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Black Desert Online – January 2023 Patch Notes | Uncomfortable Character Movements Fixed!

Black Desert Online – January 2023 Patch Notes | Uncomfortable Character Movements Fixed!


In the latest patch notes, the focus is on improving character movements in the popular game. Starting with the Archer and Guardian classes, the developers aimed to make the basic movements feel more natural. However, after receiving feedback from Adventurers who actually played the characters, it became clear that the changes were causing discomfort. The developers made further improvements, but the discomfort persisted, so they decided to revert the movements back to their original state. They apologize to the Adventurers who preferred the current version and assure players that they will carefully examine the elements that contribute to comfortable controls in future updates. In addition to the movement improvements, the patch also brings changes to various classes. Non-combat stances and movements with main or awakening weapons drawn have received improved control feel for the following classes: Shai, Archer, Guardian, Hashashin, Nova, Corsair, Sage, Drakania, and Woosa. The patch notes also include information about ongoing events and coupons, allowing players to catch up with the latest happenings in the game.

Major Updates - Improvements on Character Movements

Improved some classes basic movements (forward, back/left, right) starting from Archer and Guardian. We have added this action to provide more natural movement, but many Adventurers who actually played the characters after the maintenance have given us feedback that it felt uncomfortable. So, we have improved upon those motions again, however it seems Adventurers are still experiencing discomfort, so we reverted the movements back to how they were originally. We apologize for the Adventurers that like the current version. Going forward, we will examine elements that make up comfortable controls with greater care.
  • Improved control feel at the beginning and end of character movements when the following classes are moving in non-combat stance or with main weapon or awakening weapon drawn.
Shai, Archer, Guardian, Hashashin, Nova, Corsair, Sage, Drakania, Woosa
Before After


● Catch up with this week's events!
Black Desert's events and coupons at a glance!

New Additions and Improvements

Class Changes


Waltz of Wind (I to III)
  • Added the following effects to the skill:
    • Ranged AP +6/8/10 for 10 sec when using the skill


Ground Lifting (I to III)            
  • Added the following effects to the skill:
    • Attack Speed +10/15/20% for 10 sec when using the skill

  • Fixed the issue of not being able to activate Blasting via Quick Slot.


Prime: Blizzard: Domain
  • Fixed the issue of Prime: Blizzard: Domain cooldown time not being reduced when comboing with Prime: Frigid Fog: Control after Prime: Meteor Shower.


Wind-piercer Patraca
  • Improved to always fire quickly when activated using this skill.

Pirate's Life For Me
  • Changed so Pirate's Life For Me can be used even during cooldown.
    • But, all AP Increase effect, Down Smash, Critical Hit Rate of extra attacks and Stun won't be applied.
  • Changed Pirate's Life For Me cooldown 4 sec → 5 sec.
  • Changed so Pirate's Life For Me normal attack and extra attack damage are applied the same.
Skill Description Preview
Crow's Mark            
  • Increased activation speed when using Crow's Mark at the spot.
  • Improved so the action links smoothly when it comboes with Pirate's Life For Me after using the skill.
  • Changed Crow's Mark (I to III) damage and Critical Hit Rate:            
    • I to III attack damage 1032/1205/1400% → 1106/1292/1501%
    • Critical Hit Rate 15/20/25% → 15/25/35%

Flow: Earth-render Patraca            
  • Increased skill's activation speed.

Cap'n's Orders: Cease Fire!
  • Increased skill's activation speed.
  • Changed skill's damage and PvP Damage Reduction Rate:            
    • Attack damage 1479% → 1553%
    • PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 55% → 51%

Sun-shielder Patraca (I to III)
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate:            
    • I to III PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 34% → 30%

Several changes have been made to Drakania Awakening. First, we have updated her Hexeblood form so that her skills can be used with greater ease and precision. Also, some Dragonblood skills have been revamped to be (and feel) more powerful.
Drakania's Hexeblood skills are focused on repeated strikes, with debuffs activated with each movement. This made it so that you had to find the right skill in order to activate your desired debuff. With this update, we have more clearly distinguished skills with debuffs from skills with block effects to simplify the composition of skill combos.
We have also revamped some Dragonblood skills to feel heftier. Skills such as Dragonblood: Storm Piercer and Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale, which use repeated strikes, have been updated so that all damage is inflicted with a single movement, then linking to the next skill.
  • Fixed the issue where the movement distance to the left was shorter than to the right when using Refraction with your trion.

  • Removed SHIFT + E from the Legacy skill command.            
    • SHIFT + E is now a command for Flow: Obliterate.
  • Increased all AP increase effects in Dragonblood form from 15 to 25.
  • Increased all AP increase effects in Hexeblood form from 10 to 20.
  • Fixed the issue where in certain situations, all AP increase effects would stack.
  • Updated so that even when Doombringer is used from a higher position, there is no falling motion for the duration of the skill.

Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale
  • Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale has had the following updates.            
    • Removed the first attack of the skill, and balanced the dealt damage accordingly.
    • Movement distance has been increased for when Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale is used after Refraction or Dragonwalk.
    • Skill activation delay has been reduced,
Skill Description Preview

Hexeblood: Storm Piercer            
  • Added Forward Guard to the skill and removed the Knockdown effect of the third attack.

Hexeblood: Tip of the Scale            
  • Hexeblood: Tip of the Scale has had the following updates.            
    • The Stiffness effect after the first attack is now applied as soon as the skill is used, regardless of the skill's motion.
    • Removed the Knockdown effect of the third attack.

Sundering Roar            
  • The Stun effect of a successful first attack has been changed to a Knockdown effect.
  • The damage dealt by the first and second attacks are now the same.

Hexeblood: Crackling Flame            
  • Increased the damage of Hexeblood: Crackling Flame from 1023% to 1262%.

Flow: Obliterate            
  • Flow: Obliterate has had the following updates.            
    • Has been separated from Aerial Burst as a standalone skill.            
      • As such, the skill's effects have been changed.
    • Since it is now a standalone skill, it can now have skill add-ons applied.
    • SHIFT + E is now the command key.   

Hexeblood: Savage Decree            
  • Fixed awkward animation when using Hexeblood: Savage Decree during Hexeblood: Storm Piercer.

Flow: Core: Extinction            
  • Flow: Core: Extinction has had the following updates.            
    • Changed to a Hexeblood skill.            
      • Hexeblood form will be activated when this skill is used.
      • Is not activated as a flow skill after Dragonblood: Surrendering Roar
    • As the skill animation has been changed, so have the skill's effects.
    • Changed command key to SHIFT + F.
    • Core: Aerial Burst has been changed to Core: Extinction.
    • Changed so that the effects of Markthanan's Heart are applied. (Recover 5% of max HP twice, and only up to 50% of max HP.)
Skill Description Preview

Aerial Burst            
  • Aerial Burst has had the following updates.            
    • Changed to a Dragonblood skill.
    • The command key has been removed, thus the skill can only be used when added to a Quick Slot.
    • The skill's effects have been changed.             

Dragonblood: Spiteful Soul I            
  • Increased the activation speed of Dragonblood: Spiteful Soul.

Dragonblood: Storm Piercer            
  • Changed the skill animation of Dragonblood: Storm Piercer and the skill's effects.          
    Skill Description Preview

Flow: Dragon Flight, Flow: Markthanan's Wings
  • Flow: Dragon Flight and Flow: Markthanan's Wings have had the following updates.
    • Can no longer be linked with Extinction during the skill.
    • Restriction on flight distance has been removed. Flight distance now depends on Stamina.
    • Stamina is used continuously while flying. When Stamina runs out, landing will be activated automatically.
      • 200 Stamina is used per second while flying.
    • Removed the count limit on left and right evasion maneuvers.
    • Continuous activation has been removed, and the F key is now used to accelerate. Acceleration uses 500 stamina per second.
    • Movement speed decreased for when not accelerating.


[Solo] Atoraxxion: Yolunakea Thread Guide

  •  A guide on threads has been added for [Solo] Atoraxxion: Yolunakea's main quest.
    • "Architect's Kyvelan Hexahedron" has been added next to the thread you meet during [Solo] Atoraxxion: Yolunakea.
      • Intereract with Architect's Kyvelan Hexahedron and access the guide through dialogue. The guide is designed to help solve the thread.
* Architect's Kyvelan Hexahedron can only be accessed during [Solo] Atoraxxion.  

Arena of Solare

The official Season for Arena of Solare has begun!
During the preseason, Adventurers had the chance to try out new gear, the Placement Match System and the new Battlefields. With the official season beginning, ranked matches of Adventurers will now be recorded.
Adventurers who achieve a high score by performing well in matches and through team ranked matches will receive the honorary "Solare Knight" Outfit and Title as well as a reward box of high value. Additionally, Adventurers who achieve the highest rank for each class will be showcased in the Battle Arena to show off their pride.
Lastly, during the times when ranked matches are not held, you can take advantage of the practice mode with friends or guild members to create parties for practicing teamwork skills and more. We hope that Adventurerers continue showing their love for Arena of Solare, as even more fiece battles unfold...!
  • The official Season for Arena of Solare has begun! 
    • Preseason information has been reset and ranked matches will be recorded during the official season of Arena of Solare.
Arena of Solare Official Season Jan 4, 2023 (after maintenance) - Feb 28, 2023 (before maintenance)
  • Improved so you can start talking on party chat as soon as you enter an Arena of Solare match.
  • Changes to the gear exclusive to Arena of Solare are as follows:            
    • Changed the Max HP of Slumbering Sage's Armor from +200 → -100.
    • Changed Evasion of TRI (III) Stormy Eye Ring from 6(+45) → 6(+41).
    • Changed Evasion of TRI (III) Stormy Eye Belt from 6(+56) → 6(+52).
    • Removed the Damage Reduction +3 effect of Pilgrim's Crystal: Ascetic.

Arena of Solare TOP 1 Adventurer for each class

A picture of the TOP 1 Adventurer who achieve the highest rank for each class will be showcased in the Hall of Fame placed in the Battle Arena to show off their pride.            
You can obtain Blessing of a Great Knight" by consuming energy 20 after interacting with warriors of Solare recorded in the Hall of Fame.            
Blessing of a Great Knight: Breath EXP +10% for 10 hours            

Arena of Solare Top 100 - 1. Solare Knight Outfit

  • Adventurers who rank in the top 100 for Arena of Solare during the official season will receive the Solare Knight Outfit.

Arena of Solare Top 100 - 2. Honorary title Solare Knight

  •  Adventurers who rank in the top 100 for Arena of Solare during the official season will receive the "Solare Knight" title.    
    • The title can be used until the end of the next Arena of Solare regular season.

Arena of Solare Top 100 - 3. Glorious Solare Box

  •  Adventurers who rank in the top 100 for Arena of Solare during the official season will receive a Glorious Solare Box.

Glorious Solare Box

Cron Stone x1,000

Corrupt Oil of Immortality x20

Perfume of Courage x30

Khalk's Elixir x30

Elixir of Deep Sea x30

Perfume of Charm x30

Perfume of Insight x30

Giant's Draught x50

Armor Draught x50

Elixir of Indignation x50

Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) x30


Radiant Shakatu's Seal

Adventurers, who have been active and exchanging Shakatu's seal for rewards will now have more to look forward to with these new changes. In addition to a Tier 8 Horse with Sprint, Instant Accel, and Drfit, we've changed the number of seals required for a Sailboat and added the Frigate to the exchangeable goods. And for Adventurers who have been saving a lot of seals, we've changed the TRI (III) accessories that's been well-received to a more attractive offering. We've also added a new listing for Adventurers looking for Garmoth's Horn and rare pet and the effect it grants, and also added the "Shining Knight" title for those seeking glory. We hope with these changes will make Shakatu's seals a more meaningful reward for active Adventurers.
  • Following Shakatu's request, Dellus will exchange the following items for Adventurers who have acquired the [Event] Radiant Shakatu's Seal.
    • The items that can be exchanged according to the number of [Event] Radiant Shakatu's Seals are as follows.
Number of [Event] Radiant Shakatu's Seal  Exchangeable Items
10 [Event] Shining Gold Bar Box
10 Horse Emblem: Golden Horse (Tier 8)
(Has the skills Instant Accel, Sprint , and Drift)
10 Oquilla's Flower x20
10 Advanced Old Moon Box
20 Supreme Old Moon Box
20 Item Collection Increase Scroll x30
20 Ship License: Epheria Sailboat
40 Choose Your Krogdalo's Horse Gear Box - Earth
40 Choose Your Krogdalo's Horse Gear Box - Sea
40 Choose Your Krogdalo's Horse Gear Box - Wind
50 Ship License: Epheria Frigate
70 Advice of Valks (+100)
100 TRI (III) Tungrad Ring
100 TRI (III) Ethereal Earring
100 TRI (III)  Dawn Earring
100 TRI (III) Ominous Ring
100 TRI (III) : Black Distortion Earring
100 TRI (III) Manos Necklace
100 TRI (III) Manos Ring
100 TRI (III) Manos Earrings
100 TRI (III) Manos Belt
100 Garmoth's Horn
150 Weapon Exchange Coupon Box
150 Old Moon Trade Pass
300 [Title] Shining Knight
  • Changed so that [Event] Shining Shakatu Seal x1 can be exchanged for 10 Cron Stones through Shakatu's right-hand, Raomi.            
    • Related information has been added to the [Event] Shining Seal of Shakatu item description accordingly.
  • You must show your seal to exchange the following items with Shakatu's right-hands, Dellus and Raomi.            
    • [Event] Shakatu's Seal, [Event] Shining Shakatu's Seal

Blacksmith's Secret Book

  • New Blacksmith's Secret Books, 80 and 100, are now being sold by all blacksmiths. The prices are as follows.            
    • Blacksmith's Secret Book - 80: 10,000,000 Silver
    • Blacksmith's Secret Book - 100: 20,000,000 Silver
  • The following prices of Blacksmith's Secret Books have been changed to the following.            
    • Blacksmith's Secret Book - 20: 1,000,000 Silver → 100,000 Silver
    • Blacksmith's Secret Book - 30: 1,500,000 Silver → 400,000 Silver
    • Blacksmith's Secret Book - 40: 2,000,000 Silver → 1,000,000 Silver
    • Blacksmith's Secret Book - 50: 3,000,000 Silver → 2,000,000 Silver
  • Fixed the following item description:            
    • Fairy's Breath, Discarded Glass Bottle, Blush Leaf, Witch's Delicacy, Mysterious Catalyst: Fixed some descriptions regarding NPC info.
    • Crystal Extraction Tool and Black Spirit Essence were changed accordingly to crystal preset functions.

