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PES 2019 – Data Pack 5.0 Details !

PES 2019 – Data Pack 5.0 Details !
PES 2019’s Data Pack 5.0 update brings with it the latest Argentina and Colombia national team kits as well as the Chinese Football Association Super League and Thai League strips for the new season. Additionally, more than 60 player faces from around the world will be updated to further enhance the authenticity and realism in PES 2019, including players from PES partner clubs and the Japanese national football team.
As clubs in the European leagues play out an exciting final few weeks and teams in Asia and America start their new seasons, we hope the updates in Data Pack 5.0 will add to your PES experience.

▼Updated kits

More than 50 team kits have been updated, including Argentina, Colombia, Palmeiras and Corinthians. Plus, as their respective seasons kick-off, CFA Super League and Thai League teams.

▼New season updates

Updates to player data and emblems for every club from the CFA Super League and Thai League to reflect the 2019 season. The new official match ball of CFA Super League has also been added.
  • Park ji-Sung

▼Player face updates

More than 60 updates to player faces from leagues and clubs around the world, including PES partner clubs FC Barcelona and Inter Milan as well as stars from the Japan national team.

▼Updated interview backdrops

Corinthians and Palmeiras interview backdrop designs have been updated.
  • Arsenal

▼New player portrait photos added

Several new player portraits that can be seen when setting formations and checking player stats during matches have been added.

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