany | Materials for a component needed to upgrade the cleaner machina. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Audio Recording Component Materials Miscellany | Materials for a component needed to grant a supporter machina audio recording capabilities. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Materials Miscellany | An assortment of materials to be used in the assembly of an airtight protective suit component. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Occult Paraphernalia Materials Miscellany | An assortment of strange and hazardous materials to be used in the construction of occult paraphernalia. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Materials Miscellany | An assortment of materials to be used in the grand pursuit of printing additional copies of Cookingway's highly sought-after cookbook. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Carrot Chiller Component Materials Miscellany | An assortment of materials compatible with the cooking station's carrot chiller. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Materials Miscellany | An assortment of materials compatible with Loporrit-made gathering equipment. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Kitchen Materials Miscellany | A myriad array of kitchen supplies awaiting proper assembly. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Potentially Body-enhancing Materials Miscellany | Materials theoretically handy for creating items to tone, bulk, and provide satisfying gains to Loporrit bodies. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Artistic Materials Miscellany | An assortment of materials to aid in the creation of paint─the brighter and sparklier, the better. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Sudsy Soap Supplies Miscellany | An assortment of materials that will yield a highly effective, nontoxic cleaner. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Fungi Fighter Materials Miscellany | An assortment of pieces that may be assembled into a weapon debilitating to menacing mushrooms. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Fashionable Materials Miscellany | An assortment of supplies that hold great artistic promise for the fashion-forward Loporrit. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Musicking Station Component Miscellany | This soon-to-be element of Dreamingway's dream stage has been carefully crafted to prevent injury to frolicking Loporrits. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Machining Supplies Miscellany | These handcrafted items─provided in bulk─will hopefully result in the creation of inventive machines without any Loporrits being harmed in the process. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Restaurant-grade Supplies Miscellany | Supplies indispensable to the sophisticated and sanitary serving of cuisine. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Painting Supplies Miscellany | Judging by the requested volume, Loporrits really go through art supplies. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Radio Equipment Miscellany | Delicate supplies for the broadcasting station, carefully packaged so as to sustain minimal damage from inevitable Loporrit excitement. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Audio Spare Parts Miscellany | Useful parts for Loporrits who prefer surround sound. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Wind Instrument Component Miscellany | "Why settle for humming when you could be piping!" ─Pipingway ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Coin Manufacturing Component Miscellany | This component will allow the Loporrits to manufacture more of their new currency, thereby paving the way to prosperity─or rampant inflation. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Signed Memorabilia Miscellany | A box of mementos personally crafted and signed by none other than Etheirys's Warrior of Light. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Lighting Parts Miscellany | Spare parts used for the upkeep of lights both dazzling and glaring. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Carrotlight Pieces Miscellany | A set of pieces used for the assembly of delicious-looking luminescent carrotlights. Do not consume. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component Miscellany | Designed to enhance the effectiveness of the cleaner machina, this component will ensure that the Loporrits continue to have good, clean fun─the kind they love best. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Audio Recording Component Miscellany | When installed, this component will grant a supporter machina audio recording capabilities, thus allowing the Loporrits to experience the weirdness of hearing their own voice. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Miscellany | Once implemented into the PIPS, this airtight component will serve to keep Loporrits safe from infectious spores─assuming any choose to wear the thing. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Occult Paraphernalia Miscellany | What Thrillingway intends to do with this bizarre instrument is a question best left unanswered. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Miscellany | At the rate his cookbooks are being printed, Cookingway's authorial exploits may soon eclipse his culinary achievements. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Carrot Chiller Component Miscellany | This component will serve to repair the cooking station's cherished carrot chiller─until it inevitably breaks down again. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Miscellany | A much-needed component for a Loporrit-sized tool capable of slicing and dicing even the sturdiest of fungi. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Popular Kitchen Goods Miscellany | Perfect kitchen items for the fuzzy, small-handed chef. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
"Exercise Equipment" Miscellany | Anything can be used to bolster fitness if you put your mind to it...right? ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Paint-mixer's Toolbox Miscellany | A crate of elements essential to the Loporrit who keeps the paint abundant, bright, and sparkly. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Super Sudsy Soap Bars Miscellany | Cleansing material guaranteed to magically dissolve any and all unwanted smudges. Gentle on fur and whiskers. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Fungi Fighter Miscellany | Mushrooms will die. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Fashionable Thingums Miscellany | Objects meant to dazzle with individuality. Whether they are successful depends on the eye of the beholder. ※Only for use in Loporrit tribal quests. | |
