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Overwatch 2 – Relive Your Glory

Overwatch 2 – Relive Your Glory

Relive Your Overwatch Glory!

Relive Your Overwatch Glory! You don’t need to use Recall to look back on all the good memories you’ve made since the launch of Overwatch in 2016. Instead, head over to your official Overwatch 2 Recap Video! To celebrate surpassing 100 million players—and to give thanks to the heroes who made that possible—we’ve put together a personalized recap tailored to your gameplay. Watch now to see your achievements honored, your teammates commended, and your contributions recognized! Access your Recap Video by visiting*. After all, with so many points captured, backlines dove, and endorsements received, you deserve to capitalize on some hard-earned bragging rights. When the world needed heroes most, you answered the call. Indiscriminate of role, rank, or main, you’re as valuable an addition to Overwatch as any in-universe agent. Resurrect your fondest memories of queuing and join the community in celebration today! Cheers to the game we’ve built together. See you in your next match—GLHF! Company Logo For more details, visit the source website.

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