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0.60.1 Patch Notes | AI Fixes, and New Visual Enhancements

0.60.1 Patch Notes | AI Fixes, and New Visual Enhancements


  • Ball Physics Improvement: The ball's rebound force from the goal frame (posts and crossbar) has been increased to ensure more realistic behavior.

  • Foul Detection Fix: Fouls are now correctly registered in situations where the goalkeeper of the offending team manages to save the ball after the foul is called.

  • Interception Behavior Correction: Player behavior during ball interceptions has been fixed for throw-ins using the Y-button pass.

  • Goalkeeper Action Optimization: Save algorithms have been updated to reduce the chances of deflecting the ball directly to an opposing striker.

AI Assist, Bot

  • Kick-Off Exploit Removed: The ability to execute an easy through pass behind defenders immediately after kick-off has been fixed.

    • The defensive line now positions itself closer to the goal after kick-off to enhance defensive stability.

    • Defenders actively track attacking players making runs for long passes after the ball is played from the center, ensuring better marking and response.

  • Free Kick Positioning Adjustment: Player positioning for short passes during free kicks has been corrected. Players no longer obstruct the shooting line toward the goal.

  • Goalkeeper Interception Adjustments:

    • Goalkeepers' ability to step up to the edge of the penalty area during interceptions has been limited.

    • Improved prediction algorithms determine if the goalkeeper will reach the ball first. Now, goalkeepers attempt interceptions only when they can reach the ball before any other player.

  • Position Recovery Fix: Fixed goalkeeper behavior when out of position. When returning to the goal, the goalkeeper now prioritizes a closer position to the goal line.

  • Defense Line Fixes:

    • Resolved excessive narrowing of the defensive line during shots on goal.

    • Fixed abrupt directional changes of the defensive line following aerial passes.

  • Offside System Refinement: The offside system has been refactored. Offside lines are now recalculated during replays to provide more accurate visual representation.

  • Standard Situation Improvements: Bot behavior during set pieces—including corners, free kicks, goal kicks, and throw-ins—has been corrected for better tactical execution.

Audio and Visual

  • UI Bug Fixes

  • Goal Net Sound Adjustment

  • The appearance of 100+ low-rated players has been improved.

  • Photos for 580+ players were updated

  • Introduced animated skins for card sets of the third rarity tier (Epic).

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