Loporrit Material Supplier Permit Miscellany | This permit allows the hiring of Loporrit material suppliers on the estate. ※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively. | |
Loporrit Junkmonger Permit Miscellany | This permit allows the hiring of Loporrit junkmongers on the estate. ※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively. | |
Loporrit Mender Permit Miscellany | This permit allows the hiring of Loporrit menders on the estate. ※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively. | |
Loporrit Servingway Permit Miscellany | This permit allows the hiring of Loporrit manservants on the estate. ※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively. | |
Complementary Chondrite Miscellany | This rare form of chondrite contains spherule groupings which greatly amplify aetherial conductivity when synthesized with manderium─an advanced process which demands a heightened state of battle-based enlightenment. | |
Orthos Aetherpool Fragment Miscellany | A fragment of aetherpool gear found in Eureka Orthos. | |
Orthos Tomestone Miscellany | Containing information on the Allagan Empire's most clandestine research, these tomestones were strictly prohibited from leaving the halls of Eureka Orthos. | |
Orthos Aetherpool Grip Miscellany | A sturdy grip designed for Orthos aetherpool arms. | |
Bronze-tinged Sack Miscellany | This cumbersome bag containing a portion of Eureka Orthos's Accursed Hoard has been sealed with powerful magicks. Only an appraiser who has devoted their lives to studying Allagan relics might be able to undo such a seal. | |
Silver-tinged Sack Miscellany | This cumbersome bag containing a portion of Eureka Orthos's Accursed Hoard has been sealed with powerful magicks. Only an appraiser who has devoted their lives to studying Allagan relics might be able to undo such a seal. | |
Gold-tinged Sack Miscellany | This cumbersome bag containing a portion of Eureka Orthos's Accursed Hoard has been sealed with powerful magicks. Only an appraiser who has devoted their lives to studying Allagan relics might be able to undo such a seal. | |
Loporrit Framingway Kit Miscellany | "Tools for enhancing portraits and adventurer plates. Use to unlock embellishments fit for an allied helpingway. Includes Portrait Elements: Background, Accent Includes Plate Elements: Base Plate, Top Border, Bottom Border, Accent" | |
Eureka Orthos Framer's Kit Miscellany | "Tools for enhancing a portrait. Use to unlock embellishments fit for an unraveler of Allagan mystery. Includes Portrait Elements: Background, Accent Includes Plate Elements: Base Plate, Frame, Accent" | |
Enaretos Framer's Kit Miscellany | "Tools for enhancing a portrait. Use to unlock embellishments fit for the Allagan Empire's finest. Includes Portrait Elements: Background, Accent Includes Plate Elements: Base Plate, Frame, Accent" | |
Modern Aesthetics - A Close Shave Miscellany | The realm's premier publication on beauty and fashion, this specific copy of Modern Aesthetics covers, in detail, techniques for cropping one's locks so as to improve aerodynamics in the face of impending danger, whilst still remaining at the height of trendiness. Use to unlock a new hairstyle at the aesthetician. | |
Raindrop Defense System Miscellany | This advanced piece of technology was painstakingly designed to protect its bearer from descending moisture─no matter the cost. Use to acquire a raindrop defense system. | |
Dreamingway Card Triple Triad Card | A common (★) card used in the game Triple Triad. | |
Suprae-Lugae Card Triple Triad Card | A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad. | |
Gancanagh Card Triple Triad Card | A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad. | |
Venat Card Triple Triad Card | A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad. | |
Findingway Minion | Can find his own way without you, but chooses to tag along. Use item to acquire the Findingway minion. | |
Private Pachypodium Minion | Its detonating days are thankfully over. Use item to acquire the private pachypodium minion. | |
Moon-hopper Identification Key Other | A thin, rectangular piece of some unknown material. Placing it near your moon-hopper will magically bring the machine to life. | |
Orthos Craklaw Horn Other | When blown, this hardened horn emits a history-transcending sound that brings your Orthos craklaw scuttling to your side. | |
Aeturna Horn Other | Wrought of bone, this horn emits a vigorous sound that summons the aeturna to your side. | |
Allagan Barding Other | A suit of chocobo armor that may or may not be an authentic and precious relic of an ancient civilization. | |
Dreamwalker Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll | Music roll for Dreamwalker. Use to add to your orchestrion list. | |
Forbidden Land (Endwalker) Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll | Music roll for Forbidden Land (Endwalker). Use to add to your orchestrion list. | |
Battle 1 from FINAL FANTASY IV Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll | Music roll for Battle 1 from FINAL FANTASY IV. Use to add to your orchestrion list. | |
The Promise of Plunder Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll | Music roll for The Promise of Plunder. Use to add to your orchestrion list. | |
Crystal Rain Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll | Music roll for Crystal Rain. Use to add to your orchestrion list. | |
Orthos Display Stand Outdoor Furnishing | An Allagan hologram which depicts a legendary weapon. ※One per estate only. | |
Dorpokkur Kiln Outdoor Furnishing | A charming woodstove topped with a decorative dorpokkur, incidentally colored a striking shade of "burnt." | |
Lalafell Lifter Furnishing | Tired of being forgotten in conversation and hitting the edge of the table with your nose? No longer with the Lalafell Lifter, the chair specifically designed to uplift even the smallest of heroes. | |
Simple Low Table Table | A quaint and practical addition to any room. | |
Allagan Terminal Alpha Wall-mounted | An N-shaped device created to access ancient Allagan systems. Though no longer functional, the light-up display is still hauntingly beautiful. | |
