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Doom Eternal – Update 6.66 Patch Notes | Conquer Demonic Waves in Horde Mode!

Doom Eternal – Update 6.66 Patch Notes | Conquer Demonic Waves in Horde Mode!


Introducing Horde Mode, the latest addition to the thrilling world of DOOM Eternal! In this challenging single-player game mode, players will battle wave after wave of demons across three intense missions from DOOM Eternal and The Ancient Gods. With no checkpoints and only three extra lives to start, you'll need to bring your A-game and sharpen your skills. But fear not, as you progress, you'll unlock new weapons and earn extra lives to aid you in your quest for the highest score. Plus, there's a ton of cool customization items to unlock along the way! But that's not all! Horde Mode also features leaderboards for each difficulty level, allowing you to compete against other slayers and showcase your skills. Your score will be uploaded to the leaderboard at the end of each run, and if you manage to score 400,000 points, you'll be awarded prestigious Slayer Medals. And let's not forget about the rewards! There are so many amazing earnable rewards in Horde Mode that we couldn't possibly list them all here. You'll just have to see them for yourself. Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping, demon-slaying experience like no other in DOOM Eternal's Horde Mode!

Horde Mode

  • *Footage captured on and for Update 6.66 on non-Switch platforms
Compete for the highest score by battling wave after wave of demons across three Missions from DOOM Eternal and The Ancient Gods – Parts One and Two* in this challenging new single player game mode. You’ll need to keep your wits about you and your skill sharp. Like a classic arcade game, there aren’t any checkpoints, you start with just 3 extra lives - but there are more to earn as you progress. You begin with only a fully mastered Combat Shotgun, unlocking a new weapon at random as you complete each Arena Round. Earn new Milestones and unlock loads of cool new customization items as you progress!
  • *All Horde Mode content is available to players who own any DOOM Eternal product configuration, including standalone versions of The Ancient Gods - Parts One, Part Two, and or the Year One Pass
  • There is a different Leaderboard for each Difficulty
  • Your score gets uploaded to the Leaderboard at the end of each run
  • Your rating is based on your score
  • Slayers who score 400,000 points are awarded Slayer Medals
Rewards Galore There are so many amazing earnable rewards in Horde Mode, that instead of listing them all via text, we thought it would be better to show you: So... DE-rewards 2 960x540...many... DE-rewards 3 960x540...rewards.

New Master Levels

DE.TN.ML 960x540 DE MARS.CORE.ML GFX 960x540 DE THE.WORLD.SPEAR.ML GFX 960x540 Update 6.66 for Nintendo Switch includes three new Master Levels, Taras Nabad, Mars Core and The World Spear*. Complete the corresponding campaign level to unlock each one. Access your unlocked Master Levels from the Mission Select menu
  • *You must own DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods – Part Two to play The World Spear Master Level

Ray Tracer Ballista Skin

RayTracer.NR This incredibly reflective new Ballista skin is a free login reward waiting for every Slayer


Update 6.66 brings the biggest and most important update to the game mode so far. Now, more than ever skill matters in BATTLEMODE. The more you win, the better the players you face off against will be. Complete BATTLEMODE 2.0 Series Challenges to increase your Rank, unlock new rewards and attain a higher Leaderboard position Leaderboards BATTLEMODE 2.0 adds Slayer and Demon-based Leaderboards for each supported platform. Leaderboard position is determined by Rank attained and number of Hot Streaks completed in the current Series. Leaderboards are reset with each Series changeover The Leaderboards consist of three parts: 1. Cycle Type
  • Global - This displays all players on the Leaderboard within a specific platform
  • Favorites - This displays all players within your personal favorites list
  • Near Me - This displays global players in and around your Leaderboard placement
2. Leaderboard List Leaderboards are organized by descending order of rank
  • Rank - Displays rank numbers
  • Hot Streak - Indicates number of Hot Streaks earned
  • Name - Displays player usernames
3. Rewards
  • Players will be awarded title cosmetics based on their BATTLEMODE Leaderboard placements for a single Series. There are two separate sets of titles for both the Sentinel Hero and Hell’s Demons Leaderboards
leaderboard rewards

Speaking of Rewards...

We know you just wanna see the rewards that are available right now in BATTLEMODE 2.0, so without further ado... DE BM2.0 S4 Cosmetics 960x540
  • *Due to these current rewards having started earlier on other platforms, challenge targets will be adjusted on Nintendo Switch to make these items more easily attainable

New Playable BATTLEMODE 2.0 Content

In addition to BATTLEMODE 2.0, Update 6.66 adds the brand-new playable Demon, the Dread Knight and two new BATTLEMODE arenas: Corrosion and Stronghold! DE-DreadKnight GFX 960x540


