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Warframe – Hotfix 36.0.1 Patch Notes | Jade Shadows Hotfix

Warframe – Hotfix 36.0.1 Patch Notes | Jade Shadows Hotfix
We hope you’ve been enjoying Jade Shadows, Tenno! Friendly reminder of the Spoiler Courtesy when sharing anything regarding the Quest. Changes: 
  • When Companion Hounds steal an Arctic Eximus’ Shield with Null Audit, the shield will no longer block friendly projectiles (similar to Frost’s Snow Globe).
  • The Juggernaut will now use its stomp ability if it detects perception actions from invisible players (ex: shooting while invisible in Ash’s Smoke Screen).
    • This applies to all versions of the Juggernaut, including the Juggernaut Behemoth.
  • Added the following prerequisites to the Vox Solaris and Heart of Deimos Quests in the Codex.
    • Vox Solaris - “Reach Fortuna (Venus) on the Star Chart”
    • Heart of Deimos - “Reach Cambion Drift (Deimos) on the Star Chart”
  • When the TennoGuide directs players to the Vox Solaris Quest, selecting it will now load them directly into Fortuna.
  • Enemies are now visually ragdolled after being killed by Jade’s Glory on High ability.
  • Made the Captura Scene rewarded from the Jade Shadows Quest untradeable and unsellable.
    • Since it can only be acquired via the Quest and we want to prevent players from losing it. If you have already sold/traded it you can submit a ticket to  
  • Made further tweaks to the Syndicate Segment UI panel.
    • Fixed certain materials from the panel being visible through Warframes.
  • Made minor offset adjustment to the Low Guardian Chest Plate when equipped on the Revenant Mephisto Skin.
  • Updated cinematic VFX during the Ascension stage of the Jade Shadows Quest.
  • Updated Evensong’s VFX.
Ascension & Operation: Belly of the Beast Fixes: 
  • Fixed Operation: Belly of the Beast missions not using the intended Ascension Drop Tables (which you can view in our public drop tables).
    • This meant that players were not earning Jade’s component or weapon blueprints from their Operation missions. Now you should be able to farm for Jade while also earning the Operation rewards!
  • Fixed Sisters of Parvos encountered during the Operation: Belly of the Beast missions not dropping Vestigial Motes alongside their existing Volatile Mote drops.
  • Fixed the tutorial message explaining how to throw the Ionic Capsules not appearing for Clients in Ascension missions.
  • Fixed enemies continuing to spawn in Ascension missions after the objective has been completed and Extraction is available.
  • Fixed incorrect message when attempting to open Ordis’ Operation wares without being in a Clan.
    • Now reads: “Join a Clan to earn Clan-specific rewards.”
  • Fixed the “Time Left To Trade” display in Ordis’ offerings screens being incorrect. Ordis will be offering his wares all throughout the Operation until July 18 @ 11:30 AM ET - no slacking here, Operator!
  • Fixed Ivara’s Prex Card appearing on screen after picking up Jade’s Prex Card in Ascension mission.
  • Fixed being able to use Gear items while playing as Stalker if bound to a hotkey.
  • Fixed Teshin’s transmissions causing spot-loading/performance issues in Steel Path Operation: Belly of the Beast missions.
  • Fixed Z-fighting issues occurring on certain textures in the Ascension tileset.
  • Fixed a crash caused by using Loki’s Switch Teleport ability on the elevator in Ascension missions.
  • Fixed a script error in the Ascension gamemode.
  • Fixed players being indefinitely stuck in the Void Angel’s spike ability.
  • Fixed Archon Intensify not triggering when Jade’s Light’s Judgment ability heals players.
  • Fixed the Jade Light Eximus’ beam attack bypassing Revenant’s Mesmer Skin.
  • Fixed Harmony missing its intended/innate Madurai and Vazarin Polarities (first two Slots in the top row).
    • If you had already Forma’d Harmony in these Slots, they will override the innate Polarities. If you wish to undo/change this you can submit a ticket to
  • Fixed Jade’s Blueprints being available to research in Dagath’s Hollow Clan room.
    • They snuck past their intended spot which are the Ascension/Operation drop tables and Ordis’ Volatile Motes store. For those who have already acquired those Blueprints via the Dojo, they are yours to keep!
  • Fixed players with language set to German being unable to get past the confirmation prompt to start the Jade Shadows Quest.
  • Fixed hitting teleport volume while in Jade’s Glory on High ability causing the player to be teleported back to the location where they last touched the ground.
  • Fixed Protea’s Blaze Artillery fire rate being slower than intended. It has been reverted to its pre-Jade Shadows value.