Adjusted Magic Crystal Max Price on Central Market

  •  Adjusted the maximum price for the following Magic Crystals on the Central Market as follows:            
    • Pre-order items on Central Market have been cancelled and items listed will be moved to storage accordingly during the Jan 4 (Wed) maintenance.


  • Changed the location of Marni's Realm - Hexe Sanctuary.
  • Changed the message animation that pops up when Rawr-Rawr spawns or is defeated.
  • Fixed the issue where the [Wild] Feather Wolf would occasionally pursue Adventurers for an excessive distance.            
    • Changed so that the [Wild] Feather Wolf will stop chasing if it gets too far from the location of the first attack.            
  • Changed so other Adventurers cannot be attacked for approximately 20 seconds after the World Boss is defeated.
  • Added a feature where once you reach a far enough distance from the defeated monster, the box automatically opens for you to check the loot when the box button appears upon defeating a World Boss.

Quest & Knowledge

  • "Adrian Loggia", a young warrior from Velia of Balenos, secretly asks you for help, saying that they saw a mysterious shadow along the beach.
    • 'Added quest "I'm Telling You the Truth!".
* This quest can only be accepted after completing Adrian Loggia's "Pirates!" quest.            
* You can find this quest through Quests (O) under quest type "Other".
  • Added quests to villagers in Duvencrune of the Drieghan territory.
    • You can accept the crossroad quest "Pleading Goblin" from the goblin in the alley across from Maopan the Cooking Merchant.
* You can find this quest through Quests (O) under quest type "Other".
 Can only be accepted after completing all main quests from Mountain of Eternal Winter
    • You can accept the quest "Those Who Do Not Work Shall Not Eat" from Marsel near Duvencrune Farmland.
* You can find this quest through Quests (O) under quest type "Life".

Node & Conquest War

The rules for Node Wars have been changed, and the pre-season will begin on Sunday, January 8, 2023.
Before we begin, we would like to express our gratitude once again to the Adventurers who have waited for this change.
This pre-season, we have completely removed the "war games" style and will return to the previous Node War rules.
Due to these changes, the pre-season is expected to last for about a month. However, we hope that the changes we have made to this pre-season will be impactful and fun.
Some of the changes include adjusting the maximum number of nodes to 40. The significant decrease in the number of nodes was done to encourage more guilds to compete against each other for them. However, to prevent a powerful guild from monopolizing the nodes, we have limited the number of nodes a guild can occupy at a time to three.
Furthermore, after the end of the pre-season, additional benefits will be added for occupying a node. When a guild takes a node, the bonuses given for investing in the node will double.
For example, if Guild A takes Mansha Forest, then all members of Guild A will receive double the bonuses for their investment tier. There are also nodes that do not have monster zones. This means that guilds will have to decide whether they want to target a specific node or go after regular nodes.
In addition to the changes mentioned above, the Shining Medals of Honor will be awarded to guilds and their members regardless of whether they win or lose the war. We will provide more details about rewards once the pre-season officially begins.
  •  Rules for Node/Conquest Wars have been changed.
    • The main changes are as listed below.
Before Now
Node/Conquest Wars by territory depending on the day of the week Node/Conquest Wars at each respective node depending on the day of the week.
Can only participate through conquered and connected nodes. Can participate freely at any node.
Multiple Node/Conquest Wars in nodes conquered by Guilds/Alliances Can participate in one Node/Conquest War per day (Except Saturdays)
Forts erected by Guilds/Alliances at conquered nodes are maintained. All forts erected at nodes removed automatically after Saturday midnight (24:00).
If central node is destroyed, all occupied nodes are as well. Central node system removed
※ With the central node system removed, Node War Assembly function has been changed to being located at the fort at which you participated in a Node/Conquest War that day.
    • Changed the maximum number nodes available for guilds/alliances to 3.
    • You will not be able to participate in tier 2-4 Node Wars if you participate in Tier 1 (Beginner/Intermediate) Node wars as usual. (Rules apply vice versa)
    • The rule of Lord's Guilds/Alliances not being able to participate in Node Wars of the territory they're occupying remains the same.
    • The rule of the defending team claiming victory remains the same if the Guild/Command Post is not destroyed while a Conquest Node War is in progress for the duration of 2 hours. (Fixed)
    • The Guild claiming victory can access the Node War shop according to the node's tier as usual.
    • Additionally, the Guild who has won tier 2 and higher Node Wars can access the Guild leader's benefits of Resonant Blackstar weapon and the Resonant Demon's accessory for a set duration as usual.
* All Node and Conquest War Occupation Information has been reset with the changes to Node War rules.
  • Changed how taxes are obtained during Node Conquest.
Before Now
Taxes accumulated after conquering a node or occupation a node are obtained 15 minutes and 5 minutes before the start of the next node battle in the same territory, respectively. Acquired as soon as node is conquered.
Percentage Acquired by Node Tier
Before Now
Tier 1 Beginner 9.6%
Tier 1 Intermediate 14.4%
Tier 2 20%
Tier 3 24%
Tier 4 32%
* Node Tax Info has been reset with the changes to tax collection rules.            
- Please note that there will be a reduction in accumulated taxes for Nodes that are conquered after the January 4th (Wed) maintenance.
  • Changes to the following node locations are as follows:            
    • Expanded the areas of each Node so more Guilds/Alliances can participate.            
      • The number of acquired taxes will be adjusted with the changes.
    • Each Node will not be divded by territory and will be set by Node tier.
    • Changed so you can only proceed with Node Wars in one Node territory.
    • Changed the maximum number of participants in a Node War per each node territory.
Tier 1 Beginner (4 Total)
Node Location Day People needed
Western Guard Camp Tuesday 20
Northern Plain of Serendia Thursday 20
Treant Forest Friday 25
Polly's Forest Sunday 30
Tier 1 Intermediate (5 Total)
Node Location Day People needed
Cron Castle Monday 25
Alejandro Farm Wednesday 25
Abandoned Iron Mine Thursday 30
Desert Naga Temple Sunday 30
Tooth Fairy Forest Friday 35
Tier 2 (11 Total)
Node Location Day People needed
Glish Ruins Monday 30
Mansha Forest Tuesday 30
Mirumok Ruins Wednesday 30
Wolf Hills Friday 30
Helms Post Monday 40
Saunil Camp Wednesday 40
Castle Ruins Friday 40
Ibellab Oasis Sunday 40
Omar Lava Cave Tuesday
Khuruto Cave Thursday 50
Manshaum Forest Sunday 50
Tier 3 (12 Total)
Node Location Day People needed
Roud Sulfur Mine Monday 40
Canyon of Corruption Thursday 40
North Abandoned Quarry Friday 40
Quint Hill Monday 55
Valencia Castle Site Tuesday 55
Ancado Coast Wednesday 55
Bashim Base Thursday 55
Elder's Bridge Sunday 55
Navarn Steppe Tuesday 70
Orc Camp Wednesday 70
Hexe Sanctuary Sunday 70
Sausan Garrison Sunday 70
Tier 4 (8 Total)
Node Location Day People needed
Ivory Wasteland Monday 50
Hasrah Cliff Friday 50
Basilisk Den Tuesday 75
Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obedience Thursday 75
Gyfin Rhasia Temple Sunday 75
Calpheon Castle Site Wednesday 100
Bloody Monastery Sunday 100
Ash Forest Sunday 100
  • The number of Node/Conquest Wars for each day.
Day Number of Node/Conquest Wars
Sunday 10
Monday 6
Tuesday 6
Wednesday 6
Thursday 6
Friday 6
  • The days in which each tier of Node/Conquest Wars will take place.
Node War Tier Days to Partipate
Tier 1 Beginner Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri
Tier 1 Intermediate Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri
Tier 2 Every day except for Saturdays when Node/Conquest Wars are in progress
Tier 3
Tier 4
Although expanding the maximum number of nodes was an option, please understand we have decided to start with  the current main node locations for preseason and will introduce more little by little as the situation calls for it.
With each node becoming more significant, we have added Stats Restriction for tier 2 and 3 nodes as we did for tier 1. For tier 2, total stats as they appear within My Stats cap AP at 532, while Damage Reduction and Evasion are capped at 328 and 870 respectively. At tier 3, AP is capped at 585, while Damage Reduction and Evasion are capped at 364 and 922 respectively. You can reach a total AP and DP of up to approximately 620 and 680 as shown in the Equipment window. (This is based on the tiers of total stats in the My Stats window and can be easily reached through additional buff effects through food or elixir items.)
There are significant pros and cons to stats restrictions. However, after analyzing the progression of current Adventurers, we came to the conclusion that restrictions were required in order for Node Wars to run smoothly. Please note that we will keep an eye on these restrictions and adapt them as the situation changes.
  •  Each Node Tier has been changed to have the following stat restrictions.
Stat Restrictions by Node Tier
Node Tier Tier 1 Beginner Tier 1 Intermediate Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
AP 245 335 532 585 None
Damage Reduction 223 286 328 364
Accuracy 645 695 757 796
Evasion 741 805 870 922
Damage Reduction Rate 7% 14% 21% None
Accuracy Rate 15% 15% 20% None
Evasion Rate 15% 15% 20% None
Special Evasion 0% 0% 20% None
Resistance 20% 30% 50% None
* In tier 1 (Beginner and Intermediate), max HP 5,000 and max HP -500 every 20 minutes remains the same as usual.
We've added a new system to deal with "sniping." From now on, Each Guild/Alliance is given 1 opportunity a week to participate in Node Wars. This opportunity is used upon participation, but it will be refunded if the minimum criteria is met so that guilds that have participated in a Node War can continue to do so the next day.
  •  Participation System for Node Wars has been added.            
    • In order to participate in Node Wars, you need participation opportunities. When all participation opportunities are consumed, you cannot participate in Node Wars since constructing forts will be unavailable.
    • Each Guild/Alliance is given 1 opportunity a week to participate.
    • Participation opportunities are reset every Saturday at midnight.
    • If you meet the minimum criteria of the participating Node War, Participation opportunities will be refunded and you can continue to participate in Node Wars the next day.            
      * The minimum criteria for Participation opportunities are as follows:            
      • If an enemy fort is destroyed, or the number of kills/deaths is greater than 20
  • Adventurers, who participated in Node War, can now earn Resplendent Medals of Honor regardless of whether they win, liberate, or lose.
Node Tier Number of Resplendent Medal of Honor Obtained
Win Liberation Lose
Tier 1 12 12 12
Tier 2 16 16 16
Tier 3 20 20 20
Tier 4 24 24 24
* However, Adventurers, whose performance sits at the top 5%, will still receive 5 additional Resplendent Medals of Honor.
* Due to the changes made to the method of collecting taxes, if you were unable to collect taxes from the occupied nodes before the scheduled maintenance on January 4 (Wed), the taxes from that node will be sent to you during the scheduled maintenance on January 11 (Wed).            


Crystal Presets

We've revamped the system of transfusing crystals. Crystals are no longer transfused onto gear but through a designated UI. Although it may take some time to get adjusted to, the system was implemented with convenience in mind, so we kindly ask for your patience. And although the overall UI design has changed, the system itself is not much different from the previous system. 12 basic slots are provided for Adventurers to freely transfuse the crystal of their choice. Lastly, two extra slots that are unlocked upon equipping items upgraded by the Heart of Karanda and Garmoth's Heart and one extra slot from socketing your outfit will be available as usual.
  •  Added a crystal preset system that allows you to activate crystal effects through a separate UI instead of transfusing them individually onto gear.

Registering Crystals for Presets

1) Summon the Black Spirit (,) and press the Transfusion [2] button.
2) Press the "View Crystals" button  at the bottom right of the Transfusion UI.
3) RMB the crystals from your inventory to register them.

Tranfusing/Applying Crystals via Presets

1) Summon the Black Spirit (,) and press the Transfusion [2] button.
2) RMB on a [+] slot and transfuse by selecting a registered crystal.
※ There are no limits based on gear slots as crystals can now be equipped in any slot except for certain specific slots.
3) Apply a crystal preset by pressing the "Apply" button located at the bottom of the UI.
Extracting/Removing (Destroying) Crystals
Removing (Destroying) Crystals            
1) Summon the Black Spirit (,) and press Transfusion [2].             
2) Press the "View Crystals" button at the bottom right of the Transfusion UI  at the bottom right of the Crystal Inventory UI        
3) Click on the trash bin icon to remove. (Crystals will be destroyed upon removal.)            
Extracting (Intact) Crystals            
1) Interact with a Blacksmith and click on the Extraction [4] menu.            
2) Press the Extract Crystal button and open the "Owned Crystals" (Crystal Inventory) UI.             
3) Select either the Crystal Extraction Tool or Black Spirit Essence and RMB the crystal you want to extract.       
Registering Crystals (image)

Transfusing Crystals via Presets (image)

Removing (Destroying) Crystals (image)

Crystals will be destroyed if removed through this method.            
You can go to a Blacksmith and use the Crystal Extraction Tool or Black Spirit Essence to extract the crystals intact.       
 Extracting Crystals (image)
With the changes to transfusing crystals, we've removed the restrictions that once applied to each gear slot. You can now transfuse crystals into any empty slot you prefer, so setting them up has become more efficient than before. 
However, some restrictions have been applied when considering balance. No more than two (four for Combined Magic) crystals of the same group can be equipped. Crystals that share similar stats have been grouped together and are set with a maximum number that can be transfused. Details on the restriction are as follows.
  •  With the aforementioned changes to transfusing crystals, a max limit has been set for certain crystal groups.

