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Artifact – Beta Update | 28.11.2018

Artifact – Beta Update | 28.11.2018
Small things changed before the release which is less than 19 hours.
Small Update:
  • Fixed a bug where the opponent's Deck Tracker was completely filled at game start in Gauntlet and casual matchmaking games. It is intended that you can see the opponent's full deck list during tournament games to reduce the value of scouting. You will also be able to see the full opponent's deck list in private lobbies. In other modes, the opponent's Deck Tracker will update based on what cards you've seen, and cards you know to be present (e.g., hero signature cards).
  • Added the Deck Tracker keys to the key binding menu.
  • Added an in-game comic viewer to the client.
  • Updated the localization files.

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