    • The duration of Blaze Artillery is slightly reduced when it is not firing. We’ve identified the issue and it’ll be remedied in a future Hotfix.
  • Fixed screen going completely white during the Mastery Rank 20 test.
  • Fixed Slash Status Effects not bypassing Armor as intended in the Simulacrum after swapping Weapons/opening Upgrade screen in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed 1 000,00 Numeric Separators setting causing asterisks to be used in place of spaces.
    • This was rather noticeable in the Syndicate Segment panel.
  • Fixed Lotus’ “Heavy Unit approaching” transmission playing in the Ambulas Arena and Moonlit Courtyard Simulacrum rooms.
  • Fixed the light in the middle of the Kuva Pump Chest Plate not moving at the same rate as the rest of the chest piece with Anti-Aliasing set to TAA 8X (HIGH).
  • Fixed offset issues with the Kuva Pump Chest Plate on several Warframes.
  • Fixed the Lavos Yersin Skin missing its custom Shoulder Guards.
    • For those who purchased the skin between Jade Shadows’ release and this Hotfix, we will have a follow up fix to come that will send you those missing Shoulder Guards.
  • Fixed the Unda Prime Sentinel Mask missing textures.
  • Fixed the Terror Landing Craft Skin’s tooltip in the Update screen saying it is for the Scimitar, when it is a universal Landing Craft Skin.
  • Fixed being able to equip baby Kubrows/Kavats from the Navigation Loadout options. They are not combat ready! Cuddles only for them.
  • Fixed the Jade Chorus Pack exclusive items (Jade Ophanim Sigil and Jade In Action Glyph) being available for Platinum in the in-game Market.
    • For those who had purchased them there, they are yours to keep!
  • Fixed cases where players would be unable to add friends, set friends as favorites, receive friend requests and/or edit notes on friends after merging/linking accounts for Cross-Platform Save.
  • Fixed informative message missing in the pop-up that explains to players that they are over the Adversaries limit.
    • Reads: “Adversary history limit (Sisters of Parvos and Kuva Liches) exceeded. You need to Relinquish X Adversaries to play confrontations.”
  • Fixed the Captura Scene rewarded from completing Jade Shadows being categorized under “Entrati” instead of “Quests” in the selection screen.
  • More fixes towards multiples of the Lotus merging on top of each other in one of the Angels of the Zariman Quest cinematics.
  • Fixed the Evensong being Conclave eligible (it is not balanced for Conclave).
  • Fixed GI Lighting issues causing visual noise on the lower area of the Orbiter.
  • Fixes towards a large panel appearing on Warframes with invisibility abilities active (includes Stalker in the Jade Shadows Quest) after being hit by Impact damage.
  • Fixed certain Displays not appearing after being placed in the Dojo.
  • Fixed “PH” tag in Arcane Blessing’s HUD Buff description.
  • Fixed offset issues with the Corachrix Shoulder Armor when equipped on Mag.
  • Fixed offset issues with the Harkonar Wraith Leg Plates when equipped on Jade.
  • Fixed offset issues on enemy Crewmen in the final cinematic of the Jade Shadows Quest cinematic.
  • Fixed Syandana offset issues when equipped on the Drifter wearing the Vahd Suit.
  • Fixed Jade Light Enemies appearing during the final cinematic of the Jade Shadows Quest.
  • Fixed the “See Full Patch Notes” button in the Update Highlights screen using the wrong URL.
  • Fixed a spelling error in Jade Shadows Quest’s objective text.
  • Fixed a crash caused by NPCs attempting to move to player to perform some kind of a context action (ex: Finisher), but no clear path is available to them.
  • Fixed a crash caused by the HUD buff notification for Jade’s Light’s Judgment ability.
  • Fixed a crash caused by Kavat Companions.
  • Fixed several script errors in Jade’s Light’s Judgment ability.
  • Fixed a script error in Jade’s Ophanim Eyes ability.
  • Fixed several script errors in Jade’s Glory on High ability.
  • Fixed a script error caused by using Jade’s Glory on High alt-fire.
  • Fixed several script errors in Protea’s Blaze Artillery ability.
  • Fixed a script error in Garuda’s Blood Altar ability.
  • Fixed a script error in Ash’s Bladestorm ability.
  • Fixed a script error in Sevagoth’s Sow ability.
  • Fixed a script error in Kullervo’s Storm of Ukko ability.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when hit by an enemy Hound's Repo Audit ability.
  • Fixed a script error caused by enemies with bullet attractor abilities.
  • Fixed a script error with Jade Light Eximus enemies.
  • Fixes towards a crash caused by Blast Damage Status Effect. 10

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