Lastly, a designated crystal inventory and crystal presets have been added. To transfuse crystals, you must add all owned crystals into the crystal inventory. The maximum number of crystals that can be stored is 50. However, in order to remove crystals intact into your regular inventory, a Crystal Extraction Tool is required.

Crystals in the crystal inventory can now be set however you like through presets. The crystal inventory and crystal presets are applied to the entire Family so all characters can utilize the function freely.
  • View Crystal Effects to see the effects of crystals that have been currently applied from the Transfusion UI.
  • Changed the following with the addition of the crystal presets function:            
    • Removed the gear icon that was displayed on the crystal item icon.            
      • E.g.)     → 
    • Changed the crystal description to fit the crystal preset feature.

Additional information on Crystal Presets

1. You can rename the crystal preset through a button in the Transfusion UI.            
2. You can extract crystals by obtaining a 'Crystal Extraction Tool' or 'Black Spirit Essence' and interacting with a Blacksmith NPC.
- If you wish to remove crystals in the Owned Crystals UI by pressing RMB, those crystals will be destroyed.            
3. You can register up to 50 crystals and set up to 5 presets.             
Additional methods of usage will be added soon.            
4. The top left and right slots will unlock upon reforming awakening weapons.            
 - Crystal slots can be unlocked through Heart of Karanda or Garmoth's Heart.             
 * The slot will become locked if you equip an item that has not been reformed if you try to use the preset.            
5. The socket in the middle of the Transfusion UI will become available if you equip an outfit that has a socket that was created using the Black Spirit's Claw.            
 - You can only equip Ancient Spirit's Crystal in this slot.            
6. If the crystal shatters upon death while it is equipped in the crystal preset, that crystal in your inventory will also shatter as well.            
 - In this case, you will be unable to use the shattered crystal in your crystal preset.            
(However, the Ancient Spirit's Crystal will not be shattered like the same as before.)            
7. The rules that determine the number of crystals that shatter is the same as previous before if you die from a monster or player depending on your karma.            
- The rules of enhancement level drop upon death based on Karma is the same as before prior to the update.  
* Due to the crystal preset update, the crystals that were equipped in the gear prior to the January 4 (Wed) update was moved to the following.            
Crystal transfused onto gear → Moved to the Central Market inventory.            
Crystal that is currently transfused to a character whose items is waiting to be copied from → Moved to the Central Market inventory or to Heidel storage if it could not be traded            
Crystal that is currently transfused to a tagged character that is set for item copy → Moved to Heidel storage since it can no longer be traded
* The crystals of tagged characters will be sent based on crystals equipped on December 28 (Wed) at 00:30 (UTC).
If you have exceeded 192 slots in your storage in Heidel, you can remove an item from the storage to make space and the stored item will be available in the storage.
Please check our notice regarding crystal preset for the detail.
* After the crystal preset update, you can now sell Ancient Spirit's Crystal - Viper/Swiftness/Valor for 400 million Silver.
  • Changed the following in the Courser Training (Dream Horse Awakening) UI.            
    • Changed the pop up that appears if you attempt to awaken a Dream Horse without using Cron Stones.
    • The setting to turn On/Off Cron Stones will now remain in effect.
    • Changed the mouse button from LMB to RMB when excluding materials for courser training again.
  • Improved the mount icon tooltip to display the following information. In addition, the flute item that is applied will now appear in the tooltip as well.            
    • Call mount range
    • Current distance away from your mount
  • Removed level from Biraghi Den monster zone icon in World Map (M).


  • Changed so standard numbers are applied when invalid numbers are being applied while reading an invalid customization file.


  • Improved feature in the web storage to allow you to send items to your character from your web storage again if it fails.
  • Improved so you are directed to the error page if an error occurs while logging in through the STEAM launcher.
  • Improved the Account menu UI for the mobile setting.
  • Improved so that a notification directing you to go to the Steam Launcher is displayed when starting the game on the official website with a Steam account.
  • Improved so that the page moves when moving from the forum to another user's community activity or profile.
  • Improved the accessibility of the login menu at the top of the official website.

Modified or Changed

  • [Tamer] Fixed the issue where you were unable to use Heilang: Whiplash while riding Heilang if you were below Lv. 35.
  • [Musa] Fixed the issue where the Prime: Fiery Angel's attack effect in the skill video was different from the actual skill.
  • [Ninja] Fixed the issue where there was no audio in the Alert Stance skill video.
  • [Wizard, Witch] Fixed the issue where Mana Absorption command keys were different from the skill guide.
  • [Sage, Hashashin] Fixed the issue where the character's facial expression did not change when you pressed Talk (Enter).
  • [Sage] Fixed the issue where the Kyve displayed unnaturally when using the social interactions Proudly, Confident, and Fighting Spirit.
  • [Corsair] Fixed the issue where the effect color of your serenaca appeared unnaturally when equipping the PEN (V) Blackstar Serenaca.
  • Fixed the issue where some monsters were marked as humans in Atoraxxion: Sycrakea.
  • Fixed the issue where the terrain looked unnatural in certain locations of Calpheon Castle Site.
  • Fixed the issue where you could climb on the ceiling inside buildings in certain location in Calpheon.
  • Fixed the issue where the wallpaper installed in the manor would not appear in certain situations.       
    • For those who had additional wallpaper installed after the above has occured, the related item will be resent to you through the Jan 11, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
    • For those who want a refund on the wallpaper item, please contact Support before the Jan 11, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
  • Fixed the issue where some parts of your character appearance overlapped with the background if you leaned against something inside Blue Maned Lion's Manor in certain locations.
  • Fixed the issue where the cutscene that plays during "[Balenos] [Boss] Giath, King of the Goblins" was displayed to other nearby Adventurers.
  • Removed the information about the Main Node in the system message that is displayed when remotely constructing a fort for Node War.
  • Fixed the issue where occasionally the game did not launch if you log in during certain situations.
  • Fixed the issue where character movement looked unnatural when moving in the following certain locations.            
    • Oquilla's Eye
    • Dormann Lumber Camp
  • Fixed the dialog for the following NPCs to read more naturally.            
    • Dialog that appears when exchanging Fairy's Breath with Dalishain
    • When talking with a certain NPC located at Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obedience
  • Fixed the following events that occur during the tutorial.            
    • Fixed the issue where the location of your character looked unnatural in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where certain parts of the outfit on the Sage character appeared unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where certain parts of Illezra's appearance appeared unnatural.
  • [Woosa] Fixed the issue where exclusive effects did not display when equipping the Santa Hat, Hair Ornament, and Jack-O'-Lantern Mask.
  • [Woosa] Fixed the issue where attempting to dye through the Dye (J) menu made the camera positioning abnormal in certain situations.
  • Fixed the issue where, when you tried processing from the Storage, the effects of items in your Storage remained in effect when hovering your mouse over it.            
    Many Adventurers gave us feedback that they sometimes couldn't interact with the residence door. Thanks to our Adventurers' reports, we have fixed it. Thank you very much, Adventurers.
  • Fixed the issue where occasionally you could not interact with your residence's door.
  • Fixed the issue where the enhancement level of Godr-Ayed Swallowtail Fan and Godr-Ayed Do Stave was displayed in numbers in the Central Market when viewed via Black Desert+ app.
  • Fixed the issue where the audio settings that you saved from the log in screen did not save and reset when playing through the tutorial.
  • Fixed the issue of the 5th reward not displaying upon logging in the first when Login Reward list displays more than 5 for Gamepad UI mode.
  • Fixed the issue of the following Arena of Solare crystal descriptions displaying different from the effect orders:            
    • Time Spirit's Crystal - Plunder, Pilgrim's Crystal: Ascetic
  • Fixed the issue of a skill that can be obtained via [Secret Book] Guild Tactics not being applied in certain situations.
  • Added a button where you can check All Guild Rankings in Guild Recruitment UI (G) when you are not in a guild.
  • Fixed the issue where Adventurers could relocate to an abnormal location from the Barhan Gateway arena of Arena of Solare.

Changes and Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where transfusing a crystal in the Crystal Inventory to a Crystal Preset sometimes caused an additional crystal to be improperly equipped in certain situations. 
    - Please note that any improperly equipped crystals will be unequipped at a later date.


● Catch up with this week's events!
Black Desert's events and coupons at a glance!

New Additions and Improvements

Class Changes


With this update, not only have we improved Ranger’s skill combos, but we’ve also enabled her to now take a more proactive approach to counterattacking while evading enemy attacks in combat. While still weak defensively, we made it so that Ranger can utilize the windows of Invincibility granted from her skills while waiting for an opening.

While we removed the ability to attack instantly on collision with Flow: Rushing Wind, we added the Invincibility effect while moving with the skill, thus enabling the Ranger to quickly approach the enemy, ignore their attacks, and deliver a counterattack of their own. Also, Spirit’s Haven was integrated into Flow: Rooting, changing it from a stationary skill to now grant Invincibility when performed and removed the collision detection during the skill. We hope to see Spirit’s Haven become a more important skill to help the Ranger secure more advantageous terrain.

Guardian Wind was changed so that it can be used as a normal skill instead of having to be comboed after a specific skill. The Down Attack debuff has been removed, but its overall damage dealt has increased. Though Guardian Wind does not grant any defensive effects, it is a skill that can inflict powerful ranged damage from a distance, so we hope this skill will be useful to keep enemies at bay. Finally, the Vine Knot skill has been improved to be more easily comboed with other skills. Currently the most popular combo involves using this skill with backward Waltz of Wind, but after this update, you will now be able to combo Vine Knot with other skills such as Nature's Tremble and Wind Blade, thus creating more diverse choices.
Main Weapon
Absolute: Extreme Charging Wind
  • Changed the attack damage.
    • Attack damage 754% x 11 → 844% x 11

   Ultimate: Charging Wind, Extreme: Will of the Wind, Absolute: Extreme Charging Wind
  • Fixed the issue where Wind Blade was omitted from these skill descriptions.


Cold Blade I-IV
  • Changed the damage and hits as follows:
Before After
Attack 1, 2, and 3 damage 441/552/662/794% x2
Attack 4 damage 441/552/662/794% x4
PvP damage -26.5/-26.4/-26.4/-26.4%
Attack 1, 2, and 3 damage 794/994/1192/1429% x4
PvP damage -45%
  • Changed to apply Knockdown on the attack 3.
  • Changed the bleeding effect to be applied on attack 2 hits instead of attack 3 hits.
    • 25/30/35/40 bleeding damage every 3 sec for 9 sec on attack 2 hits (nullified during cooldown).
  • Changed the attack damage.
    • Attack damage 1157% x 10 → 1562% x 10
  • Changed so that Critical Hit Rate will now also apply in PvP as well.
    • Critical Hit Rate +30% (PvE only) → Critical Hit Rate +30%
  • Changed PvP damage -51.7% → -55%.
  • Changed the Skill Add-on level. 
    • Skill Add-on Lv. 2 → Lv. 3
Black Spirit: Regeneration
  • Changed the skill's attack damage.
    • Attack damage 1157% x4 → 1562% x4
Flow: Rushing Wind
  • Changed the skill's movement and defensive effects.
    • Super Armor → Invincible and Super Armor while moving
  • Changed so the attack doesn't activate instantly after a collision while moving with the skill.
  • Changed so that the character follows the camera's rotation during the skill's movement.
  • Changed so that there is no camera rotation when the skill starts.
  • Changed so that the skill's movement is quicker.
  • Changed so that the character's movement does not pause while airborne.
    • However, this will not apply at higher positions.
  • Changed attack damage.
    • Attack damage 1185% x6 → 1659% x6
    • PvP damage -18.1% → -35%
  • Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills.
  • Changed to no longer recover stamina while using the skill.
Breezy Blade
  • Removed text regarding reduced movement distance when used during cooldown from the skill description.
Flow: Rooting
  • Integrated into Spirit's Haven's skill movements.
    • As a result, any Skill Point used to learn the skill has been returned, and the skill has been removed from any saved skill presets.
Spirit's Haven
  • Changed the skill movement.
  • Changed the resource consumed.
    • 40 MP → 200 Stamina
  • Changed the defensive effect.
    • Super Armor while using the skill → Invincible while moving, and Super Armor while using the skill
  • Improved to combo into other skills.
  • Changed attack damage.
    • Attack damage 1011% x7 → 1517% x7
    • PvP damage -40% → -50%
  • Changed All DP +15 → +20 during the skill.
  • Improved to now combo into Ultimate: Charging Wind, Extreme: Charging Wind, and Absolute: Charging Wind.
  • Changed to no longer recover stamina while using the skill.
Skill Description Preview
Guardian Wind
  • Changed attack damage.
    • Attack damage 1260% x6 → 1764% x6
  • Removed the Down Attack debuff.
  • Changed to now be activated with SHIFT + Q.
  • Changed to combo more smoothly into other skills.
Wind Blade
  • Improved to combo into Breezy Blade and Flow: Rushing Wind.
  • Changed attack damage.
    • Attack 1 damage 972% x2 → 1361% x2
    • Attack 2 damage 1150% x7 → 1610% x1, max 7 hits
    • Attack 2 PvP damage -32% → -30%
Elven Rage
  • Changed the basic skill movement.
Nature's Tremble (I to III)
  • Changed attack damage.
    • Hit damage 1008/1144/1212% x 8 → 1109/1258/1454% x 8
    • PvP damage reduction rate 38.3/39.9/37.3% → 35%
Vine Knot
  • Changed to combo more smoothly into other skills.
  • Changed attack damage.
    • Attack damage 1110% x4 → 1221% x4
    • PvP damage -29.9% → -35%
  • Added Critical Hit Rate +25% to the skill.
Flow: Disillusion
  • Changed attack damage.
    • Attack damage 924% x6 → 1386% x8
    • PvP damage -26.5% → -56%
  • Changed the Floating effect on hits to now apply only in PvE.
  • Removed the Down Smash debuff.
Flow: Tempest
  • Changed the skill's attack damage.
    • Attack damage 1060% x13 → 1590% x13
    • PvP damage -24.5% → -47%


