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Minecraft – Trial Chambers Weapons and Armor

Minecraft – Trial Chambers Weapons and Armor

Into the Trial Chambers: Weapons and Armor

The essential hardware you’ll need to tackle a tricky challenge! Greetings adventurers, and welcome to the third part of our guide on how to tackle a trial chamber! In this series we’ve already looked at how to automate crafting processes and what snacks a hungry player should bring with them on their dangerous quest. But now an important decision awaits you – a decision that will have far-reaching consequences on whether you’ll survive the challenge ahead. It’s time to decide what to wear. Image 84: A character wearing a gold helmet and a diamond armor set. As seasoned players will know, Minecraft offers a wide selection of wardrobe options when it comes to protecting an adventurer’s soft and vulnerable bits from their foes. There are multiple tiers of armor in the game, but what they all have in common is that you’ll need 24 of each raw ingredient to craft a full set, and two damaged items of the same type can be crafted together into one repaired item. The simplest, but weakest, option is leather – which is obtained from cows. Leather armor is quick and cheap to get hold of, but it won’t hold off a determined enemy for long. Image 85: Two Minecraft players in a storage room. Next up is gold. This soft metal almost doubles the protection you get from enemy blows, but its durability is only slightly higher than leather. You’ll be getting through a lot of it if you end up in a drawn-out fight, but on the other hand, you’ll look amazing in the process. Then there’s iron, which is a great balance of protection, durability, and how easy it is to craft. A full set of iron armor can be obtained with a little time spent mining, and will last you a good long while. Finally, the most dedicated and resourceful players will craft themselves a set of diamond armor. This requires spending lots of time in the depths of the Overworld, hunting for that blue glimmer of diamond ore. But you’ll be rewarded with the strongest and most durable protection you can obtain this side of a Nether portal. Image 86: A Minecraft character firing a bow inside a trial chamber. You can be suited up in the strongest armor, but without some way of taking down your foes, even the toughest adventurer will eventually fall. That’s why it’s also important to invest time and effort in crafting a solid arsenal of weaponry to take with you into the trial chamber. Swords are the most obvious option for a player expecting trouble. Just like armor, they come in four Overworld flavors – wood, gold, iron and diamond – from weakest to strongest. A good melee weapon like a sword is crucial for taking down tough foes like breezes, which have a protective shield of wind that repels projectiles. Image 87: A Minecraft character jumping through the air with a sword. Another option for melee fighting is an axe. These also come in four ranks of increasing strength, and deal more damage per hit than a sword does. The trade-off is that they can’t be swung so quickly. Axes are also able to scrape the oxidation from the copper bulbs found in trial chambers, giving you more light to work with. Finally, it’s absolutely worth bringing along a ranged weapon for tackling harder-to-reach enemies. Bows can be fired quickly and are easy to craft, while crossbows deal more damage but take longer to charge (unless enchanted). Both require arrows, so don’t forget to take plenty of those along with you too! Whichever hardware you choose, know that trial chambers are designed to be just that – a trial. As well as weapons and armor, you’ll need a healthy dose of courage and fortitude to survive. Good luck!

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