Allagan Terminal Beta Wall-mounted | An L-shaped device created to access ancient Allagan systems. Though no longer functional, the light-up display is still hauntingly beautiful. | |
Rainbow Hopping Rug Rug | A multicolored mat perfect for vigorous and rhythmic bouncing. | |
Select Bait Ball Fishing Tackle | A specialized bait ball procured by the Boutique of Splendors. This unique paste has been designed to attract a highly specific type of catch. |
Carpenter Blacksmith Armorer Goldsmith Leatherworker Weaver Alchemist Culinarian
Item | Material / Crystal | |
Musicking Station Component | Musicking Station Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Machining Supplies | Machining Supply Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Restaurant-grade Supplies | Restaurant-grade Supply Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Painting Supplies | Painting Supply Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Radio Equipment | Radio Equipment Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Audio Spare Parts | Audio Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Wind Instrument Component | Wind Instrument Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Coin Manufacturing Component | Coin Manufacturing Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Signed Memorabilia | Memorabilia Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Lighting Parts | Lighting Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Carrotlight Pieces | Carrotlight Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component | Cleaner Upgrade Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Audio Recording Component | Audio Recording Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component | Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Occult Paraphernalia | Occult Paraphernalia Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia | Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Carrot Chiller Component | Carrot Chiller Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component | Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Popular Kitchen Goods | Kitchen Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
"Exercise Equipment" | Potentially Body-enhancing Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Paint-mixer's Toolbox | Artistic Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Super Sudsy Soap Bars | Sudsy Soap Supplies Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Fungi Fighter | Fungi Fighter Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Fashionable Thingums | Fashionable Materials Wind Crystal x7 Ice Crystal x7 | |
Connoisseur's Chair | Select Ironwood Lumber Ironwood Log x2 Wind Cluster x4 Ice Cluster x2 | |
Connoisseur's Marimba | Select Ironwood Lumber Integral Lumber Chondrite Ingot Wind Cluster x4 Ice Cluster x2 |
Item | Material / Crystal | |
Musicking Station Component | Musicking Station Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Machining Supplies | Machining Supply Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Restaurant-grade Supplies | Restaurant-grade Supply Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Painting Supplies | Painting Supply Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Radio Equipment | Radio Equipment Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Audio Spare Parts | Audio Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Wind Instrument Component | Wind Instrument Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Coin Manufacturing Component | Coin Manufacturing Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Signed Memorabilia | Memorabilia Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Lighting Parts | Lighting Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Carrotlight Pieces | Carrotlight Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component | Cleaner Upgrade Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Audio Recording Component | Audio Recording Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component | Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Occult Paraphernalia | Occult Paraphernalia Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia | Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Carrot Chiller Component | Carrot Chiller Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component | Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Popular Kitchen Goods | Kitchen Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
"Exercise Equipment" | Potentially Body-enhancing Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Paint-mixer's Toolbox | Artistic Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Super Sudsy Soap Bars | Sudsy Soap Supplies Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Fungi Fighter | Fungi Fighter Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Fashionable Thingums | Fashionable Materials Fire Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Connoisseur's Wall Lantern | Select Manganese Ingot Phrygian Gold Ore x2 Fire Cluster x4 Earth Cluster x2 | |
Connoisseur's Coffee Brewer | Select Manganese Ingot Star Quartz Chondrite Ingot Fire Cluster x4 Earth Cluster x2 |
Item | Material / Crystal | |
Musicking Station Component | Musicking Station Component Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Machining Supplies | Machining Supply Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Restaurant-grade Supplies | Restaurant-grade Supply Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Painting Supplies | Painting Supply Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Radio Equipment | Radio Equipment Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Audio Spare Parts | Audio Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Wind Instrument Component | Wind Instrument Component Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Coin Manufacturing Component | Coin Manufacturing Component Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Signed Memorabilia | Memorabilia Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Lighting Parts | Lighting Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Carrotlight Pieces | Carrotlight Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component | Cleaner Upgrade Component Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Audio Recording Component | Audio Recording Component Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component | Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Occult Paraphernalia | Occult Paraphernalia Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia | Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Carrot Chiller Component | Carrot Chiller Component Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component | Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Popular Kitchen Goods | Kitchen Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