We made changes to the Awakened Kunoichi's flow skills since they felt a bit underwhelming during PvP.
We moved the defensive effects of Sah Spree of Sonan to Flow: Indignation, and now you can combo with Flow skills consecutively to inflict damage while maintaining the defensive effects. Also, now that Flow: Wrath applies the Down Smash debuff, you can string combos by using Lethal Spin Spree, Flow: Wrath, and Flow: Indignation to apply Smash Attack while being protected with Super Armor. We've also made changes to the buffs and debuffs granted by certain skills so you don’t feel forced to use them just to maintain those effects. In addition to that, we've also increased the overall damage of Awakening skills in PvP, so you don’t feel limited to using only Lethal Spin Spree to deal greater damage in your combos.
Sah Spree of Sonan
  • Changed the skill's movement. Damage has been adjusted accordingly.
  • Removed Forward Guard and added Floating on attack 1 hits.
  • Changed to grant Forward Guard upon learning Core: Sah Spree of Sonan.
  • Changed Critical Hit Rate +50% to now also apply in PvP.
  • Changed Black Spirit: Sah Spree of Sonan's effects to match those of the normal skill.
Skill Description Preview

Flow: Indignation
  • Added Super Armor and changed Knockdown to only apply in PvE.
  • Reduced cooldown: 12 sec → 8 sec
  • Changed attack damage.
    • Attack damage 1357% → 1421%
    • PvP damage -55.7% → -42%

Flow: Wrath
  • Added Down Smash to the skill.
  • Reduced cooldown: 11 sec → 9 sec
  • Changed so that the Critical Hit Rate is 50% for both monsters and PvP opponents.
    • Critical Hit Rate +50% (only monsters) → Critical Hit Rate +50%
  • Changed PvP Damage Reduction Rate from 37.2% → 32.8%.

Delighted Blast (I to III)
  • Changed the skill as follows:
    • Cooldown: 9/8/7 sec → 8/7/6 sec
    • Removed the floating effect on hits.
    • Changed lunar attacks to appear faster.
    • Improved to recover Stamina during the skill.
    • Increased lunar attack damage.
Before After
Lunar attack damage: 920/978/1036%
PvP damage -5.9/-5.9/-5.9%
Lunar attack damage -21.5/-21.6/-21.5% (PvP only)
Lunar attack damage: 1030/1095/1160%
PvP damage -20%
(Attack and lunar attack damage for all skill levels remain the same)
    • Changed the lunar explosion attack which applies the Knockdown debuff to a normal lunar attack.
    • Fixed the issue where lunar and lunar explosion attacks didn't apply the Air Attack debuff.
    • Fixed the issue where lunar explosion hits would apply the Knockdown debuff multiple times.

  • Changed the skill as follows:
    • Added All Evasion Rate +9% for 10 sec upon using the skill.
    • Cooldown: 5 sec → 7 sec
    • Removed HP recovery on hits.
    • Changed to be able to apply Skill Add-ons.
    • Moved the "All DP -20 for 10 sec on hits" effect to Moon Storm.
    • Improved to combo more smoothly from Lunar Veil.

Moon Storm
  • Removed the skill's attack 1. Damage has been adjusted accordingly.
  • Added "Recover 50 HP per hit."
  • Added "All DP- 20 for 10 sec on hits."

Lunar Dash, Flow: Chakram Rise
  • Removed the "All DP Increase" effect.
  • Moved the "All AP Increase" effect of Flow: Chakram Rise to Lunar Dash.

Flow: Chakram Rise
  • Changed PvP damage: -76% → -65%.

Chain Crash: Sah Chakram
  • Changed Critical Hit Rate +50% to now apply in both PvE and PvP.
    • However, the buff will nullified when used on cooldown.
  • Changed PvP damage: -59.4% → -57%.
  • Changed to no longer deal reduced damage when used on cooldown.
  • Changed to no longer recover WP when used on cooldown.

Lethal Spin Spree I-IV
  • Changed attack damage.
    • Attack damage 729/754/778/1169% → 729/844/972/1169%
    • PvP damage -52/-52/-52.1/-59% → -57%
Main Weapon
Flow: Sky Stepping
  • Fixed the issue of the the skill being activated with your sah chakram even when it was locked.


  • Removed the blocking motion when pressing Q with your sura katana. Added the Shadow Slash skill.

Shadow Slash
  • Added the new skill.
Skill Description Preview
Corrupt Sword Dance
  • Fixed the issue where using the skill in transition stance while Corrupt Sword Dance was on cooldown would halt your movement after learning Core: Corrupt Sword Dance.


Prime: Blizzard: Domain
  • Fixed the issue where the skill's cooldown was not being reduced when comboed from Prime: Frigid Fog: Control after Prime: Meteor Shower.


Black Spirit: Equilibrium Break
  • Fixed the issue of the Black Spirit version of the skill being activated while Gorr is summoned even when the skill was locked.


To retain her trait of dealing powerful, single blows, we’ve adjusted the Awakened Guardian’s overall damage for PvP. Specifically, charging skills such as Dragon’s Maw and Flow: Howling Light were improved to deal damage appropriate to the amount of time required to cast said skills. Also, since you fight without a shield in Awakening, we’ve improved Dragon’s Calling to recover even more HP as you aggressively wield your jordun in battle.
Flow: Suppress
  • Increased the duration of Super Armor during the skill.
  • Changed the Critical Hit Rate buff to now apply in PvP as well.
    • Critical Hit Rate +100% (in PvE) → Critical Hit Rate +100%

Flow: To Ashes
  • Changed the Critical Hit Rate buff to now apply in PvP as well.
    • Critical Hit Rate +100% (in PvE) → Critical Hit Rate +100%

Dragon's Calling
  • Changed so that the skill recovers twice the HP on hits with your jordun.

Neck Impaler
  • Changed so that while using the skill, the character follows the camera right before the opponent is impaled.
  • Fixed the issue of the movement distance being too short when using Neck Impaler with your battle axe.

Frigid Wind
  • Changed the Floating debuff to apply only in PvE, and the Super Armor effect to be active during the whole duration of the skill.
  • Changed to combo into the skill's extra attack after Fireborne Rupture and Neck Impaler.

Flow: Howling Light
  • Changed to recover HP instead of WP on hit.
    • Recover +30 WP on every hit → Recover +30 HP on every hit
  • Changed the number of attacks as follows:
    • Dragon's Maw attack damage x1, max 6 hits → Dragon's Maw attack damage x2, max 6 hits
  • Changed to activate the HP recovery of Dragon's Maw on first hit, or first hit of additional attack.
  • Fixed the issue where, on hit, only the closest opponents will be affected by Flame of the Calling.

Dragon's Maw
  • Decreased the total number of times able to charge from 4 to 3.
  • Added the Down Attack debuff.


We sought to bolster the Awakened Hashashin’s capabilities in dealing with multiple opponents instead of one.
First, we changed Sin Splitter by adding a defensive effect but it now no longer applies a debuff in PvP,  thereby allowing for the usage of other Core skills.
Collapse was the most used skill after Constriction and Core: Sin Splitter, and so we added an Attack Speed buff to the skill, which now lets your Hashashin deal damage faster with combos that start with Collapse.
We’ve also heard from many Adventurers that they couldn’t fully utilize Dune Slash’s Knockdown debuff for the entirety of its duration due to Flow: Dune Strike’s Down Smash debuff interrupting the flow of the entire combo, so we decided to remove the Down Smash debuff from being applied by Flow: Dune Strike.
Lastly, for Silent Breach, we changed it so that defensive effects now only apply while moving with the skill, and made the skill activate faster, thus changing it into a skill useful to apply surprise debuffs upon unsuspecting foes.
Flow: Hourglass of Recall
  • Changed cooldown: 8 sec → 3 sec
  • Changed to immediately disappear and move to saved location when using the skill with your dual glaives.
    • However, you cannot move to your saved location when using the skill with your dual glaives on cooldown.
  • Removed the "Invincibility -> Super Armor while using the skill" defensive effect.

Sin Splitter
  • Added Super Armor, and changed so that Bound is only applied in PvE.
    • The Bound debuff will be applied in PvP upon learning Core: Sin Splitter.
  • Increased the duration of defensive effects upon learning Core: Sin Splitter.

Flow: Dune Strike
  • Moved the All Evasion Rate Reduction effect from Collapse.
    • All Evasion Rate -9% for 10 sec on hits.
  • Removed Down Smash debuff.
  • Changed the attack damage as follows:
    • Attack damage 1376% → 1403%
    • PvP damage -40% → -34%
  • Improved to combo into Flow: Condemnation.

Paradise Surge
  • Changed the Super Armor defensive effect to Invincibility -> Super Armor.
    • However when Way of Aal is in effect, using the skill will activate Super Armor when in cooldown.
  • Changed so when performing the skill with its command, your character will now disappear instantly and activate the skill anywhere, any time.

Serpent's Coil
  • Changed to combo more quickly into Flow: Voracity.
  • Changed to combo more smoothly into Piercing Fang.

Silent Breach
  • Changed the skill as follows:
    • Changed so that the attack is dealt quicker if the enemy is in front.
    • Changed the defensive effect from Forward Guard during the skill to Super Armor while moving.
    • Changed the Bound debuff to Floating debuff, and now applies in PvP as well.
    • Changed to combo more smoothly into Flow: Sand Warp and Sand Slicer.
    • Changed to combo more smoothly from Sin Splitter, Ensnaring Sands, Serpent's Coil, and Retribution.
    • Increased the skill's movement distance.
    • PvP damage -50% → -40%.

  • Changed so that attack 1 is activated quicker.
  • Moved the Attack Speed increase buff from Crown Kick.
    • Attack Speed +10% for 10 sec

Crown Kick
  • Added a 30% Critical Hit Rate for 10 sec.

Piercing Fang
  • Fixed the issue where the skill would not activate when used while switching to your dual glaives from your shamshir while moving forward/backward.

  • Changed to combo more smoothly into Flow: Sand Warp and Flow: Hourglass of Recall if you miss grappling your opponent with the skill after using Flow: Sand Warp to the right.
  • Changed to instantly attempt to grapple when using the skill command.

Flow: Condemnation
  • Changed PvP damage reduction rate from 40% → 38%.

Flow: Voracity
  • Changed PvP damage reduction rate from 60% → 53%.


Core: Extinction
  • Fixed the issue of Super Armor not being applied when activating via Quick Slot upon learning the skill.
  • Fixed the issue of the skill effects not being displayed due to the Core version's effects.

Dragonblood: Spiteful Soul
  • Fixed the issue of Dragonblood: Storm Piercer being activated instead of the skill when holding RMB after using Dragonblood: Savage Decree.


Season Atoraxxion: Yolunakea

For our Adventurers enjoying the Season, we have added Yolunakea to Season Atoraxxion, our 5-person cooperative content.
Season Atoraxxion's Yolunakea, Vahmalkea, and Sycrakea have been adjusted to levels of difficulty that can be challenged by Adventurers equipped with Tuvala gear that is at least TRI (III). We hope this content will allow for exciting cooperation amongst our Adventurers, and act as a stepping stone for enhancing your Tuvala gear and advancing into normal and Elvia modes.

  • Added an exclusive Atoraxxion: Yolunakea for season characters.
    • When entering Atoraxxion: Yolunakea on season server, you will enter Season Yolunakea.
    • Only Adventurers with TRI (III) Tuvala gear or higher can play Season Yolunakea.
    • Added an exclusive Yolunkea Weekly quest for season characters.
Quest Name NPC for Accepting Quest Quest Requirement NPC for Completion Reward
[Co-op] [Weekly] Vestige of the Rifts Bestowed by Yolu Fughar Conquer Atoraxxion: Yolunakea, then examine Yolu's Time Capsule; Yolu's Time Capsule
Atoraxxion: Rift Chest
* The above quest can only be accepted and completed by season characters from Lv. 57.
    • You can obtain the following items from Atoraxxion: Rift Chest.
Obtainable Items
▼ Guaranteed Items
Rift's Echo x1
Time-filled Black Stone x200
Tuvala Ore x30
Refined Magical Black Stone x30
Advice of Valks (+30) x1
Advice of Valks (+20) x2

▼ Additional Items up to a certain probability
PRI (I) to TRI (III) Tuvala Accessory x1
Frozen Tides Black Stone x1
Atoraxxion Entry Requirements
- Summon the Black Spirit (,) with a character Lv. 60 or higher - Complete Main Quest [Invitation from I].
- Complete Succession or Awakening once.
- Afterward, complete the "[Atoraxxion] Talibre's Tear" quest from the "[5-person Co-op] The Last Stronghold, Atoraxxion" questline (You can interact with the Sol Magia located in the Ancient Stone Chamber. to accept the quest.)
* You can still obtain rewards through weekly quests or upon defeating Final Bosses in Atoraxxion even if you don't proceed with the main quests.

