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Warframe – Hotfix 35.5.6 Patch Notes

Warframe – Hotfix 35.5.6 Patch Notes
Today’s Hotfix continues last week’s efforts to address community feedback since the changes made in Hotfix 35.5.3. More specifically, we have adjusted Dante’s Dark Verse, Pageflight and Tragedy, Nezha’s Divine Retribution Augment, and Arca Titron’s “Slam Capacity” buff with player sentiment in mind. We have also made quality-of-life changes to Overguard and Line of Sight (LoS) checks on other Warframes based on feedback sparked by Dante’s balance changes. Full details are listed below in dedicated sections. There has been a considerable amount of change in a small amount of time, much of which could have arguably received some more careful consideration prior to release. Balance changes are only ever done with the best of intentions for the overall health of the game, but we have to recognize when we’ve overstepped. The combined changes from last Friday’s and today’s Hotfix acknowledge that and are intended to rectify and course-correct. Dante Changes As promised last week, we have made more adjustments to Dante as part of our continued effort to address player feedback regarding the balance changes made in Hotfix 35.5.3. Dark Verse:
  • Made Dark Verse’s Line of Sight (LoS) checks more reliable to bring it in line with Tragedy.
    • Following the improvements to Tragedy’s LoS last week, we’ve applied the same logic to Dark Verse to ensure enemies within LoS are properly considered to prevent cases where being only partially visible would not trigger the check. This is part of the greater LoS improvements detailed in the “Line of Sight Improvements” section below.
  • Returned the Status Damage increase applied to enemies hit by its Paragrimms.
    • At Max Rank, the Status Damage Increase is 50% (scaleable with Ability Strength).
    • This was an undocumented/unintended element of Pageflight at release that we decided to remove, but in doing so, we broke our promise of “not touching damage” with Dante, so we’ve returned it, and it now has proper documentation in the ability UI!
  • Because of the return of Pageflight’s Status Damage increase, we have added a 1 billion damage cap to Tragedy, purely as a preventative measure against game errors. This is our highest damage cap in the game, a testament to how powerful Pageflight and Tragedy can be with the right setup. We will monitor feedback and performance over a longer time span before reviewing again.
Updated Overguard Interactions With Vex Armor, Rage, & Hunter Adrenaline   As announced last week, we’ve changed how Overguard interacts with effects that benefit from receiving damage on Warframe to make it more co-op friendly. Specifically, Chroma’s Vex Armor and the Rage and Hunter Adrenaline Mods. The conversations regarding Dante’s abilities with Overguard became a driving factor to look at these interactions and find ways in which we can make them work to benefit co-op play. Overall, these changes aim to create a harmonious arrangement between the often unpredictable Overguard gains from allies and Vex Armor, Rage, and Hunter Adrenaline. The following changes are in addition to their existing functionality. Chroma’s Vex Armor Previously, Overguard would prevent Chroma from benefiting from his Vex Armor buffs (since it blocked damage on Health and Shields). So, we’ve made the following change to allow players to receive the buffs through all sources of Overguard: Now: Melee kills now grant a 15% Armor increase and ranged kills a 15% increase to Weapon Damage (doubled to 30% for ranged weak point kills).  This has the additional perk of self-sufficiency where players have far more control over the buffs, instead of having to rely on the unpredictability of damage dealt by enemies. Rage and Hunter Adrenaline  Previously, Overguard granted by allies could prevent you from gaining Energy from these Mods (since it blocked damage dealt to Health). So, in an effort to create a more co-op friendly experience between the two, we’ve made the following change: Now, Rage and Hunter Adrenaline can convert the Damage on Overguard granted by allies to Energy while Shields are inactive.  More specifically, they will trigger when the last source of Overguard originates from an ally (includes Warframe Specters with Overguard abilities spawned by allies.) This allows shield-less Warframes, such as Inaros and Nidus, to be able to regenerate Energy via these Mods when they would have previously been blocked by Overguard granted by allies. Here are the exact stat details:
  • Rage: +40% (same effectiveness as the base functionality) of Damage on Overguard granted by allies to Energy while Shields are inactive.
  • Hunter Adrenaline: +45% (same effectiveness as the base functionality) of Damage on Overguard granted by allies to Energy while Shields are inactive.
NOTE: Warframes that grant themselves Overguard, like Kullervo or Rhino, will not be able to trigger Rage and Hunter Adrenaline from their own Overguard. Only Overguard granted by allies is eligible because this is the only interaction that is potentially disruptive to your build (i.e your ally puts Overguard onto your Rage-Build Nidus). Necramech Rage and Kinetic Diversion (Archwing) have also had the same changes applied to them with Overguard interactions:
  • Necramech Rage: Convert +15% of Damage on Overguard gained from allies to Energy.
