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FIFA 23 – Title Update #14 | Exciting Women’s World Cup Update!

FIFA 23 – Title Update #14 | Exciting Women’s World Cup Update!
Title Update #14 is now available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One versions of FIFA 23, and it includes the changes below. General, Audio, and Visual Made the following change:
  • Added the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ experience to Kick Off and Tournaments. - To learn more about the FIFA Women`s World Cup 2023™ experience, visit our Pitch Notes article.
Thanks to those who’ve provided feedback. Throughout the course of the FIFA 23 season, we'll provide you with more information and updates if and when they become available. Be sure to follow @EAFIFADIRECT on Twitter and the EASF Tracker for the latest updates.

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