Exclusive Season Atoraxxion: Yolunakea Challenges

  •  Added one exclusive season challenge that can be done in Atoraxxion: Yolunakea.
    • Atoraxxion: Yolunakea challenges can be completed once per Family.
Challenge Name Challenge Requirement Reward
[Season] On the Voidlight Dagger! Defeat Impassioned Amarillos and obtain "On the Voidlight Dagger" knowledge.
Atoraxxion: Rift Chest x1
* Obtain rewards via Challenges (Y) after completing Challenges and exiting Atoraxxion or logging in again with your character.
 * More details regarding Atoraxxion: Yolunakea can be checked via [Adventurer's Guide - Atoraxxion: Yolunakea].
  • Added text related to wagons for Igor Bartali's Adventure Log Volume 8 - Chapter 1.
  • Fixed the text of Igor Bartali's Adventure Log Volume 5 - Chapter 4 to better match the objective.
  • The Total Likes per Chat Group are scheduled to be reset during Jan 18, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
    • Temporary titles (90 Days) have been awarded to Adventurers who own either gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons.
    • Temporary titles (90 Days) have also been awarded to Adventurers who own either gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons in any of the Hall of Adventurers Chat Groups.
    • All titles awarded for chat group rankings on Oct 19, 2022 (Wed) will be deleted during Jan 18, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
Chat Group Gold Silver Bronze
Lunar Halo Inn Protector of Newbies Luminary of Newbies Herald of Newbies
Dancing Marlin Tavern Oh Captain, My Captain Reliable First Mate Hardworking Steerer
Battle Arena Fist of Legend Born to Fight Backstreet Fighter
Hystria Ruins Relentless Slayer Perceptive Hunter Clever Tracker
Florin Neighborhood Meeting Touch of Midas Crafty Diligent Life Skiller
Garnier Troupe Virtuoso Genius Composer Rhapsodist
Heidel's Street City Celebrity Famed Storyteller Street Herald
Hall of Adventurers Pathfinder Role Model Mentor


Old Moon Censer

  • Added a new recipe (Manufacture) to craft the Old Moon Censer.
Item Name Crafting Materials

Old Moon Censer
▼ Manufacture (L) with the following items
Old Moon Censer Mold x1
Melody of the Stars x25
Pure Copper Crystal x100
Pure Tin Crystal x100
Magical Lightstone Crystal x300
  •  Added the new recipe and Mythical Censer crafting details to the following items.
    • New recipe added: Old Moon Censer Mold, Old Moon Censer
    • Mythical Censer crafting details added: Magical Lightstone Crystal, Melody of the Stars
  • Removed the requirement of "at least Alchemy Guru 1" for exchanging lightstones to obtain Magical Lightstone Crystals from Dalishain.

Fragments of Honor and Courage

  •  Changed so using Simple Alchemy (L) on BON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion will let you obtain  Fragment of Honor x2.
  • Added the Fragment of Courage, which can be used to craft JIN Glorious Crystal of Courage - Ignore Knockback/Knockdown/Grapple/Stun Resistance.
    • You can use Simple Alchemy (L) with the following items to obtain the Fragment of Courage.
      • WON Glorious Crystal of Courage - Ignore Knockback/Knockdown/Grapple/Stun Resistance: Fragment of Courage x1
      • BON Glorious Crystal of Courage - Ignore Knockback/Knockdown/Grapple/Stun Resistance: Fragment of Courage x2
Item Name Recipe

JIN Glorious Crystal of Courage - Ignore Knockback/Knockdown/Grapple/Stun Resistance
Magic Crystal of Infinity - Special Evasion x1
(Select 1 of Ignore Knockback/Knockdown/Grapple/Stun Resistance)
Magical Shard x10
Fragment of Courage x20
Black Stone (Weapon) x100
  • Added details to the respective item descriptions regarding the amount of Fragment of Honor obtained from BON/WON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion.
  • Switched the crafting material order in the item descriptions of JIN/BON/WON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion, Essence of Honor, and Fragment of Honor.
  • Changed the crafting material order in the item descriptions of the following items.
    • JIN/BON/WON Glorious Crystal of Courage items
    • BON/WON Glorious Crystal of Courage - Ignore Knockback/Knockdown/Grapple/Stun Resistance
    • Essence of Courage
  • Added text to the "Red Seal" item description mentioning that said item can no longer be obtained since the Red Battlefield seal revamp.
  • Fixed the item descriptions of the following items:
    • Magic Crystal - Crimson Flame: Removed unnecessary text.
    • Combined Magic Crystals: Fixed the description related to Transfusion.
    • Black Magic Crystal - Cobelinus, Hystria, Carmae: Fixed typos.
    • Kydict's Crystal - Adventure, Rebellious Spirit Crystal: Fixed the displayed applied effects to match those of other items.

Added Sturdy Forest Tread Exchange and Box

We've added a means of obtaining Sturdy Forest Tread through exchange, and if you form a 5-man party for Manshaum Narc's Stones, we've also added a low chance of Sturdy Forest Tread Box dropping there as well.
  •  Improved so you can now exchange Peridot Petals for a Sturdy Forest Tread.
    • You can exchange these through Shamhain at Stonetail Horse Ranch or Variel at Old Wisdom Tree if you have Peridot Petals in your Inventory.
    • Peridot Petals x50 → Sturdy Forest Tread x1
  • Improved the 5-man Manshaum Narc's Stone fight so when you defeat Narc Brishka, you will now have a chance to obtain the Sturdy Forest Tread Box.
    • Open the Sturdy Forest Tread box to obtain Sturdy Forest Tread x25-50.
  • Improved the Cron Stone item description to read more straightforward.


Valtarra's Clairvoyance & Memory Improvements

As one of the necessary ingredients to create Odore's Spirit Essence, Valtarra's Clairvoyance has been known for being much more difficult to obtain than the other ingredients.
Unlike the other ingredients that can be looted from defeated monsters, this ingredient involves an extra step with the Tanning Life Skill.
Not only did this require Adventurers to dabble in both PvE and Life Skill content, but also needed to have a bunch of Gathering Mastery and gear to improve their odds of obtaining the item.
Therefore, to address these cumbersome steps in obtaining Valtarra's Clairvoyance, and in the hopes of encouraging many more Adventurers to rise to the challenge, we decided to lower the difficulty of obtaining Valtarra's Clairvoyance and Memory to levels more similar to the other ingredients of Odore's Spirit Essence.
First off, we've now made it so that you have a low chance of looting Valtarra's Clairvoyance and Memory from defeated monsters. We've also lowered the HP of Ferrina, and, while also making their gathering loot drops unaffected by Life Skill Mastery, we've adjusted the loot drop chance to be close to the previous rate when having up to 2,000 Life Skill Mastery.
Second, regarding how long the [Weekly] Valtarra's Memory quest took to both defeat and tan 3,000 monsters as opposed to other weekly potion quests, we reduced the amount of monsters to 500.
Do note that any Valtarra's Clairvoyance and Memory obtainable from Hunting during events will still be affected by your Hunting Mastery.
  •  Improved the Valtarra's Clairvoyance and Memory obtainable from Ferrica and Ferrina of Navarn Steppe as follows.
    • You now have a low chance to loot Valtarra's Clairvoyance and Memory from defeated Ferrica and Ferrina.
      • Ferrica: Valtarra's Clairvoyance, Valtarra's Memory
      • Ferrina: Valtarra's Memory
    • Changed so the drop rate of Valtarra's Clairvoyance and Memory are no longer affected by your Life Skill Mastery.
      • The "Gathering Item Drop Rate" effect of life skill tools are still applied.
    • The drop rate of Valtarra's Memory has been increased by 4.3 times.
  • Reduced the HP of Ferrina in the Navarn Steppe by 40%.
  • Increased the drop rate of Valtarra's Memory by 3.42 times for the following monsters during treasure piece drop events.
- Blue Whale
- Fugitive Khalk
- All Hunting monsters in Valencia
- All Hunting monsters in Kamasylvia
- All Hunting monsters in Drieghan
- All Hunting monsters in O'dyllita
- All Hunting monsters in Mountain of Eternal Winter
  • Changed the objectives of the [Weekly] Valtarra's Memory quest as follows.
Before After
Clean up Navarn Steppe x3,000
Obtain Soft Ferri Feather x500
Clean up Navarn Steppe x500
Obtain Soft Ferri Feather x500


  •  Changed so you can now open box items while mounted atop the following mounts or while engaged in Black Spirit's Training.
    • Horse, Camel, Donkey, Wagon, Ship, Miniature Elephant, Alpaca, Sky Balloon, Guild Galley, Guild Elephant, and Black Spirit's Training
    • This excludes Hwacha, Flame Towers, and other mounts used during Node/Conquest Wars.
Quest & Knowledge
  • Added a quest involving a villager of Duvencrune in Drieghan.
    • Armin, a child of Hoom Highland who dreams of becoming an expert hawk hunter, requests the aid of an adventurer.
* This quest requires you to have learned the "Durgeff" and 'Seiri" Knowledge entries.
* You will need to toggle on "Combat" quest types in the Quests (O) window to see this quest.
  • Changed the content of the "Maryan's Taxidermy" quest after selecting "[Crossroad] Tell him that you'll help him get his job back" during the "Pleading Goblin" Duvencrune villager questline of Drieghan.
  • Moved Adrian Loggia's location so the "Arrested at the Scene" quest of the "I'm Telling You the Truth!" Velia questline flows better.
  • Changed the objectives for the revamped Balenos main questline "[Balenos] Secret of Cron Castle" to read better.
Node & Conquest War
  • Fixed the issue where you couldn't install the Indomitable Flag in certain areas on certain days during a Node War.
  • Fixed the Node War stat restrictions displayed in the World Map to be displayed with more clarity.
  • Fixed the issue where the Node Installation Area was different from the actual Node War Area in certain parts of Mediah.
    • Canyon of Corruption, Sausan Garrison, Helms Post, Hasrah Cliff
NPC, Background, Sound
  • Added a collision detection feature to the Ancient Artifact NPC located in the Ancient Stone Chamber underground.
  • Improved so the following characters can be used when searching in Music Album:
    • Brackets: [ , ]
    • Underscore: _
  • Changed loading screen image to Maegu.
  • Added an Arena of Solare button to the function button list on the left of the minimap.
  • Added a function to automatically delete mail when the item attached to the mail was obtained.
    • This function can be set at the bottom of Read Mail UI.
  • Changed the mail sorting order to the following:
    • Mail regarding paid product purchases (Pearl box, etc.)
    • Mail with an expiration date of 7 days or less
    • Mail with an expiration date of 7 days or more
      Letters with an expiry period of 7 days or more
    • Mail with no set expiration date
  • Fixed the following for Crystal preset functions:
    • Fixed so upon pressing the Crystal Effects button within the View Inventory UI, you can view crystals effects active on each of your characters.
    • Fixed the issue where items in your inventory would appear shaded and unavailable upon closing the Owned Crystals window within your Inventory (I).
  • Improved the verification process of items with non-movable properties when accessing storages in other regions.
  • Fixed the issue of some links in Terms of Agreements not working at the bottom of the Parental Protection page.
  • Fixed the issue of not being able to check Adventurer's profile in Oasis of Knowledge.
  • Improved button style of client download page.
  • Fixed Woosa's class description.
  • Changed and unified the following terms in English:
    • Essence of Glory → Essence of Honor
  • Changed and unified the following terms in German:
    • Fachmännisch/ Meisterlich/ Spezial: Fachmännisch/ Spezial: Meisterlich  ausgestopfter Valencia-Großhornschafskopf → Fachmännisch/ Meisterlich/ Spezial: Fachmännisch/ Spezial: Meisterlich  ausgestopfter Kopf eines Valencia-Großhornschafes

Modified or Changed

  • Fixed the issue of the appearance displaying abnormally when greeting NPC Belon in Sarma Outpost.
  • Fixed parts of Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Underground) background.
  • Fixed so you cannot enter this object in specific situations after placing [Manor] Christmas Tree.
  • Fixed so Arena of Arsha invites cannot be sent to party members that are not logged in or on another server.
  • Fixed so Arena of Arsha invites cannot be accepted when party members are not logged in or on another server.
  • Fixed the following when in combat with Impassioned Amarillos, the final boss of Yolu's Cradle in Atoraxxion: Yolunakea.
    • Fixed the issue of Tuntaros not moving in a specific situation when entering its 2nd phase.
    • Fixed the issue of Impassioned Amarillos not moving in an invalid location.
  • Fixed the issue of not being able to gather Truffle Mushrooms that appear in specific locations within Valley Cave.
  • [Maehwa] Fixed the issue of the helmet displaying abnormally when choosing Maehwa class from the Character Selection Screen.
  • [Woosa] Fixed some part of the outfit displaying abnormally in specific poses when equipping Prowling Tiger.
  • Fixed the issue of invalid info displaying when checking Guild Member Status with unpaid taxes in the guild.
  • Fixed the issue of the function not working properly when using Voice Chat via the Ring Menu Slot for Gamepad UI mode.
  • Fixed the issue of getting notified that your Inventory is full even though there are slots left in your Inventory when Processing (L).
  • Fixed the issue of an extra crystal being transfused when transfusing a crystal from your Crystal Inventory in certain situations.
    • Invalid crystals that were transfused in Crystal preset were taken out and Adventurers affected by this matter were notified via Mail (B).
  • Fixed the issue of a specific location's terrain displaying abnormally in Kmach Canyon and Crescent Shrine.
  • Fixed the issue where the number of crystals stored in the crystal inventory were being displayed abnormally in certain situations.

