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Doom Eternal – Update 4.1 Patch Notes | Super Gore Nest Master Level Bug Fixes

Doom Eternal – Update 4.1 Patch Notes | Super Gore Nest Master Level Bug Fixes

Super Gore Nest Master Level Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue which resulted in the Golden Combat Shotgun not unlocking after completing all Super Gore Nest Master Level challenges
  • Fixed an issue in which players would sometimes be progression blocked after using the Yellow Key
  • Fixed an issue where a Spectre demon would not spawn under certain conditions, sometimes blocking progression
  • Fixed a rare bug in which an extended wave of fodder zombies would continue to spawn in the Star Mall
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate doors would sometimes appear after dying and reloading checkpoints, causing a progression blocker
  • Fixed an issue on PC where quitting to desktop while on Ultra Nightmare difficulty would erase the campaign save game used to play the Super Gore Nest Master Level
  • Fixed an issue where users could sometimes encounter a progression blocker when rushing into the encounter outside of the hospital
  • Fixed a bug in which players could encounter a progression blocker during the final encounter in the exterior totem arena where the Archvile could summon a demon that gets stuck on the ledge where the Slayer Key is located

The Ancient Gods – Part One Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that would happen at the end of the Slayer tutorial for users who only own the standalone version

General Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where all the UI text appeared bold
  • Fixed a bug that caused loading screens to remain at 99% complete for longer than expected

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