The Dread Knight is well-suited for Demon players who have an all-or-nothing play style. With double-jump and an array of attacks, the Dread Knight is a nimble demon with and potent offensive capabilities, but the attacks require cooldowns that can leave you exposed in between use DE-DK-Ability EnergyWave Primary Attack: ENERGY WAVE The Energy Wave is a Destroyer Blade-style energy projectile that yields moderate damage with a moderate rate of fire DE-DK-Ability Berserk BERSERK
  • Activating Berserk temporarily replaces Energy Wave with a high-damage melee attack with heavy lurch
  • While in use, Berserk increases movement speed and reduces damage taken by up to 60%
  • Every use of Berserk requires a long cool down period
DE-DK-Ability GroundSlam GROUND SLAM
  • Ground Slam is an AOE attack that allows the Dread Knight to leap to a selected location within the permitted range to deal explosive damage to the area upon impact
  • Every use of Ground Slam requires a cool down period
DE-DK-Ability QuantumOrb QUANTUM ORB
  • Quantum Orb is a projectile attack dealing moderate damage which the Dread Knight can redirect in flight by activating its teleport ability
  • Every use of the Quantum Orb requires a cooldown period, which is shorter if the teleport ability is not activated

Mid-Round Upgrades DE-DK-EndOfRoundUpgrade Ferocity FEROCITY Your Energy Wave projectile reduces Berserk’s cooldown every time it hits the Slayer DE-DK-EndOfRoundUpgrade Enshroud ENSHROUD Ground Slam not longer deals damage but instead creates a smoke cloud that grants temporary invisibility

New BATTLEMODE 2.0 Arenas

DE.BM.Corrosion 960x540 Corrosion is a forgotten fortress that's been ravaged by a hellish swamp. Players will engage in frenetic firefights through the outer Battlements and ambush deep into the inner Catacombs. The Courtyard acts as the arena's centerpiece, and provides cover with plenty of mobility options. Expect high showdown potential between the Demon Players and DOOM Slayer in this new arena DE.BM.Corrosion.Areas.960x588
DE-BM2.0-STRONGHOLD-GFX Stronghold is at the center of Hell. Acting as both a defensive position and a processing facility that helps fuel the Dark Lord's warmachine, the environment lends itself to players who can keep moving between the different layers arena. Demon players and Slayer alike will fight over the valuable cover that the Fuel Overflow area provides. Players who master traversing between the bottom and top platforms will excel in our most competitive BATTLEMODE map to date DE-BM2.0-Arena-Stronghold Layout 960x540

New Slayer Campaign & BATTLEMODE 2.0 Changes

DE-Switch customcontrols slayer edit CONTROLLER: WEAPON-SPECIFIC BINDS
  • Players can now remap their controller to include specific weapon-specific binds
  • Added ability to switch weapons during wind down animation
  • Adjusted base charge time and wind down time
  • Speed of Quick Recovery upgrade has been increased
  • Removed additional movement speed penalty for firing so there is just slowdown on activation. As a result, the Fast Feet upgrade removes all movement penalty and the string has been updated to reflect that

The Ancient Gods - Part Two Balance Changes

The World Spear
  • Updated Fountain encounter by adding a Pain Elemental and improving AI pathing
  • Added some incidental encounters to mountain area
  • Adjusted pacing of initial Blood Maykr encounter
Reclaimed Earth
  • Beefed up the first encounter to make it a bit more challenging and added a Mancubus
  • Removed Stone Imps from the first stage of the Escalation Encounter
  • Removed Shield and Riot Soldiers out of the Library arena
  • Added some more challenging AI to combat as you ascend the Library building
  • Added an additional Mancubus to the final arena
  • No changes

Main Menu Music options now available via Audio menu:
  • DOOM Eternal Menu Music
  • The Ancient Gods Menu Music

New Milestones

Horde Mode brings three new Milestones! ach horde 57 lets play Let's Play
  • Complete the first Horde Mode Mission
ach horde 59 reinvented weapon wheel Reinvent the Weapon Wheel
  • Re-collect all of the weapons on the Weapon Wheel
ach horde 61 game over Game Over
  • Beat Horde Mode

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where collision was present on armor and ammo drops
  • Fixed in issue in which ambient music from the automap would persist outside of the Dossier
  • Fixed the issue in which the Argentas Paladi Milestone progress would not complete correctly
Note: Thank you all so much for your patience with these! BATTLEMODE 2.0
  • Fixed an issue in which the Archvile’s Flame Wall would block the Marauder’s Shotgun Blast attack
  • Updated the description for the Revenant’s Sadist upgrade to make the wording clearer
  • Fixed an issue where Demon Players can stack Healing Zone for double healing with/without Tactician upgrade
  • Fixed a physics-related issue that caused Slayers to lose momentum when dashing next to certain surfaces
  • Fixed the Revenant’s jetpack acceleration so it is no longer framerate dependent
  • Fixed an issue where additional Demon Player models would appear on respawn after using Team Heal upon a Demon teammate's death
  • Fixed an issue where Slayers can generate more armor shards from Demon Players damaged by quick-swapping
  • Fixed a culling issue on the ceiling of the Corrosion map

Known Issues

  • Issue: When a Mancubus Player spawns at the start of a round, the "Smoke Bomb" interface element will only be partially filled. This is a display issue, the Smoke Bomb fires correctly
  • When using the "Rumble Pack" pose, the Slayer's Shotgun & Zombie models may disappear from the podium when a text chat message is opened
Horde Mode
  • The Horde Mode Milestone, "Reinvent the Weapon Wheel" does not appropriately award the icon portion of the reward

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