Fixes and Improvements

  •  Fixed an issue where the application crashed abnormally under certain circumstances.
  • Improved to redirect you to your device's Notification settings when attempting to activate the Black Desert+ app's Push Alerts with notications for the app toggled off.
Major Updates - Maegu

Black Desert's 26th new class, Maegu has been released.
After Woosa’s release, many adventurers displayed great interest in her older twin sister, Maegu. We’d like to thank all of our adventurers for their patience.First off, Maegu’s main weapon is the “Foxspirit Charm.” Her inherent traits include the ability to summon an “illusory double” and being a ranged character who utilizes agile movements to perform a flurry of spectacular spells.
Her double only appears for specific skills, but retains the Maegu’s Family, character, and Guild names, and is also marked on the minimap, allowing her to cause great confusion to her enemies. Maegu can also switch places with her double with the tap of a button. We look forward to seeing the creative PvP tactics our adventurers will discover while playing as Maegu.
In addition, during her the development process, what we placed strong emphasis on were her combos and her agile movements. Maegu has several movement skills that can be easily comboed into other skills in her arsenal, enabling her to boast a rather fast-paced playstyle. Once our adventurers get used to her gameplay, they will be able to easily dish out quick combos as well. To balance out such an advantage, we made some of her more powerful skills have longer casting times, all while keeping her level of entry not too difficult, especially for PvE.
Once again, thank you for all your interest and love towards Maegu. We hope many of our adventurers enjoy playing as her. Thank you.
  • The fox-summoning Do wielder of the Jwado School, Maegu has been released.
    • Main Weapon AP 100% will apply to Succession until Maegu's Awakening is released.
    • Succession is available through the questline after Maegu reaches Lv. 56.
    • Maegu cannot accept [The Magnus] Abyssal Revelation.
      • This quest can be accepted later after Abyssal Legacy skills are added for Maegu.
  • Maegu's awakening weapon slot is unlocked. Marni's Pocket Watch can be equipped in this slot after completing Succession questline.

Preparing for Maegu's Awakening - Tuvala Pendant

  • Added the Tuvala Pendant to the season servers to prepare for Maegu's future awakening weapon release.
    • The item cannot be equipped but will later be exchanged for an awakening weapon when Awakening is released.
    • You can obtain the pertaining item with a season Maegu by completing her Succession questline.
    • You can enhance the PRI (I) Tuvala Pendant up to PEN (V) enhancement level.
  • Like other Tuvala gear, you can enhance and repair the durability of the Tuvala Pendant with seasonal enhancement materials.
    • Seasonal enhancement materials: Time-filled Black Stone, Refined Magical Black Stone, Tuvala Ore
  • You can also use Heating on an unenhanced Tuvala Pendant to obtain one Tuvala Ore.
  • You can exchange Tuvala Awakening Weapons of other classes for the Tuvala Pendant as a season Maegu with the Tuvala Awakening Weapon Exchange Coupon.
  • The Tuvala Pendant will automatically be exchanged for Maegu's Tuvala awakening weapon when her Awakening is released.
  • You can obtain the Tuvala Pendant either as a quest reward or by exchanging one Tuvala Ore for a Tuvala Awakening Weapon Box containing the Tuvala Pendant at a blacksmith in any major city.
  • Added Hall of Adventurers: Maegu, a new chat group for Maegu adventurers.
  •  Character slots can be expanded up to 30 slots with Character Slot Expansion Coupon since the new class has been released.

Foxspirit (Family AP +1, Family DP +1)

  •  Applied the Revered Fox Spirit Family buff to celebrate the release of the new class, Maegu.
    • Changed Butterfly Dream, the previous buff applied to celebrate Woosa's release, to Revered Fox Spirit.
    • Period: Jan 18, 2023 (after maintenance) - Feb 15, 2023 (after maintenance)
    • Applied Effect: Family AP +1, Family DP +1

Silver Integration within Character Inventory & Storage

From now on, Silver will be integrated. By integration, we mean that Silver will no longer be stored "separately".
Before, you could store Silver in your Inventory for every character you have created and with storage as well. After this update, Silver will be completely unified to "My Silver" and everything will be integrated regardless of which character you log in to or which Storage you use.

Silver being stored separately brought some inconvenience to some contents (i.e. when trying to recover your horse with a character that has no Silver, or when trying to move to another major city via the Magnus and others). We hope Adventurers continue the journey pleasantly since this improvement will be applied to this update.
* Please note that the change won't apply to Central Market since it operates differently.
  • Integrated Silver in your character inventory within the Family and Storage to "My Silver".
    • Unified Silver displayed in your Inventory and Storage into one in the following UI:
UI Name
Notifications that ask for Inventory or Storage Silver:
Storage - Warehouse
NPC Shop
Blacksmith - Repair
Blacksmith - Extract
Blacksmith - Cleanse Gear
Wandering Alchemist - Lightstone Exchange/Purification
Cleanse Gear
Patrigio - Secret Shop
Pearl Shop - Silver Event Items
Black Spirit's Safe - Collect Silver Reward
Mail - (Mail with Silver) To Storage
Manor - Manor Contract
Work Supervisor - Contract Workers
Work Supervisor - Worker Exchange
Imperial Auction
  • Added so a confirmation notification displays again when purchasing an item that is over 30,000,000 Silver in NPC Shop.
  • Removed Silver displayed in Storage.
  • Fixed so "My Silver" is used when transporting items from Storage.
  • Fixed so Silver cannot be searched via Find My Item.
  • Fixed so Silver will be collected to "My Silver" instead of Storage when collecting Silver from the Horse Market and Rental Market within the Stable.
  • Fixed so Silver will be collected to "My Silver" instead of Storage when collecting daily wages and wages from Guild (G).
  • Change the message that displays when pressing the Collect Silver Reward button from the Black Spirit's Safe.


● Catch up with this week's events!
Black Desert's events and coupons at a glance!

New Additions and Improvements

Class Changes
  • Added a feature where 100 Silver is given when creating a Trial Character.


We improved Succession Warrior to be able to use Prime: Counter in a greater capacity than before. First, we made it so that Energy Counter is always activated. This will allow the Warrior to apply the Floating debuff with attacks from mid-range, or gain an Accuracy buff while comboing into a Knockdown attack.
We've also added the Forward Guard buff to the Frenzied Dash skill. While unable to move laterally while on Guard, this improvement will enable the Warrior to relentlessly push forward, which aligns with the concept of the Succession Warrior.
Main Weapon, Succession
Prime: Counter
  • Changed the skill as follows:
    • Changed so Counter, Spin Counter and Energy Counter damage are all equally applied.
      • Before: Energy Counter damage 1036% x 3, Spin Counter damage 1200% x 4, Energy Counter damage 1200% x 5
      • After: Counter damage 1200% x 5, Spin Counter damage 1200% x 5
    • Changed so it always counterattacks by sending out a stream of energy when Force Slash is learnt.
      • (However, it does not apply when Spin Counter is being activated.)
    • Fixed the issue of Air Attack not being applied when counterattacking with an energy stream.
    • Removed Push target on hits when counterattacking with an energy stream.
    • Changed skill's Accuracy Rate from +50% to +20%, and added All Accuracy Rate +15% for 3 sec when using the skill.
    • Changed skill's cooldown from 3 sec to 5 sec.
    • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate from 55% to 50%.

Prime: Scars of Dusk (I to III)
  • Improved so Prime: Scars of Dusk can be activated with C.
    • Improved so it activates smoothly when using Prime: Scars of Dusk accordingly after the following skills: 
      • Counter, Ground Smash, Seismic Strike, Prime: Spinning Splash, Prime: Heavy Strike, Prime: Shield Strike
  • Improved so Skill Add-ons can be applied to Prime: Scars of Dusk.
  • Changed the skill's attack range to every direction.
    • Fixed the issue of inflicting double damage in a specific location.
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate as follows:
Before After
Attacks 1 and 2 PvP Damage Reduction Rate 61.6/61.5/60.2%
Last attack PvP Damage Reduction Rate 50/50/50%
All Attack PvP Damage Reduction Rate 42/42/42%
  • Fixed the issue of a lower number of mounted last attack hits being applied during Prime: Scars of Dusk.

Black Spirit: Prime: Spinning Slash
  • Fixed the issue of skill's attack range being narrower than the skill animation.
    • Increased attack range accordingly so it matches the skill animation.

Prime: Earth Tremor
  • Changed Prime: Earth Tremor as follows:
    • Changed so it always activates with jump attacks.
      • Changed so it comboes to Charging Thrust when pressing ↑ + F after Prime: Ground Smash accordingly.
    • Changed so the falling motion displays when the character is in the air after skill's Smash Attack.
    • Changed so the character is fixed regardless of the camera direction after the skill's Smash Attack.

Upper Shield Strike
  • Removed Upper Shield Strike's Forward Guard and changed so Floating also applies to players as well.

Frenzied Dash
  • Changed the skill as follows:
    • Added Forward Guard to the skill and changed so Floating only applies in PvE.
    • Changed so the attack immediately activates when colliding with enemies during Charge.
    • Improved so it comboes smoothly with Severing Thrust after the attack.
    • Changed skill's cooldown from 17 sec to 12 sec.

Frenzied Dash, Charging Thrust, Prime: Solar Flare
  • Improved so Jump Slash activates instead of Prime: Spinning Slash after using the skills above.

Counter, Prime: Pulverize
  • Fixed the issue of not comboing with Prime: Pulverize sometimes when learning Counter (I to Absolute).
Through this update, the total damage of Sorceress most frequently used Awakening’s skills for PvE has increased. Also, Soul Harvest’s casting speed has been strengthened and improved to combo faster. We have increased the combo speed of Shadow Leap’s after the character appears, as well as the speed of combos after Night Crow, as these are two of Awakening Sorceress' strengths. We've also added a skill where Shards of Darkness reset and have improved it so that Shards of Darkness are maintained when using the skill by consuming Shards of Darkness with the scythe.
Swirling Darkness (I to III)
  • Changed skill damage and number of hits.
    • Attack 1 damage 910/1011/1178% x 6 → 1229/1365/1590% x 8
    • Attack 2 damage 997/1082/1272% x 6 → 1346/1461/1717% x 8
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate from 53% to 65%.
  • Fixed the issue of Magic DP Reduction being applied on Core: Swirling Darkness hits.

Violation (I to III)
  • Changed skill damage:
    • Spin attack damage 959/1090/1343% x 8 → 1103/1254/1544% x 8
    • Down slash attack damage 959/1090/1343% x 5 → 1103/1254/1544% x 5
  • Changed skill's Critical Hit Rate:
    • Critical Hit Rate +50% (Only in PvE) → Critical Hit Rate +50% (Not applied during cooldown)
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate 57% → 70%.
  • Improved so Shards of Darkness reset during Violation using Shards of Darkness.
  • Changed Black Spirit: Violation damage.
    • Spin attack damage: 959/1090/1343 x 9 → 1103/1254/1544% x 9
    • Down slash attack damage: 959/1090/13443% x6 → 1103/1254/1544% x6
    • Critical Hit Rate +50% (Only in PvE) → Critical Hit Rate +50% (Not applied during cooldown)
    • PvP Damage Reduction Rate 57% → 70%

Soul Harvest
  • Changed the Casting Speed Increase effect that is applied when using the skill as follows:
    • Casting Speed +5% for 10 sec when using the skill → Casting Speed +10% for 10 sec when using the skill
  • Changed to a more natural pose when comboing into Soul Harvest as a combo from another skill.

Shadow Leap
  • Fixed the issue of the following buffs that are applied when using Shadow Leap being applied after the character appears.
    • Casting Speed +10% for 10 sec when using the skill
    • All Evasion Rate +15% for 5 sec when using the skill
  • Changed so Shadow Leap's forward attack is activated when pressing LMB.
  • Improved so it comboes smoothly with other skills after using Shadow Leap.
Cartian's Nightmare
  • Fixed so Shards of Darkness are reset when consuming shards and moving laterally during the skill.

Flow: Soul Reaper
  • Changed the skill damage:
    • Attack 1 damage 1380% x 2, max 2 hits → 1380% x 3, max 2 hits
    • Last attack damage 1380% x 6 → 1380% x 8
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate 54% → 62%.

Black Spirit: Grim Reaper's Judgment
  • Changed skill damage.
    • Attack damage 1709/1789/1869/1950% x 7 → 1709/1789/1869/1950% x 8

Core: Grim Reaper's Judgment
  • Fixed the issue of recovering more HP than stated in skill description when learning Core: Grim Reaper's Judgment.

Dead Hunt (I to IV)
  • Changed skill damage:
Before After
Attacks 1 and 2 damage 781/857/932% x 2 (I to III)
Attacks 1 and 2 damage 1008% x 3 (IV)
Spin attack 3 damage 516/566/616/665% x 3
Chop attack 3 damage 781/857/932/1008% x 2 
Attack 4 damage 781/857/932/1008% x 3
Attacks 1 and 2 damage 1054/1157/1258% x 2 (I to III)
Attacks 1 and 2 damage 1361% x 3 (IV)
Spin attack 3 damage 697/764/832/898% x 3
Chop attack 3 damage 1054/1157/1258/1361% x 2
Attack 4 damage 1054/1157/1258/1361% x 3
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 25%


Delighted Blast (I - III)
  • Added a Knockdown effect on melee hits.