  • Kinetic Diversion: Convert +40% of Damage on Overguard gained from allies to Energy.
General Overguard Change:
  • Frost’s Icy Avalanche Augment Mod will now grant Overguard to non-player allies in radius (i.e. Sentinels, Companions, Specters).
Line Of Sight (Los) Improvements  As announced last week, we have revisited LoS checks on other Warframes to bring them in line with the new and improved version of Dante’s LoS added in Hotfix 35.5.4. To reiterate, there are now two variations of LoS checking:
  1. The first type of check sees if any part of the enemy has been drawn on the screen, so that any part of an enemy, big or small, is considered visible/eligible to pass the LoS check.
  2. The second type of check is for enemies that are not on screen. We now check for LoS to the enemy's head, torso, and feet instead of only to their body which will increase reliability there as well.
For Abilities that hit enemies in a full circle around you, both checks are used: Once to evaluate enemies that you can see and then a second sweep to check targets to the sides and behind you that aren't visible. The following Warframe abilities have received the aforementioned improvements: 
  • Excalibur’s Radial Blind (Rendered Check)
  • Excalibur Umbra’s Radial Howl (Rendered Check)
  • Dante’s Dark Verse (Rendered Check)
  • Helminth’s Sickening Pulse (Rendered Check)
  • Hildryn’s Pillage (Rendered Check)
  • Mag’s Pull (Rendered Check)
  • Nova’s Null Star Augment (Rendered Check)
  • Hildryn’s Aegis Storm (Raycast Check from floor where Hildryn is hovering)
  • Khora’s Whipclaw (Raycast Checks from multiple points around the whip's impact)
  • Qorvex’s Chyrinka Pillar (Raycast Checks from top and center of pillar)
The above changes also tangentially fixes the issue of low FOV preventing LoS checks from occurring (this was most reported for Dante’s Dark Verse, Hildryn’s Pillage, Khora’s Whipclaw, Mirage’s Prism, and Mag’s Pull). More LoS Improvements in Future Update:  The following Warframe abilities will be receiving the same treatment in a future update, since they require Cert update (more information on what this means here) in order to launch across all platforms.
  • Ember’s Fire Blast
  • Gyre’s Rotorswell
  • Vauban’s Tesla Bank Augment
    • While a Cert update is required to apply the new LoS checks onto Vauban’s Tesla bank, we have in the meantime fixed the AoE from the mines getting blocked by non-static objects.The Augment was preventing the mines from behaving as they do in their non-augmented state where they check for cover for static objects (level geometry), so we’ve rectified that so that it is subject to the same checks as Tesla Nervos AoE.
  • Zephyr’s Tailwind (Dive Bomb)
As written directly above, we are not done with improving LoS and will continue to assess where further improvements can be made. New reports related to LoS will be investigated for future Hotfixes/Updates. Thank you, Tenno! Nezha's Divine Retribution Change Divine Spears now have a set base radius of 14m (scaleable with Ability Range) instead of the previous 50% Ability Range reduction while the Augment is equipped. After reading player feedback, reducing Divine Spears’ range by 50% rendered the Augment quite limiting and carved heavily into Mod Slot space to accommodate for it. So we’ve instead given it a base Radius to keep it within reason, but also to bring it back to a much more manageable level without dipping into extremes (as it was prior to the changes). Arca Titron “Slam Capacity” Trait Changes Arca Titron was an outlier to the Slam Attack rework in Dante Unbound, as its Unique Trait allowed for ludicrous damage numbers. We aimed to change its damage output to a more reasonable level, but as a result made the weapon too underpowered. To address this, we’ve made the following changes to the Titron based on the community feedback we received after the adjustments we made to the buff in last week’s Hotfix:
  • Reduced the max charges from 10 to 5.
    • We wanted to make it easier for players to achieve max charges so that they can benefit from the Slam Damage and Range increase more often.
  • We’ve also adjusted the Slam Damage and Range per charge increase to accommodate for the change of max charges:
    • Increased the Slam Damage increase per charge to +250% (was +100%) for a total of +1,250% (was +1,000%).
    • Increased the Slam Range increase per charge to 2m (was 1m) for a total of 10m (same as before!).
  • Fixed Slam Capacity’s guaranteed Electricity Status proc to Slam Attack not occurring.
Deep Archimedea Fixes
  • Fixed Void Angel scaling in difficulty based on the squad’s total death count, instead of for the downed individual as intended.
  • Fixed still earning Reward Points from matching Loadout after swapping off of the options during the mission vote countdown timer.
