It is the future. A pixel can now replicate over 250 different colors. Entire “mega” “bytes” of information fit on a single plastic diskette. Warriors clash in cyberspace with the very minions of Hell for glory and entertainment. The time is right for DOOM Eternal’s next event: HACK TO THE FUTURE II
Until August 6, rack up XP to unlock neon-tastic cybercosmetics like the Demoncide Slayer Skin, ‘Pixel Warrior’ title, ‘Circuit Board’ Chaingun skin and more. Crush this event and you’ll unlock the Retro Revenant Master Collection, paying homage to the O.G. jet packin’ skeleton complete with its own skins, upgradeable Podium, icon, title and animations!
As with past events, XP to unlock goodies is earned simply by playing DOOM Eternal. Complete campaign levels, enter the cyber-arenas of BATTLEMODE and finish weekly challenges to stock on XP and unlock those rewards. No dawdling, it’s time to hack the planet(‘s demonic corruption down to size)!
Learn more about DOOM Eternal’s in-game events and unlocking rewards in our dev diary video. Don’t forget to join the Slayers Club if you haven’t already to start off your collection with the Zombie Slayer skin!

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