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FIFA 23 – Title Update 10 | Visual Enhancements and Fixes

FIFA 23 – Title Update 10 | Visual Enhancements and Fixes


Introducing the latest FIFA patch! It brings fixes for placeholder text and visuals in FIFA Ultimate Team, along with general updates to kits, badges, and UI elements. The patch also addresses stability issues and UI display problems in King Of The Hill matches. Get ready for an enhanced FIFA experience!

FIFA Ultimate Team

Addressed the following issues:
  • Placeholder text could have displayed for some FUT Moments requirements.
  • Placeholder visuals could have displayed during some Pack opening animations.

General, Audio, and Visual

Made the following changes:
  • Updated some kits, badges, boots, UI elements, trophies, star heads, gloves, balls, VIP Areas, banners, tifos, stadium themes, celebrations stadia, and facial hair.
Addressed the following issues:
  • Addressed instances of various stability issues.
  • Sometimes, the UI element for displaying points in King Of The Hill matches did not display correctly.

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