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PC Alpha Test Submissions Now Finished

PC Alpha Test Submissions Now Finished
TLDRThe UFL PC Alpha Test submissions have concluded, marking a transition to the next phase of development. Players can anticipate joining UFL as the team enhances the gameplay experience, preparing for wider release opportunities. Stay updated for news on access and new features.

UFL PC Alpha Test Submissions Now Finished! — Join UFL

Dear UFL players,

We thank everyone who showed interest and submitted their applications for the UFL PC Alpha Test! The submission period is now officially over. We were pleasantly surprised by the number of responses received worldwide. Your enthusiasm shows how vital this project is to you and motivates us to work even harder.

Every application is valuable to us, and our team is now carefully reviewing each one to select a small group of testers. We aim to include a wide range of players with different preferences and experience levels, which will help us identify the areas that need the most improvement. This testing phase is a crucial step in UFL's development, and the selected participants will play a key role in optimizing and refining the game.

We will soon be contacting those chosen to participate in the test. If you’re not selected this time, don’t worry; there will be more opportunities.

We appreciate all of you and are grateful for your dedication to UFL’s future. We are confident that we can make the game even better together.

Add us to your wishlist via the link and stay tuned for all the updates.

Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you on the pitch!

UFL Team

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