For Succession Sage, we decided to change and/or add the defensive effect of Forward Guard to certain skills, thus enabling the Sage to maintain both Forward Guard and Super Armor after Prime: Rift Chain, albeit for a short period of time. We’ve also increased the damage of certain skills, thereby boosting the Sage’s battle prowess for PvE, and applied changes to Stamina costs and defensive effects of movement skills in the name of making some quality-of-life improvements.
Prime: Rift Chain will now use less Stamina, allowing it to be used more frequently, and Prime: Spear Bolt has had its dash attack removed, trading it in for a longer duration of defensive effects while moving. Additionally, Prime: Spear Bolt will now make your Sage appear while facing your opponent so you no longer have to spin the camera to attack immediately when using the skill while moving.
Additionally, the All DP reduction effect of Realm of Anguish has been changed to Magic DP reduction. This will allow your Sage to apply overlapping DP reduction debuffs and now deal even greater damage than before.
Last but not least, we removed the Bound debuff from Atomagia and added Forward Guard to Void Gateways. Atomagia used to be a skill that applied both a defensive effect and a debuff, but we decided to bolster Void Gateways instead to increase the latter skill’s frequency of usage.
Main Weapon, Succession
Prime: Rift Storm
  • Changed so the skill's animation is activated a bit faster.
  • Changed skill's number of hits:
    • Attack 1 damage 1318% x 3 → 1318% x 5
    • Attack 2 damage 1318% x 8 → 1318% x 10
  • Reduced cooldown time from 13 sec → 10 sec.
  • Changed so Critical Hit Rate is not only applied to PvE but also PvP.
    • Critical Hit Rate +100% (only in PvE) → Critical Hit Rate +100%
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate from 35% → 55%.
  • Changed so it comboes after attack 1 when comboing with Rift Chain during Prime: Rift Storm.

Prime: Spear Bolt
  • Changed so the character rotates 180 degrees when using the skill.
  • Changed so Forward Guard is maintained a bit longer when not moving after Prime: Spear Bolt.
  • Changed skill's defensive effects as follows:
    • Forward Guard when using the skill, Invincible while concealed and moving → Forward Guard when using the skill, Invincible while moving
  • Removed the skill's Dash attack damage.
  • Changed "Down Attack on dash attacks" to "Down Attack".
  • Changed skill damage:
    • Attack damage 503% x 2 → 1060% x 4
  • Changed skill's cooldown time from 15 sec → 7 sec.
  • Added Critical Hit Rate +100% to the skill.
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate from 30% → 40%.

Atomagia (I to Absolute), Prime: Atomagia
  • Changed so skill's bound effect is only applied in PvE.
  • Added 50 Pain Damage every 3 sec for 18 sec on hits.
  • Changed skill's cooldown time:
    • I to Absolute: 60/55/50/45/40 sec → 40/35/30/25/20 sec
    • Prime: 40 sec → 20 sec

Void Gateways (I to Absolute), Prime: Void Gateways
  • Added Forward Guard during Void Gateways (I to Absolute), and Prime: Void Gateways.

Gravity Rift (I to Absolute)
  • Changed skill's number of attacks:
    • Attack damage 397/507/598/793/951% x 6 → 397/507/598/793/951% x 8
  • Changed skill's HP Recovery:
    • Recover HP +10 per target on hits → Recover HP +50/50/50/60/70 per hit

Realm of Anguish (I to Absolute)
  • Changed all DP Reduction on hit to Magic DP Reduction.
    • All DP -20 for 10 sec on hit → Magic DP -20 for 10 sec on hits

Prime: Rift Chain
  • Changed consumed Stamina to half when moving while the character is concealed during the skill.

Prime: Illusion Expansion
  • Changed skill damage:
    • Attack damage 1336% x 8 → 1737% x 8
  • Added Critical Hit Rate +30% to the skill.
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate from 45% → 50%.

Flow: Illusion Detonation
  • Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills.
  • Improved so the attack motion is activated a bit faster.
  • Improved so the motion displays more smoothly when comboing with Ator's Fist after Flow: Illusion Detonation.

Form Shift (I to Absolute), Form Shift (I to IV)
  • Added Critical Hit Rate +30% to the skill.
  • Changed stamina consumption from 200 → 150 when using the skill.

Flow: Form Recall
  • Changed stamina consumption from 200 150 when using the skill.

Prime: Ator's Mark (I to III)
  • Changed skill damage:
    • Attack damage 916/1069/1221% x 6 → 1191/1390/1587% x 8
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate from 34% → 58%.

Prime: Ator's Fist (I to III)
  • Improved so combo with other skills activates smoothly.
  • Changed skill damage:
    • Attack damage 683/819/983% x 3, max 4 hits → 888/1065/1278% x 3, max 4 hits
  • Increased Critical Hit Rate in PvP.
    • Critical Hit Rate +25% (only in PvP) → Critical Hit Rate +50%
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate 44% → 60%.
  • Changed so the skill activates even when pressing SHIFT when Ator's Fist makes comboes with other skills.

Prime: Ator's Energy (I to IV)
  • Changed skill damage:
    • Attack damage 988/1094/1201/1307% x 8 → 1265/1400/1537/1673 x 8
  • Changed skill's PvP Damage Reduction Rate from 34% → 52%.

Ator's Energy, Prime: Ator's Energy
  • Changed skill's defensive effects from Super Armor Forward Guard.

Prime: Spatial Collapse
  • Improved so motions activate more smoothly when using the skill.

Flow: Finishing Touch
  • Improved so attack motions activate more smoothly when using the skill.


Main Weapon, Succession
Prime: Rain's Thirst
  • Improved to combo more smoothly during Stormfall, Cloudrise, Kaleidoscope Swirl, and Kaleidoscope Flower.
  • Changed the skill to no longer be affected by effects which increase/decrease casting or movement speed.
Prime: Inkwrath
  • Changed the skill as follows:
    • Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills.
    • Changed the command key from ↓ + C to C.
    • Added an effect to decrease the Guard Gauge of 1 opponent by 20% on hits.
    • Changed the attack damage as follows. PvP damage reduction rate has been adjusted accordingly.
      • Attack damage 1432% x 6 → 1002% x 6
      • PvP damage -36% → -8.5%
Prime: Flurry
  • Increased the speed of the skill's first and second attacks.
  • Improved for the following skills be able to combo into the third attack of Prime: Flurry:
    • Sagoonja: Plum, Sagoonja: Orchid, Sagoonja: Chrysanth, Sagoonja: Bamboo, Bamboo-zled, Thunderstroke, Cloudburst
  • Improved so that Butterfly Step can combo into Tigerfly on its last attack motion.
Spring Blossom
  • Increased the natural HP recovery time from 20 seconds to 40 seconds.
Cloudrise, Prime: Cloudrise
  • Changed so that opponents are dealt damage while below Woosa in accordance with the skill's animation.
  • Changed to activate more quickly.
Cloud Flower
  • Improved to summon two rainclouds from Prime: Quiet Waters at once.
Prime: Quiet Wates
  • Changed so that opponents are dealt damage while below Woosa in accordance with the skill's raincloud effect.
  • Updated to show the character's falling form at the same position as other classes when falling from a high location.

Marni's Realm - Thornwood Forest

  •  "Thornwood Forest" is now accessible as a Monster Zone in Marni's Realm.
  • The total likes per chat group has been reset following today's maintenance.
    • Temporary titles (90 Days) have been awarded to Adventurers who own either gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons.
    • Temporary titles (90 Days) have also been awarded to Adventurers who own either gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons in the 24 Hall of Adventurers Chat Groups.
    • All titles awarded for chat group rankings on Oct 19, 2022 (Wed) have been deleted following Jan 18, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
Chat Group Gold Silver Bronze
Lunar Halo Inn Protector of Newbies Luminary of Newbies Herald of Newbies
Dancing Marlin Tavern Oh Captain, My Captain Reliable First Mate Hardworking Steerer
Battle Arena Fist of Legend Born to Fight Backstreet Fighter
Hystria Ruins Relentless Slayer Perceptive Hunter Clever Tracker
Florin Neighborhood Meeting Touch of Midas Crafty Diligent Life Skiller
Garnier Troupe Virtuoso Genius Composer Rhapsodist
Heidel's Street City Celebrity Famed Storyteller Street Herald
Hall of Adventurers Pathfinder Role Model Mentor
Thank you for your love and support for Woosa and Maegu class. We would like to give an additional Fughar's Timepiece to our Adventurers to express our gratitude.
This timepiece can be used for Maegu which will be released on the upcoming Jan 18 maintenance.
Also, we are giving out 3 Narchillan weapons and 4 pieces of Narchillan armor exclusive for this Winter Season. We hope it helps adventurers in their journeys.
Thank you.

[Winter Season] Additional Fughar's Timepiece

  •  A quest for obtaining another Fughar's Timepiece has been added for the Winter Season.
Quest Quest Objective Quest Reward
[Winter Season] Fughar's Secretive Timepiece Go talk to Fughar and obtain another Fughar's Timepiece
Fughar's Timepiece

Winter Season Graduation Begins!

  • Fughar, the Crow Merchants Guild Chief Manager, is lending a hand for Winter Season graduation so that you can convert your season character who has completed the 2022 Winter Season into a normal character.
Graduation Period Jan 18th, 2023 (after maintenance) - Before Season Ends
Graduation Requirements Adventurers who did not purchase the [Event] Black Spirit Pass must have accepted and completed all of the Season Pass Challenges and accepted the rewards.
Adventurers who purchase the [Event] Black Spirit Pass must have accepted and completed all of the all of the Black Spirit Pass Challenge and accepted the rewards.
Complete [Winter Season] Fughar's Secretive Timepiece
You must not have Fughar’s Timepiece in your possession.
* Please note before graduating! An additional Fughar's Timepiece for this Winter Season!
Obtain an additional Fughar's Timepiece in this Winter Season along with the release of the new class, Maegu.
Please note that Winter Season graduation will be available after obtaining the additional Fughar's Timepiece accordingly
(Accept and complete [Winter Season] Fughar's Secretive Timepiece from NPC Fughar.)
  •  Season Graduation requirements for Winter Season 2022 are as follows:
Quest  NPC Quest Objective  Completing NPC
[Season Server Graduation]
At the Crossroad
Leyla the Crow Merchants Guild Scribe located at the Workshop in Velia
Accept and complete the [Season] Fughar's Special Timepiece from Fughar and talk to him.
Complete [Winter Season] Fughar's Secretive Timepiece and talk to Fughar.
[Season Server Graduation] Into the Big Wide World Fughar Use the Honorable Adventurer's Certificate Fughar
    •  Season characters can be converted into normal characters upon using the Honorable Adventurer's Certificate
    •  You can obtain Narchillan Gear Box, Gift Box Full of Memories, and Fughar's Letter of Encouragement upon completing the above quest.
    •  Items contained in the Gift Box Full of Memories are as follows:
Narchillan Gear Box
Gift Box Full of Memories
Narchillan Main Weapon Box
Narchillan Sub-weapon Box
Narchillan Awakening Weapon Box
Narchillan Armor
Narchillan Helmet
Narchillan Gloves
Narchillan Shoes
* Narchillan Gear can only be equipped with normal characters, not season characters.
* Maegu and Woosa cannot open Narchillan Awakening Weapon Box since their Awakening classes haven't been released.
[Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon x1
Graduation Cap x1
Advice of Valks (+60) x1
Golden Graduation Gown x1
Cron Stone x100
[Event] Secret Book of Old Moon (7 Days) x1
[Event] Elion's Tear x10
[Event] Item Collection Increase Scroll x5
[Event] Giovan Grolin's Support Scroll x5
[Event] Tachros' Spirit Stone x1
Blessed Message Scroll x5
Premium Elixir Box x3
Finto's Filling/Sweet/Fresh Juice x10
* Graduation Notice
 - Adventurers who have purchased [Event] Black Spirit Pass, make sure to claim all Season Pass and Black Spirit Pass challenges and rewards.
 - Unused purchased [Event] Black Spirit Pass can no longer be used after Season graduation.
 - Honorable Adventurer's Certificate that can be obtained during the Season Server Graduation quest can be used in normal servers.
 - You cannot graduate if the character has Fughar's Timepiece.
  • Added quest "Season Special Gift" to the winter 2022 season server.
Quest Name NPC Acceptance Requirement  Quest Objective Reward
[Season Special Gift]
Mystical Violet Dream
Fughar A Lv. 20 or higher season character or a character that has completed the
[Season Server Graduation] Into the Big Wide World quest
Talk to Fughar Season Special Gift Exchange Coupon x1
Cron Stone x50
Sour Green Grape Juice x10
Sweet Wild Berry Juice x10
Fresh Orange Juice x10
- You can exchange the Season Special Gift Exchange Coupon obtained from the aforementioned quest for one of the following special rewards from Fughar.            
* However, if you've already received the special season reward, you cannot receive the reward for that particular season again.            
- Adventurers who have not received any of the season special rewards can obtain the rewards from the previous season through the next Season.
Season  Season Special Gifts 
2020 Spring Season
PEN (V) Capotia Earring or PEN (V) Capotia Ring (Select one)
2020 Season
Perilla's Star
2020 Winter Season
PEN (V) Capotia Belt
2021 Summer Season
PEN (V) Capotia Necklace
2021 Season+
Advice of Valks (+100)
2021 Winter Season
Season: Drakania
Season: Dawn of Dragons
2022 Autumn Season
Winter Season
Advice of Valks (+100) Box
  • You can exchange Tuvala gear for boss gear with the Boss Gear Exchange Coupon via the following quests.
    • Talk to Fughar with the "[Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon" in your inventory to accept the following quests. You can only proceed with one of the following quests at a time.
[Season] Even Sharper Weapon: Kzarka Main Weapon
[Season] Even Sharper Weapon: Kutum Sub-weapon
[Season] Even Sharper Weapon: Dandelion Awakening Weapon
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Giath's Helmet
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Dim Tree Spirit's Armor
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Muskan's Shoes
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Bheg's Gloves


