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Warframe – Hotfix 36.0.2 Patch Notes | Player Necramech Changes

Warframe – Hotfix 36.0.2 Patch Notes | Player Necramech Changes

Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.2

For those who purchased the Lavos Yersin Skin between Jade Shadows’ release and Hotfix 36.0.1 and were missing its custom Shoulder Guards, they have been sent to your account. You may need to manually equip them in the Arsenal in order for them to appear.


  • Changed the name of the “Shotgun Cannonade” Mod to “Semi-Shotgun Cannonade” to match the naming standard of the other Semi-Trigger Cannanade Mods released in Jade Shadows.
  • Known issue: We will fix the inability to equip this Mod onto the Steflos in a future Hotfix.
  • Player Necramech changes:
    • Player Necramech’s Shields now have a 50% Damage Reduction.
    • Fixed Warframe and Railjack Shields missing their intended 50% Damage Reduction!
    • Player Necramechs have had their weaknesses/resistances standardized to match Tenno Health.
  • Updates some of the Terror Landing Craft’s SFX.


  • Fixed getting soft-locked after equipping and aiming the Shockprod or Stunna Fishing Spears.
  • Known issue: This (and not being able to see the fishing UI) is still occurring in Quests that have a fishing stage to it (ex: Heart of Deimos). We are investigating a fix for a future Hotfix/Update.
  • Fixed the Melee Crescendo Arcane granting double the intended Initial Combo amount on Finishers.
  • Fixed the Secondary Fortifier Arcane overwriting existing Overguard values if they are over the Arcane’s 15k cap.
  • Fixed performance issues occurring during the first cutscene of the Jade Shadows Quest.
  • Fixed the duration of Protea’s Blaze Artillery being slightly reduced when not firing.
  • Fixed Blast Status Effects causing performance drops and crashes.
  • Fixed immediately getting stuck on a railing after loading into an Ascension mission through Ordis at the Larunda Relay.
  • Fixed Chat Link preview descriptions for several Mods being broken.
  • Fixed cases of “Account update failed” after playing an Ascension mission as Stalker.
  • Fixed a flickering duplicate of Lohk’s Embrace occurring when viewing it at certain angles.
  • Fixed a script error caused by Jade’s Light’s Judgment ability.
  • Fixed a crash caused by Stalker’s Punishment ability when used at the end of an Ascension mission.
See the Source for the rest..

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