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Minecraft – Trial Chamber Prepping

Minecraft – Trial Chamber Prepping

Trial Chamber Prepping

Eat your way to victory!

Tricky Trials? More like Deadly Trials! Minecraft’s all-new trial chamber structure may be a mysterious place laden with loot, but it’s also laden with life-threatening danger and hordes of nasty mobs – something the developers didn’t bother telling me before I went in there with nothing but foolhardy courage and a smile on my face. A dozen respawns later and feeling much grumpier, I know better – one does not simply walk into a trial chamber!

With all the looming dangers and endless corridors, it’s crucial to come prepared to this winding maze of mystery in order to reap the rewards. And you don’t have to take it from me! Take it from my very good friend, Mr. Endy Mann.

That’s right, Per! You can’t wage war on bogged and breeze without proper supplies – and especially not on an empty stomach! What does food have to do with it? Everything!

Endy Mann

Ok, that quote was made up, but the point still stands – if you want to succeed in one of Minecraft’s more challenging challenges to date, a few snacks and consumables on hand could go a long way. Let’s look at a few options!


The Overworld is a hostile place. Danger awaits around every block, and one false step will have you stumbling into lava, taking damage from sand and gravel, or falling into a deep mineshaft while yelling like Goofy. Trial chambers are no exception, as they’re crawling with hostile mobs and carefully laid traps. For situations like these, it’s important to use refreshments that boost both your spirits and your health. A Potion of Healing will quickly repair lost hearts and broken dreams – perfect for whenever you’re at death’s door in a chamber.

Taste: 1/5 – Since when did medicine taste good?

Requirements: Access to a brewing stand, awkward potion, glistering melon slice


What’s better than milk? I can’t think of anything. Wait, I can! A BUCKET of milk. Besides the smooth, exquisite taste and the balanced color, Minecraft milk holds magic-like (scientific?) properties! When consumed, it immediately removes all status effects from the player. For a place like a trial chamber, where a group of bogged can pop out of trial spawners en masse, this delicious drink is moooost effective. Poison arrows? No sweat!

Taste: 5/5 – When life gives you lemons, trade it for a cow and get a bucket of cold milk instead.

Requirements: Cow, bucket


The golden apple is one of those items you usually see used by edgy hardcore players in PvP games on Twitch. However, it’s also a resourceful item to bring along to a trial chamber. In moments of intensity, a golden apple can make all the difference. The difference? Absorption I and Regeneration II status effects. Heck, it even grants you some saturation! As Endy always tells me: “A golden apple a day keeps the bogged at bay!”

Taste: 1/5 – Unlike its real-world equivalent, Golden Delicious, we’d assume this has more of a metal taste to it?

Requirements: 8 golden ingots, 1 apple


Composed of protein (and a whole other stuff I have no knowledge of), meat is an essential building block for muscle growth. In Minecraft, it’s essential for keeping your hunger bar full – as well as healing any furry friends you might be keeping in your company. If you plan on bringing your wolf – or your entire pack of wolves – with you to a trial chamber, meat is a must-have! Trust me, they will love you for it.

Taste: 2/5 – Meat without carbs and gravy is just gain without joy.

Requirements: Cow, pig, sheep, chicken, weapon of choice


We can’t have an article about snacks without mentioning something with sugar on this highly resourceful list. I know what you’re thinking – why would you want to bring a pile of whipped cream to a hostile dungeon? The real question is: why wouldn’t you? Since the cake is a food source that can be placed before consuming it, it serves a great tactical purpose for any group of friends planning on exploring a trial chamber. By placing these delicious desserts all over a trial chamber, you will always have a food source close by. It’s also a great bonding experience to share a bit of cake with your friends!

Taste: 5/5 – It’s sugar. What else is there to say?

Requirements: Milk, sugar, egg, wheat, friends


By now, you should be stocked up with either supplies for your trial chamber adventure, or inspiration. Or maybe you prefer to brave the trial chambers with absolutely nothing in your inventory? You do you! Dare to cook up your own path and good luck on your adventure! For those who are starving for more first-hand knowledge about prepping tips for the Tricky Trials Update – coming on June 13 – stay tuned for our next part here on!

Written By
Per Landin


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