"Exercise Equipment" | Potentially Body-enhancing Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Paint-mixer's Toolbox | Artistic Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Super Sudsy Soap Bars | Sudsy Soap Supplies Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Fungi Fighter | Fungi Fighter Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Fashionable Thingums | Fashionable Materials Ice Crystal x7 Earth Crystal x7 | |
Connoisseur's Ornate Door | Select Titanium Plate Ironwood Log x2 Ice Cluster x4 Earth Cluster x2 | |
Connoisseur's Bench | Select Titanium Plate Integral Lumber Chondrite Ingot Ice Cluster x4 Earth Cluster x2 |
Item | Material / Crystal | |
Musicking Station Component | Musicking Station Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Machining Supplies | Machining Supply Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Restaurant-grade Supplies | Restaurant-grade Supply Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Painting Supplies | Painting Supply Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Radio Equipment | Radio Equipment Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Audio Spare Parts | Audio Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Wind Instrument Component | Wind Instrument Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Coin Manufacturing Component | Coin Manufacturing Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Signed Memorabilia | Memorabilia Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Lighting Parts | Lighting Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Carrotlight Pieces | Carrotlight Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component | Cleaner Upgrade Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Audio Recording Component | Audio Recording Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component | Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Occult Paraphernalia | Occult Paraphernalia Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia | Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Carrot Chiller Component | Carrot Chiller Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component | Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Popular Kitchen Goods | Kitchen Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
"Exercise Equipment" | Potentially Body-enhancing Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Paint-mixer's Toolbox | Artistic Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Super Sudsy Soap Bars | Sudsy Soap Supplies Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Fungi Fighter | Fungi Fighter Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Fashionable Thingums | Fashionable Materials Wind Crystal x7 Fire Crystal x7 | |
Dorpokkur Kiln | Cut Stone x5 Potter's Clay x5 Manganese Ingot x5 Firewood Wind Crystal x8 Fire Crystal x8 | |
Connoisseur's Vanity Mirror | Select Crystal Glass Bismuth Ore x2 Wind Cluster x4 Fire Cluster x2 | |
Connoisseur's Astroscope | Select Crystal Glass Star Quartz Chondrite Ingot Wind Cluster x4 Fire Cluster x2 |
Item | Material / Crystal | |
Musicking Station Component | Musicking Station Component Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Machining Supplies | Machining Supply Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Restaurant-grade Supplies | Restaurant-grade Supply Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Painting Supplies | Painting Supply Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Radio Equipment | Radio Equipment Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Audio Spare Parts | Audio Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Wind Instrument Component | Wind Instrument Component Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Coin Manufacturing Component | Coin Manufacturing Component Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Signed Memorabilia | Memorabilia Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Lighting Parts | Lighting Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Carrotlight Pieces | Carrotlight Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component | Cleaner Upgrade Component Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Audio Recording Component | Audio Recording Component Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component | Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Occult Paraphernalia | Occult Paraphernalia Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia | Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Carrot Chiller Component | Carrot Chiller Component Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component | Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Popular Kitchen Goods | Kitchen Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
"Exercise Equipment" | Potentially Body-enhancing Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Paint-mixer's Toolbox | Artistic Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Super Sudsy Soap Bars | Sudsy Soap Supplies Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Fungi Fighter | Fungi Fighter Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Fashionable Thingums | Fashionable Materials Earth Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Connoisseur's Rug | Select Smilodon Leather Almasty Fur x2 Earth Cluster x4 Wind Cluster x2 | |
Connoisseur's Leather Sofa | Select Smilodon Leather Integral Lumber AR-Caean Velvet Earth Cluster x4 Wind Cluster x2 |
Item | Material / Crystal | |
