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FIFA 23 – Title Update 8 | Pro Clubs x VOLTA FOOTBALL

FIFA 23 – Title Update 8 | Pro Clubs x VOLTA FOOTBALL


Introducing the latest FIFA patch! This update improves FIFA Ultimate Team, resolves referee kit color issues, stabilizes PC pack openings, enhances Pro Clubs and VOLTA FOOTBALL, and includes visual updates and bug fixes. Enjoy a better FIFA experience with these exciting improvements!

FIFA Ultimate Team

Addressed the following issues:
  • Addressed further instances of referees incorrectly wearing the same kit colors as one of the teams involved in the match.
  • [PC Only] Addressed a stability issue that could occur when opening packs.
    • This issue was previously listed on the EASF Tracker.


Addressed the following issue:
  • In rare cases, the camera could have incorrectly followed a CPU AI player in VOLTA ARCADE.

General, Audio, and Visual

Made the following change:
  • Updated some badges, kits, tifos, hair, stadiums, star heads, pre-match scenes, headwear, mascots, stadium themes, tattoos, balls, bundle art, VIP Areas, pitch props, fan flags, and gloves.
Addressed the following issues:
  • When editing a player, sometimes the height and weight values did not display.
  • Addressed several stability issues that could occur.

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