  • Changed the number of Lion Blood needed to replace Bear Blood from 2 to 1 when trying to do Alchemy.
  • Changed the number of Scorpion Blood needed to replace Fox Blood from 2 to 1 when trying to do Alchemy.
  • Adjusted the max price of the following elixirs in the Central Market.
Item Previous Max Price Changed Max Price
[Party] Elixir of Amity 146,000 178,000
Elixir 158,000 185,000
[Party] Elixir of Human Hunt 138,000 169,000
[Party] Elixir of Draining 281,000 306,000
[Party] Elixir of Demihuman Hunt 150,000 183,000
[Party] Elixir of Perforation 302,000 323,000
[Party] Elixir of Energy 62,000 86,000
[Party] Elixir of Wings 81,000 104,000
[Party] Elixir of Wind 146,000 172,000
[Party] Elixir of Swiftness 152,000 182,000
[Party] Elixir of Spells 136,000 173,000
[Party] Elixir of Concentration 50,000 75,000
[Party] Elixir of Will 84,000 112,000
[Party] Elixir of Resistance 89,000 119,000
[Party] Elixir of Life 51,000 85,500
[Party] Elixir of Clear Mentality 75,000 98,000
[Party] EXP Elixir 147,000 174,000
[Party] Elixir of Endurance 87,500 109,000
[Party] Worker's Elixir 146,000 181,000
[Party] Fisher's Elixir 133,000 187,000
[Party] Antidote Elixir 13,100 36,700
[Party] Elixir of Time 147,000 175,000
[Party] Elixir of Training 147,000 177,000
[Party] Helix Elixir 113,000 146,000
[Party] Elixir of Destruction 250,000 296,000
[Party] Elixir of Lethal Destruction 304,000 605,000
[Party] Elixir of Endless Persistence 258,000 280,000
Elixir of Lethal Destruction 252,000 585,000
  • Revised the [Event] Imperial Training Delivery that could be obtained from Imperial Delivery during the event to a yellow-grade item.
    • Bring the revised [Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice to NPC Gula to exchange them for the following items:
Item Needed Exchangeable Item
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x1 Swaying Wind Shard x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x1 Rumbling Earth Shard x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x3 Deep Blue Hoof Root x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x3 Rainbow Gem Fruit x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x3 Breezy Conch Seaweed x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x5 Brilliant Crimson Fire Flower x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x5 Fruit of Yianaros x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x5 Mysterious Blue Conch x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x20 Stonetail Wind's Meal x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x30 Courser's Aura x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x30 [Event] Horse Emblem Box
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x50 One "Granverre" horse gear (champron, barding, saddle, stirrups, or horseshoes)
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x150 Krogdalo Horse Gear Crafting Box
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x150 [Event] Tier 8 Horse Emblem Box
* Obtain [Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice only during the event period.


  • The [Playful] Pit-A-Pat Mole, which spawns at a low probability while Farming, will now dig in place instead of attempting to run far, far away.
  • Fixed the issue of [Wild] Phnyl chasing the adventurer for a very long distance.


  • Added a function where you can send back Traveler's Horse that was taken out via the stable keeper.
    • Now when you interact with a stable keeper, there will be an additional button to return the Traveler's Horse.
    • You can also return the Traveler's Horse via a button in the Mount Information window. (You must have dismounted from the horse.

Node & Conquest War

We give our sincerest thanks to our Adventurers who have been enjoying the pre-season of Node Wars.
Currently, we have been focusing on data from tiers 2 and 3, and have made adjustments to damage reduction rates to boost the intensity and fun of these battles, so we ask for your continuous support of this content.
  •  Adjusted Tier 2-3 stat limits such as AP and Damage Reduction limit as follows:
    • Tier 2 Node War
      • AP 532 → 514 (Reduced 18)
      • Damage Reduction 328 → 354 (Increased 26)
    • Tier 3 Node War
      • AP 585 → 572 (Reduced 13)
      • Damage Reduction 364 → 398 (Increased 34)
  • Adjusted so Tier 3 Node War Damage Reduction Rate only applies up to 25%.
  • You can check the information on the stat limit for each tier through the node icon on the world map, and the stats will be set based on the total stats in your Character Stats UI.
  • According to the above changes, the limit on stats applied to each tier are as follows.
Stat Limits by Node Tiers
Node Tier Tier 1 Beginner Tier 1 Intermediate Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
AP 245 335 514 572 No Limit
Damage Reduction 223 286 354 398
Accuracy 645 695 757 796
Evasion 741 805 870 922
Damage Reduction Rate 7% 14% 21% 26%
Accuracy Rate 15% 15% 20% No Limit
Evasion Rate 15% 15% 20%
Special Evasion 0% 0% 20%
Resistance 20% 30% 50%
  • Adjusted the durability of the following Tier 2-4 forts and annexes as follows:
Fort & Annex Node War Tier Max Durability Increase
Node Fort Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Flame Tower Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Enhanced Flame Tower Tier 3
Tier 4
Hwacha Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Big Hwacha Tier 3
Tier 4
Wooden Fence Gate Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Barricade/Flimsy Barricade Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Iron Barricade Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Recovery Center Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Conquest War
Cannon Observatory Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Conquest War
Elephant Nursery Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Conquest War
Supply Depot Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Conquest War
Indomitable Flag Factory Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Conquest War
Indomitable Flag Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Conquest War
NPC, Background, Sound
  • Changed so that reviving at the closest Safe Zone revives you near the Witch's Chapel entrance when dying at Witch's Chapel.
  • Improved the text that displays when viewing the Marniwave from the ESC menu without completing the Marniwave quest.
  • Optimized the chat window function.
  • Changed so the Guild Secretary can also join Officer chat.
  •  Changed the UI design to Maegu when exiting the game.
  • Added an Arena of Solare widget on the left side of the minimap.
  • Fixed so the Crystal Inventory and Crystal Presets cannot be checked when playing Arena of Solare and Abyss One: The Magnus content.
  • Changed the icon of the Black Desert launcher.
  • This icon will display differently according to the changes made on PC settings.
▲ When set to "Extra large icons" ▲ When set to "Small icons" ▲ Taskbar icon
  • Adjusted the icon size and changed the alignment of the Pearl Shop "view details" and "purchase" windows.
The Guild Bonus Payout System has been revamped to make the distribution of bonuses easier and more convenient.
Points will be allotted based on guild activity, and bonuses will be allotted based on those accumulated points. (Unlike the accumulated 'Guild Activity' based on your contribution to guild experience, 'Guild Points' are used solely for bonuses and disappear when paid.)
Though there is a default setting for how points are distributed based on Guild Activity, such settings can be changed to whatever fits the guild's preferences.
As for guild members, all they need to do in this revamped system is submit a point form based on their accumulated Guild Activity. This will set the incentive level for when bonuses are allotted. 
However when participating in Node/Conquest Wars, such point forms will be submitted automatically.
We have also introduced the new position of 'secretary', who will be in charge of these applications. The secretary will help the guild leader to make point application management more convenient.
Once all point applications are submitted and managed, the guild masters and advisors will be able to distribute the bonuses right away. For those who have completed special activities in addition to the designated activities, their bonuses can be manually distributed.
In this revamped Guild Contribution (Point) System, points can be allotted to all members to be used on special occasions or guild events, or Guild Allowances can be adjusted in bulk. We hope this will make the guild experience more enjoyable.

Guild Contribution (Point) System

  • Revamped to make the distribution of bonuses easier and more convenient.

Guild Points

  • Points will be allotted based on the guild member's activity, and bonuses will be allotted based on those accumulated points
    • Guild Points can be earned through the following activities and will be reset once paid out.
Obtaining Guild Point
1. Guild Point Form
2. Participating in Node/Conquest Wars
    •  Accumulated points will be used to set the incentive level automatically during payout, according to the criteria set by the guild master.
      • The set point criteria will stay in place until it is changed, regardless of when the payout occurs.
      • The incentive level can be changed whenever the guild master wishes.

[Guild Members] Guild Point Form

  • Guild members can apply for Guild Points through the "Guild Point Form".
    • The Guild Points obtained through the Guild Point Form will depend on the Guild Activity criteria set by the guild master/advisor.
    • Points are obtained when the form is approved by the guild master, adviser, or secretary.
      • However, these point forms will be submitted automatically when participating in Node/Conquest Wars.

[Guild Members] Guild Activity

  •  The activities that will earn you points through the form are as follows.
    • However, points obtained through activities (general, guild missions, PvP participation, etc.) will depend on the criteria set by the guild master/advisor.
      • The amount of points obtained through Node/Conquest Wars cannot be changed.
Guild Activities (Default Settings)
1. General
2. Guild Missions/Crafting
3. Guild Boss Subjugation
4. PvP Participation
5. Node/Conquest War Participation
(Point distribution criteria can be changed for all but Node/Conquest Wars)

New Position - Secretary

  • Introduced the new position of secretary, who will be in charge of managing guild points.
    • The secretary will have the rights of an officer, with the additional responsibility of approving/rejecting point forms.
    • Only one secretary can be appointed per guild.

[Guild Master, Advisor, Secretary] Point Menu

  • Point forms can be approved/rejected from the Request Approval menu.
  • The guild master and advisor can distribute points to all guild members through the Distribute Points menu.
  •  You can set the point criteria by Guild Activity through the Set Points menu.

[Guild Master, Advisor] Distribute Bonus

  • When it comes time for payout, you can distribute the bonuses through the "Guild Bonus" button on the Guild Member Status tab.
    • In the Guild Bonus UI, you can have the bonuses of each level automatically set based on accumulated Guild Points.
      • As point criteria can be changed at any time, bonuses at each level can also be manually distributed.
    • After checking the details of the bonus settings, the guild master/advisor can distribute the bonuses through the 'Distribute Bonus' button.

[Guild Master, Advisor] Set Allowance

  • Click the "Set Allowance" button on the left of the Guild Member Status tab to set allowances, which can be changed any time.
    • In the Set Allowances window, guild members can be classified up to 5 levels according to points accumulated, and allowances can be set for each level.
  • Following the implementation of the point system, the "Support Funds" button from the Guild Member Status tab has been moved to the Guild Information tab.
  • Changed the UI font for the Search feature on the official website.
  • Added class introduction for the New Class: Maegu.
  • Changed so the Family name of deleted accounts displays as "Unknown" in Oasis of Knowledge.
  • Improved the sorting order of finished events.
  • Fixed the issue where the white space under certain posts in the Adventurer's Board (F2) - Oasis of Knowledge would appear abnormally.
  • Changed and unified the following terms in Spanish:
    • Endurecedor de contrachapado → Endurecedor de madera

Modified or Changed

  • Fixed the issue where you could not unacquire [Nova] Star's Call, Star's Ring skills.
  • Fixed the issue where upon equipping [Sage] Keraunos Armor, and Winterland Soiree Gloves together, certain parts of the gloves appeared awkwardly.
  • Fixed the issue where Western Guard Camp Miguel's Reclamation Box was being displayed abnormally in certain situations.
  • Fixed the typos in the following situations:
    • Upon interacting with the Architect's Kyvelan Hexahedron during [Solo] Enter Atoraxxion: Yolunakea.
    • During the quest "Surveying the Excavation Site."
    • Certain words within Taxidermy knowledge
    • Igor Bartali's Adventure Log Vol. 8 Chapter 1
    • Upon using the Worker's repeated task feature.
  • Fixed the issue where unavailable NPC information would display upon checking knowledge on Mythical Feather in the Crafting Notes.
  • Fixed the awkward wording in the Oquilla's Flower item description.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not exchange Asula's accessory with NPC Herbin located at Grána.
  • Fixed the issue where [Tavern Owner] Santo of Mountain of Eternal Winter would proceed with duplicate sales of rum.
  • Fixed the issue where the quest widget would not update normally upon proceeding with a quest after having accepted 24 quests.
  • Fixed the issue where the preset and Disable Mode feature would not work properly when using Hotkeys to disable the mode settings while the character is moving in Combat Focus Mode.
  • Fixed so certain item icon background images would align properly in the Pearl Shop (F3).
  • Fixed the issue where the emphasis effect for items purchased from the Central Market would display unnaturally in the Warehouse in certain situations.
  • Fixed the directional text that is displayed for file compression errors to be more clear.
  • Fixed the issue of compensation for only the winning team occurring during the Conquest War participation contribution payout.
  • Fixed so additional records don't display in Recent Memory UI.
  • Fixed the issue of remote installation UI disappearing upon pressing ESC when entering with remote installation mode.
  • Fixed the issue where upon equipping [Dark Knight] Secrua Vediant with gloves, certain parts of the arm appeared abnormal.
  • Fixed so you can purchase passes via the mini purchase window upon clicking locked daily special pass rewards.
  • Fixed the size of the modify comment button in More Details within the Beauty Album.
  • Fixed so certain UI for Courser Training (Dream Horse Awakening) would match with the background.
  • Fixed the issue where the Change Server screen would be displayed awkwardly.
  • Fixed the order of Create Character UI for Gamepad UI mode.
  • Fixed the issue of Land Mount Call Distance displaying as 300.
  • Fixed the issue of not being able to deactivate Cron Stone usage when running out Cron Stones during Courser Training (Dream Horse Awakening)
  • Fixed the following when using Crystal presets for Gamepad UI mode.
  • Fixed the issue of the item tooltips in Crystal presets displaying in PC version.
  • Fixed the issue of the snapping moving when selecting or unselecting crystals in removal mode.
  • Fixed the issue of the name tab snapping when pressing name/group filter.
  • Fixed the issue of the preset name overlapping with the key guide.
  • Fixed the issue of the delete effect displaying when extracting crystal occasionally.

Changes and Fixes

  • The issue where guild point applications were not sending as intended has been fixed.

Changes and Fixes

  • [Maegu] Prime: Foxspirit: Deceiver skill duplicate has been improved to now wear the colors that you have dyed your outfits with when using the Color Palette function.
  • An issue where the character UI was displayed differently with Maegu has been fixed.
  • Fixed the issue where the client might shut down when placing the 'Paw-doodle: Maegu' item in the Residence or Manor.

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