Musicking Station Component | Musicking Station Component Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Machining Supplies | Machining Supply Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Restaurant-grade Supplies | Restaurant-grade Supply Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Painting Supplies | Painting Supply Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Radio Equipment | Radio Equipment Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Audio Spare Parts | Audio Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Wind Instrument Component | Wind Instrument Component Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Coin Manufacturing Component | Coin Manufacturing Component Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Signed Memorabilia | Memorabilia Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Lighting Parts | Lighting Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Carrotlight Pieces | Carrotlight Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component | Cleaner Upgrade Component Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Audio Recording Component | Audio Recording Component Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component | Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Occult Paraphernalia | Occult Paraphernalia Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia | Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Carrot Chiller Component | Carrot Chiller Component Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component | Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Popular Kitchen Goods | Kitchen Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
"Exercise Equipment" | Potentially Body-enhancing Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Paint-mixer's Toolbox | Artistic Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Super Sudsy Soap Bars | Sudsy Soap Supplies Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Fungi Fighter | Fungi Fighter Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Fashionable Thingums | Fashionable Materials Lightning Crystal x7 Wind Crystal x7 | |
Connoisseur's Swag Valance | Select Scarlet Moko Cloth Almasty Fur x2 Lightning Cluster x4 Wind Cluster x2 | |
Connoisseur's Red Carpet | Select Scarlet Moko Cloth AR-Caean Velvet Ophiotauros Leather Lightning Cluster x4 Wind Cluster x2 |
Item | Material / Crystal | |
Musicking Station Component | Musicking Station Component Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Machining Supplies | Machining Supply Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Restaurant-grade Supplies | Restaurant-grade Supply Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Painting Supplies | Painting Supply Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Radio Equipment | Radio Equipment Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Audio Spare Parts | Audio Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Wind Instrument Component | Wind Instrument Component Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Coin Manufacturing Component | Coin Manufacturing Component Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Signed Memorabilia | Memorabilia Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Lighting Parts | Lighting Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Carrotlight Pieces | Carrotlight Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component | Cleaner Upgrade Component Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Audio Recording Component | Audio Recording Component Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component | Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Occult Paraphernalia | Occult Paraphernalia Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia | Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Carrot Chiller Component | Carrot Chiller Component Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component | Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Popular Kitchen Goods | Kitchen Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
"Exercise Equipment" | Potentially Body-enhancing Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Paint-mixer's Toolbox | Artistic Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Super Sudsy Soap Bars | Sudsy Soap Supplies Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Fungi Fighter | Fungi Fighter Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Fashionable Thingums | Fashionable Materials Water Crystal x7 Lightning Crystal x7 | |
Connoisseur's Cosmetics Box | Select Hoptrap Leaf Petalouda Scales x2 Water Cluster x4 Lightning Cluster x2 | |
Connoisseur's Elixir Bottle | Select Hoptrap Leaf Grade 5 Vitality Alkahest x2 Grade 5 Mind Alkahest x2 Water Cluster x4 Lightning Cluster x2 |
Item | Material / Crystal | |
Musicking Station Component | Musicking Station Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Machining Supplies | Machining Supply Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Restaurant-grade Supplies | Restaurant-grade Supply Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Painting Supplies | Painting Supply Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Radio Equipment | Radio Equipment Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Audio Spare Parts | Audio Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Wind Instrument Component | Wind Instrument Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Coin Manufacturing Component | Coin Manufacturing Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Signed Memorabilia | Memorabilia Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Lighting Parts | Lighting Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Carrotlight Pieces | Carrotlight Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Cleaner Upgrade Component | Cleaner Upgrade Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Audio Recording Component | Audio Recording Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component | Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Occult Paraphernalia | Occult Paraphernalia Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia | Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Carrot Chiller Component | Carrot Chiller Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component | Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Popular Kitchen Goods | Kitchen Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
"Exercise Equipment" | Potentially Body-enhancing Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Paint-mixer's Toolbox | Artistic Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Super Sudsy Soap Bars | Sudsy Soap Supplies Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Fungi Fighter | Fungi Fighter Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Fashionable Thingums | Fashionable Materials Fire Crystal x7 Water Crystal x7 | |
Connoisseur's Pixieberry Tea | Select Pixieberry Sideritis Leaves x2 Fire Cluster x4 Water Cluster x2 | |
Connoisseur's Pixieberry Tart | Select Pixieberry Dark Rye Flour x2 Palm Sugar x2 Fire Cluster x4 Water Cluster x2 |
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