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Guild Wars 2 โ€“ June 25, 2024 Update Notes | Land Spear Beta Event Announced

Guild Wars 2 โ€“ June 25, 2024 Update Notes | Land Spear Beta Event Announced

Key Points:

  • Land Spear Beta Event from June 27-30
  • New options to hide aquabreathers in equipment panel
  • Accessibility improvements in Strike Missions and Fractals
  • PvP adjustments for ranked reward tracks
  • Updates to Elementalists and Guardians skills

Game Update Notes: June 25, 2024

Note to users of third-party programs: The game may not launch or work properly after we release a new build if you use a third-party program, due to possible incompatibilities. ArenaNet cannot offer support if a third-party modification breaks, interferes with, or prevents you from playing Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2. Our policy regarding third-party programs can be found here.

Land Spear Beta Event

The land spear beta event begins this Thursday! The event runs from June 27 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) until June 30 at 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7). Every Guild Wars 2 account in good standing, including Play-for-Free accounts, will automatically get character slots marked "Beta" when the beta event begins. Clicking on one of these slots will allow you to create a character using any of the nine Guild Wars 2 professions.


  • Added an option to hide or unhide aquabreathers in the equipment panel.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some vendors' interfaces to scroll down when purchasing items from them.
  • Updated the Sunken Treasure Hunter content in anticipation of an upcoming weekly event:
    • Sunken chests have been added to the end of the Aquatic Ruins fractal and Siren's Reef fractal.
    • Various functionality improvements to opening and resetting sunken chests.
  • Lowered the difficulty of the "Help Lucretia get back to Garenhoff" event.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the rockslides encountered in the Missing Brood collection from being in the proper animation state.


Lonely Tower Fractal

  • Reduced the boon corruption Eparch causes with Envy Empowerment.
  • Reduced Eparch's health.

Strike Missions

  • Balance adjustments made to the Temple of Febe challenge mode encounter to make it more accessible.

Player vs. Player

  • The number of ascended shards of glory required to purchase ascended gear from PvP vendors has been decreased.
  • Changes will apply to ranked reward tracks starting with the next PvP league season, Season 42, which begins on July 2.


  • Players who misplaced their Saga's End Draconic Core can purchase additional copies from Sarettokk in Lion's Arch after completing all requirements to earn the item.
  • Fixed issues related to various skins not unlocking properly in the wardrobe.

Profession Skills

  • Elementalists and Guardians received updates, including fixes to skills and increased radius effects.
See the source for the rest..

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