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NBA 2K20 – 1.05 Patch Notes | 30.09.2019

NBA 2K20 – 1.05 Patch Notes | 30.09.2019
NBA 2k20 has received a new update today for PC , PS4 and Xbox One. We have all the information, including patch notes. NBA 2k20 Update Version 1.05 can now be downloaded. With the update there are new features and bug fixes Here are the details;
  • Successful coach challenges won't use a timeout
  • Fix for baseline dunks that weren't triggering properly
  • Adjust Pro Stick window for hop step gathers so left or right performs normal dunks/layups
  • Fewer missed "full white" releases
  • Buff Pick Dodger to match Brick Wall strength
  • Fix Steve Nash sig dribble style yo-yo ball bug
  • Widen the speed gap, especially to reduce the speeds of low-rated bigs
- Fixed a major issue that was causing the game to hang at intermittent times (e.g. when accessing the VIP Stats menu, when completing games in Domination, when playing Play Now Online games, and more).
- Addressed a number of issues in MyCAREER to greatly improve the user experience in that mode.
- Fixed an issue where some MyPLAYER names would disappear (may need to create a new build to correct existing saves).
- Numerous Gameplay improvements & fixes including: support for standing stepback escapes and finishing alley-oops with Pro Stick, out of bounds awareness improvements, more reliable interior shot defense contact detection, logic fixes for certain badges, and much more.
- Addressed an exploit that allowed users to play players out of position in MyTEAM.
- Fixed an issue where some users were reporting they were not receiving the correct reward cards from Domination games in MyTEAM.
- Fixed an issue where some users were not receiving their awards when achieving new Collector Levels in MyTEAM.
- Many, many more fixes included to improve the overall experience of NBA 2K20!

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