  • Fixed being able to awaken multiple Void Angels at once after multiple teammates have fallen and need to be revived.
  • Fixed Clients being unable to see the “Alchemical Invulnerability” elemental icons on enemies in Alchemy missions.
  • Fixed being unable to complete Deep Archimedea missions due to Stalker spawning in.
    • This was due to Stalker spawning on the other side of locked doors, preventing players from completing the mission. We’ve disabled Stalker spawning into (including Stalker Beacon) Albrecht’s Laboratories missions to prevent this and similar issues from reoccurring in Deep Archimedea and the base missions.
  • Fixed several script errors caused by the Loadout options (notably when Host migration occurs).
  • Fixed a typo in the description for the “Barbed Glyphs” Mirror Defense mission Deviation.
  • Fixed unlocalized text appearing in the Deep Archimedea screen for Loadout options.
General Fixes 
  • Fixed players being unable to matchmake for Omnia Fissure missions located on the Zariman or Albrecht’s Laboratories.
  • Fixed the possibility of Distressed Pipes in Alchemy missions spawning under the floor in the new tiles that were released with Dante Unbound - making them untargetable unless with Slam Attacks.
  • Fixed being unable to trade Mods in the Dojo immediately after Ranking them up.
  • Fixed Residual Arcanes not triggering while riding Merulina.
  • Fixed Akjara having strange shot patterning that leads to poor Accuracy.
    • With no added Multishot, the bug was causing it to shoot its projectiles as a line to the right of the point of aim. With Multishot, they would shoot as a line to the left of the point of aim. Now, it should correctly shoot its projectiles in an averaged radius around the point of aim.
  • Fixed loss of function after casting Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance while dual wielding a Secondary Weapon with a Glaive Melee.
  • Fixed Onos’ Evolution V not unlocking after completing a Solo mission with an Incarnon Weapon equipped in every slot (as required) if the player had an Exalted Weapon active while extracting.
  • Fixed destroyed Murmur Sarcophages not always counting towards the “Find X Murmur Sarcophages” Cavia Bounty Challenge.
  • Fixed Lohk Surges not spawning reliably to complete the “Find and Activate X Lohk Surges” Cavia Bounty Challenge.
  • Fixed the Heart of Deimos Quest not progressing if the player reaches the Requiem Cipher door while the “Kill Infested” objective is still active.
    • Now, the door to the Requiem Cipher will remain locked until after defeating all the Infested enemies to prevent this issue from recurring.
  • Fixed Styanax’s Tharros Strike infused onto another Warframe via Helminth not having any visible projectiles.
  • Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirror Clones obstructing player’s view (instead of fading out when in reticle) after casting Eclipse with the Total Eclipse Augment Mod.
  • Fixed being able to have more than 4 players in a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed Warframe with cyclable abilities missing stats for each of their effects in the ability screen. Specifically:
    • Wisp’s Reservoirs
    • Titania’s Tribute
    • Chroma’s Spectral Scream
    • Xaku’s The Lost
    • Vauban’s Minelayer
  • Fixed the UI backtracking after opening the Archon Shards screen via the Arsenal and quickly selecting the “Archon Shards” button in the Helminth screen.
  • Fixed Challenge descriptions box in Profile appearing black when switching tabs.
  • Fixed the glass material on Lavos’ vials and Helmet being too bright in GI lighting areas.
  • Fixed the Vehicles Arsenal (for Archwing, K-Drive and Necramech) having much darker lighting than the standard Arsenal in the Orbiter.
  • Fixed a crash related to Yareli’s Merulina getting destroyed after spawning.
  • Fixed a crash caused by Host migration occurring in a secret part of Albrecht’s Laboratories.
  • Fixed the Chains of Harrow Quest “Equip Kinetic Siphon Traps” prompt missing instructions on how to acquire them.
  • Fixed Valkyr’s Carnivex Skin causing her to hold Bows awkwardly in one of her idle animations.
  • Fixed Onos appearing on Yareli’s left arm instead of the right as intended while using the Loyal Merulina Augment Mod.
  • Fixed the Onos having too much flickering in its beam motion.
  • Fixed the Narmer Faction name not being localized in the mission node popup.
  • Fixed information pop ups in the Foundry appearing on items that don’t have the crafting components being shown.
  • Fixed environment flickering issues in one of the Albrecht’s Laboratories tiles.
  • Fixed a gap in one of the doorways in the Albrecht’s Laboratories tileset.
  • Fixed being unable to destroy the grates in certain areas of the Albrecht’s Laboratories tileset.
  • Fixed several script errors in Cavia Bounties.

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